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Acetyl-l-carnitine causes dizziness?


Senior Member
I started taking Acetyl-l-carnitine yesterday and I am feeling super dizzy since then. Did anyone else experience such reaction? Is it normal, will it go away after some days?



Senior Member
NAC n-acetyl carnitine caused awful headaches in me when I tried it I couldnt take it
its my understanding that may indicate CPn but i never had energy to figure out if i have that not


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Start slower, maybe 1/2 the capsule tablet every other day etc and slowly build your way up. I initially got overstimulated by it. I just put up with feeling yuk at 500mg but backed off to every other day until i felt ok on it. So initially the days i took it i new i was going to feel bad and compensated for this, but it didnt take long to get use to at all.



Senior Member
I have ME according to ICC, with brainfog and PEM being my main sympotoms, and pain being the mildest symptom.

I have taken Acetyl-l-carnitine 1g together with L-Carnitine 2g daily for 6 months and I didn't experience any side effect except for nausea if I took it on an empty stomach.


Senior Member
I started taking Acetyl-l-carnitine yesterday and I am feeling super dizzy since then. Did anyone else experience such reaction? Is it normal, will it go away after some days?


Absolutely. I started two weeks back. Facing major neuro and neuropsych issues. Dizziness,headaches,nausea,tingling,numbness,buzzing,weird things like touch sensitivity!,insomnia,anxiety, ALL symptoms intensified!
I'm still facing them, so can't say when the startup(ATP startup? ) will go away. I started Alpha Lipoic Acid with ALCAR and it smoothes things just a bit. I don't know when it will go away, I was almost bedridden for the past two days and today I feel a bit better. I've faced MASSIVE startup with adb12 and ALCAR. You should go in for a careful titration. Start with a smaller dose and slowly increase, as your body allows.Or you can split the dose into two parts(morning and evening).At least that's what I'm trying to do, otherwise I'll have to leave it for some days to feel some comfort.

Also,Freddd recommends carnitine to be taken on an empty stomach.
I recently starded up Acetyl L-carnitine. Worked really well for me until i suddenly had an increase in fatigue, abdominal cramps, sore muscles, lack of muscle power and so on. At that time i was reading Freddds' post about the methylation protocol and the need for potassium supplementation. I looked up the signs of hypokalaemia and they did seem to match. Now i take about 1g potassium a day and have none of the above mentioned symptoms left.

Maybe your dizzynes is due to hypokalaemia decreasing cardiac function/output. If you have other side effects similar to hypokalaemia, supplementing with potassium might be an option to try.


Senior Member
Yes, I also found an increase in the potassium and also methylfolate need after starting carnitine.


Senior Member
Thanks everyone. I will get some potassium. Today, however, the dizziness was much better, I felt really great, but when I came home from work I was suddenly getting symptoms of hypoglycemia, low blood sugar. I ate something and it got better, but now I am really hungry and could eat without stopping. Could this also be attributed to the l-carnitine? I think I will reduce the l-carnitine the next day and start with half of it.