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Ankylosing spondylitis, chronic fatigue improved after stromal vascular fraction treatment


J Med Case Rep. 2018 Aug 29;12(1):238. doi: 10.1186/s13256-018-1776-y.
Ankylosing spondylitis, chronic fatigue and depression improved after stromal vascular fraction treatment for osteoarthritis: a case report.
Bright B1, Bright R1, Bright P1, Limaye A2.
Author information

Osteoarthritis is a prevalent chronic disease that impacts quality of life and imposes a heavy economic burden. Despite this there is no confirmed treatment that could prevent progressive destruction of osteoarthritic joints. Mesenchymal stem cells with their regenerative and immunosuppressive properties have emerged as a potential therapy.

This case study describes the impact of autologous adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction treatment on a 27-year-old Australian woman with osteoarthritis and multiple comorbidities of ankylosing spondylitis, chronic pain syndrome, and post-traumatic stress disorder as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index, and Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score. Following standardized stromal vascular fraction treatment protocols for osteoarthritis of her hips and knee, the functional status of her hips was measured by Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score at 3 months, 6 months, and 3 years.

Our patient showed dramatic improvements to her quality of life and symptoms of osteoarthritis were reduced. Interestingly, along with improvements in her knee and hips her other comorbidities such as ankylosing spondylitis, depression, anxiety, and fatigue exhibited marked improvement. She ceased the use of a wheelchair and walking support and, with increased mobility, had gained independence. These findings are suggestive of the therapeutic effects of stromal vascular fraction.

Adipose derived; Ankylosing spondylitis; Depression; Mesenchymal stem cells; Osteoarthritis; Stromal vascular fraction


The obvious question you're asking at this point is:

What the frick is stromal vascular fraction?

And it seems like it's a sort of stem cell type thing, that comes as a by-product of liposuction!

There's stem-cell esque things in your fat and so once they do the liposuction they can separate them out. It is new but apparently widely in use these days , low risk, and a burgeoning field of research:

Stem Cells. 2018 May 15. doi: 10.1002/stem.2847. [Epub ahead of print]
Concise Review: Using Fat to Fight Disease: A Systematic Review of Nonhomologous Adipose-Derived Stromal/Stem Cell Therapies.
Bateman ME1,2, Strong AL1,3, Gimble JM1,2,4,5,6, Bunnell BA1,7,8.
Author information

The objective of this Review is to describe the safety and efficacy of adipose stem/stromal cells (ASC) and stromal vascular fraction (SVF) in treating common diseases and the next steps in research that must occur prior to clinical use. Pubmed, Ovid Medline, Embase, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library were searched for articles about use of SVF or ASC for disease therapy published between 2012 and 2017. One meta-analysis, 2 randomized controlled trials, and 16 case series were included, representing 844 human patients. 69 studies were performed in preclinical models of disease.

ASCs improved symptoms, fistula healing, remission, and recurrence rates in severe cases of inflammatory bowel disease. In osteoarthritis, ASC and SVF improved symptom-related, functional, radiographic, and histological scores. ASC and SVF were also shown to improve clinical outcomes in ischemic stroke, multiple sclerosis, myocardial ischemia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, chronic liver failure, glioblastoma, acute kidney injury, and chronic skin wounds.

These effects were primarily paracrine in nature and mediated through reduction of inflammation and promotion of tissue repair. In the majority of human studies, autologous ASC and SVF from liposuction procedures were used, minimizing the risk to recipients. Very few serious, treatment-related adverse events were reported. The main adverse event was postprocedural pain. SVF and ASC are promising therapies for a variety of human diseases, particularly for patients with severe cases refractory to current medical treatments. Further randomized controlled trials must be performed to elaborate potential safety and efficacy prior to clinical use. Stem Cells 2018.

Adipose stem/stromal cells; Adult stem cells; Autologous stem cell transplantation; Cellular therapy; Mesenchymal stem cells; Stromal vascular fraction cells; Tissue regeneration
