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Unrest screening in the UK


Senior Moment
Sussex, UK
The film Unrest will be screened in the UK in various places, but so far I only know of ones in London, Nottingham, Halifax, Newcastle and Crowborough. Nice to see Crowborough punching above its weight. The Unrest page lists most of them here (see.unrest.film/showtimes/) with links. For details of the Crowborough screening go to meetup.org.uk and follow the link.

Crowborough, not only has a new, easy-access building, but has plenty of free parking. What more could you ask?


Senior Member
Off topic, but it fits to the prior post. This really made me smile tonight in a very heated discussion on another thread, that is now closed so I couldn't share my joy. One letter changed the meaning considerably. :)
Each new applicant will be reviewed by the/ board and voted on my majority rule.
(I guess it meant "by".)
Sorry, I'll not longer derail this thread.
Thanks for letting anyone know Graham..plan to see the film on the 20th or 27th October at the Picturehouse in London, if anyone is around and would like to meet before the screening send me a pm, really looking forward to seeing this film :)


Senior Member
Great to see this complete. Well done on Jennifer Brea and everyone who helped make this happen.

So much else going that I have not kept upto date with the film.

One major niggle I have is this. It is on the main page of the website for Time for Unrest an is very prominent.

Jennifer Brea is about to marry the love of her life when she’s struck down by a fever that leaves her bedridden. When doctors tell her “it’s all in her head,” she turns her camera on herself and her community as she looks for answers and fights for a cure.

I don't understand why this is written. Did the doctor say that and what does that mean?

I have seen others like Julie Rehmeyer who claim that ME is not psychological say that ME is 'not in the head' .

It is most likely in the head. ME is neurological and that is in the head.

What they should say 'is in the mind' if they are saying it is not psychological. I just think it confuses the viewer and reduces the impact of the message.

Don't want to nit-pick but it has always annoyed me the head/mind confusion.

Is is just me or does anyone else think it is a bit odd denying or challenging that ME is not in the head?????


Senior Member
Jennifer Brea is about to marry the love of her life when she’s struck down by a fever that leaves her bedridden. When doctors tell her “it’s all in her head,” she turns her camera on herself and her community as she looks for answers and fights for a cure.

I don't understand why this is written. Did the doctor say that and what does that mean?

I have seen others like Julie Rehmeyer who claim that ME is not psychological say that ME is 'not in the head' .

It is most likely in the head. ME is neurological and that is in the head.
Hi @Yogi, English is not my first language, so I guess I'm the worst choice to answer this. :) I thought "it's all in the head" is an English phrase that means it's imagined? That it's not a psychological disease and not an organic disease, just a little too much listening to your body, a little hysteria, a little exaggeration, because you're bored, a woman, stressed or anxious. From my understanding to say it's not in the head doesn't mean it's not neurological, just that it's not imagined and that there is an organic basis. I'm sure someone else with better English skills can explain it better.


Senior Member
Just read this in another group. Unrest is looking for volunteers at UK screenings.
I am in need of some wonderful volunteers to assist me collect some Impact info at upcoming screenings in the UK. I would only need an hour max of your time. Feel free to pass on to any friends or contacts. Please email me lucy(at)shellafilms(dot)com with the cinema in the heading and your contact details, thanks so much! Lucy

18th October, Duke’s at Komedia, Brighton, 7:15-8:15
20th October, Picturehouse Central, London 7:45-8:45
21st October Stirling University, Scotland 1:45-3:00
21st October, Hackney Picturehouse, London 4:15-5:15
22nd October, Watershed, Bristol, 4:20-5:30
22nd October, Cambridge, 9-10
24th October, Cinema City, Norwich 7:30-8:30
26th October, Broadway Cinema, Nottingham, 7:30-8:30
27th October, Mac, Birmingham, 4:20-5:30
28th October, Fact, Liverpool, 4:20-5:30
28th October, Storyhouse Cinema, Chester, 4:20-5:30
29th October, Brixton Ritzy. 4:20-5:30
Our ME group isn't getting to see Unrest at the cinema anymore. We've been waiting to buy tickets for the last few weeks, and the website just said TBC.

We've since found out that its sold out! So we can't go. Apparently people rang in and bought the tickets even though it said they weren't for sale yet.

We're not happy about it. There is a second showing the following day.... But its only available to people who bring a baby with them aged under 2! :mad: :bang-head: So we can't go to that one either.

I donated a decent amount to the making of the film 5-6 years ago and i'm not gonna get to see the thing on the big screen. Just pre-ordered it on itunes, costing 4 times the amount that the cinema ticket would have cost :( Ho hum :(
Oooo just spoke to cinema, the following day (the bring a baby showing) is completely empty (but we still aren't allowed to go! :mad:)

She said the main one sold out almost instantly with it being a special event/premier/Q&A but because its so popular they will be screening it again during the following week so there's still a chance :)

I know which screening you're talking about. My mum is working with MENE to get other screenings shown in the area. There might be one at the Gala in Durham and possibly also Newcastle University.

Nice one! :thumbsup: Just heard that tyneside are hoping to move it into a larger room so the tickets might open again for the 25th

Edit: PS. I used to be a member of ME north east, but after moving house (5 miles away) i joined a different one slightly closer to me.
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Senior Member
I was surprised at Halifax
Leeds and Huddersfield have me/cfs groups
Think Leeds are doing a screening
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