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Livestream on Tuesday with Dr. Ron Davis on panel after Unrest screening


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I'm going to paste in the panelists as this sounds really interesting:

Lily Chu MD, MSHS has a background in internal medicine, geriatric medicine, and health services research. She is currently co-vice-president for the International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. She is interested in all aspects of ME/CFS ranging from pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment to epidemiology, healthcare provider education, and access to quality medical care.

Ronald Davis, PhD is a world leader in the development of biotechnology, especially the development of recombinant DNA and genomic methodologies and their application to biological systems. He directs the Stanford Genome Technology Center, where he and his research team develop new technologies for the genetic, genomic, and molecular analysis of model organisms and humans with a focus on clinical medicine, diagnostics, and biosensors. After his son became severely ill with ME/CFS in 2011, he shifted his research focus: he also directs Stanford’s Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Research Center where his team applies an array of technologies to improve the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of this debilitating disease.

José G. Montoya MD, FACP, FIDSA is originally from Cali, Colombia and completed his medical degree with honors at the Universidad del Valle. For the past 13 years, his research endeavors have included building a multidisciplinary team at Stanford University focused on elucidating the central pathogenesis of CFS. He has been able to centralize efforts of several Stanford and nationwide investigators in an attempt to understand the role of infection and the immune system in CFS. He is also the founder of the Immunocompromised Host Service (Infectious Diseases) at Stanford University Medical Center.

Allison Ramiller is a Master of Public Health candidate through the Online MPH program at UC Berkeley. She has always been passionate about working for the public interest and advancing public health, particularly for disenfranchised populations. Prior to joining SMCI, a leading organization focused on ME/CFS community engagement in research and treatment, she served as special assistant in the Washington office of the Brennan Center for Justice. Allison has a bachelor’s degree in psychology with minors in neuroscience and sociology from the University of California, Davis.


David Tuller MPH ’06, DrPH ’13 is a senior fellow in public health and journalism at the Center for Global Public Health at the School of Public Health. He was a reporter and editor for 10 years at the San Francisco Chronicle, and his work has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Health Affairs, and many other publications. Over the last two years, he has reported extensively on ME/CFS in his investigative series, “Trial By Error”, for the well-regarded science site, Virology Blog.

This is hosted by the UC Berkeley School of Public Helath and co-sponsored by the International Association for CFS/ME, Open Medicine Foundation, Stanford ME/CFS Initiative, Solve ME/CFS Initiative, and Workwell Foundation. Registration is recommended to attend.