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Beware homepathy


A warning to fellow PR members.

Homeopathy is at best a waste of money.

It has been documented many times, it is a bottle of water, you can easily google the bad points of it.

So think before you buy!

I have even seen it referred to as "a stinking pile of horse shit"

No lie.

You have been warned.


Senior Member
San Francisco
A warning to fellow PR members.

Homeopathy is at best a waste of money.

It has been documented many times, it is a bottle of water, you can easily google the bad points of it.

So think before you buy!

I have even seen it referred to as "a stinking pile of horse shit"

No lie.

You have been warned.
The people who need to pay attention to this won't.



The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
But my wife's sister's daughter's friend's cousin's dog walker swears homeopathy cured his gout, therefore its real :D
Also the study published in a magazine i have never heard of and deleted by the fat cats (hence can't be googled) proves anyone who disagrees is wrong. :lol:

Mrs Sowester

Senior Member
I think everyone who sells homeopathic remedies to gullible people should go to the homeopathic doctor if they get ill and only be given homeopathic treatments.
And if they complain they should be put in a homeopathic asylum where they are given homeopathic food and water until they learn their lesson!
Melbourne, Australia
What gets me is that homeopathy runs counter to not only common sense, but direct observation. If I dilute my alcoholic drink by half, I get only half as drunk. If I dilute it by 1:100, I won’t notice anything at all. Or else I’ll have to drink 100 shots.

separate to the homeopathy discussion .... low dose naltrexone DOES have a different effect than full strength ...


Oh, a word on water memory.

If you believe that water memory is a real phenomena, and remembers the like for like substance that it was once mixed with, then remember this also.

Enjoy your mouthful of human excrement memory, most of our water has been through the sewage system.


It gets filtered, screened, mixed with bacteriological agents... so all the nasties go, yet somehow it retains its "memory"?



Senior Member
United Kingdom
Oh, a word on water memory.

If you believe that water memory is a real phenomena, and remembers the like for like substance that it was once mixed with, then remember this also.

Enjoy your mouthful of human excrement memory, most of our water has been through the sewage system.


It gets filtered, screened, mixed with bacteriological agents... so all the nasties go, yet somehow it retains its "memory"?

If water can store "memory" in it's EZ as Pollack suggests then that means you wont be drinking sewage, etc because EZs can be easily broken.

Could water retain the EZ of a substance recently diluted long enough for your body to produce a reaction to it? Possibly but there is still a lot of ifs and maybes.


Senior Member
United Kingdom

Exclusion zones are a specific chemical effect due to diffusion processes, and as such, they don't explain homeopathy at all.

That's an interesting paper. I am having trouble wading through the technical terms, could you give me a quick explanation?

"Exclusion zones are a specific chemical effect due to diffusion processes"
What is diffusing? Is it the Nafion protons? As far as my knowledge goes the EZ is creating a gradient...

"A range of hypotheses have been formulated to account for EZ formation, including the emergence of excited coherent vibration modes of molecules in the membrane or the surrounding water that could create large dipole oscillations "

"Deryagin offered a similar explanation, by attributing the aureole formation around cells to long-range forces originating from electromagnetic vibrations; he also mentioned as a possible explanation forces of a diffusiophoretic nature arising in the presence of an electrolyte concentration gradient, but dismissed these in favor of the electromagnetic vibration hypothesis"

This seems to be inline with Pollacks theory. Interestingly enough his papers are quoted several times in the article.

The question for me is how does the information of the exclusion zone around the homeopathic substance get transferred to nearby exclusion zones?


Senior Member
The national trust give away jars of fresh air,It is meant to make you feel stress free,if you like homeopathy you may like this
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Senior Member
Certain types of homeopathic remedies do make sense scientifically: these are the homeopathic remedies based on very tiny doses of normally highly toxic compounds, such as venoms, plant toxins, and so forth.

Because these toxins are so potent, even very tiny doses are likely to have a physiological effect. After all, that's the principle of botox: using incredibly tiny amounts of botulinum toxin for beneficial purposes, whereas larger amounts would be fatal.

And along these lines, there is increased scientific interest in finding medical uses of very tiny doses of normally toxic substances such as venoms.

Recently @frederic83 told me that a rattlesnake venom (Crotalus horridus)-based homeopathic tablet made by Boiron permanently improved his chronic food sensitivities. He said that when he first took the rattlesnake venom tablets, he developed flu-like symptoms for 3 or 4 days. But then after this, he immediately noticed he had much less intolerances to foods. For example, he said he could eat fruits again.

This I can accept, because scientifically it makes sense. The homeopathic tablets he used were the 4C dilution, which is which is one of the lowest dilutions (4C is a dilution by 10^8), meaning that there is still quite a bit of the substance left in the water. It is only when you get up to higher 12C dilutions (dilution by 10^24) that you find you no longer have any molecules of the original substance left in your solution, based on Avogadro's constant of 6.02 × 10^23.

So I think an exception might be made in the case of low-dilution homeopathic tablets having minute doses of very highly toxic compounds. However, in general, like most people here, I am highly doubtful that homeopathic treatments will have any efficacy, apart from these toxin-based homeopathic treatments.
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