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Guy self-injects a DIY experimental gene therapy for HIV


Senior Member
United States

Thought this was interesting. Obviously there is no shortage of concerns with things that could go wrong, but it's cool that something like this can be done on such a small scale. Also, there was some skepticism in the comments that the gene delivery method would even work in principle, but I'm not knowledgeable enough on the subject to know.

sarah darwins

Senior Member
Cornwall, UK
Wow. I'm rooting for the guy. I'm no better placed that you, undiagnosed, to have a clue if it could work, but I hope it does.

It might seem cray to some people, but after nearly two decades of illness I wouldn't need much persuading to do something similar.


Senior Member

Thought this was interesting. Obviously there is no shortage of concerns with things that could go wrong, but it's cool that something like this can be done on such a small scale.

Wow. I'm rooting for the guy.

brave guy! good for him

This is an interesting example and probably worth discussing more.

Can anyone explain to me why someone self-injecting with a DIY gene therapy should be applauded? Why dont we immediately recognize this as just another of the many many examples flooding the internet where pseudoscience is used to exploit vulnerable people (even an Immunology 101 student would know that the DIY guy has no biological or medical concept of what he is actually doing to himself). Why are people so willing to reject science, reject evidence-based approaches, reject clinical knowledge and even reject the most basic biological understanding medicine?
