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Reaching a Theta->Delta meditative state to aid relaxation?


Senior Member
Long time ago I was able to reach what you would call a "meditative" state (what I would call a prayerful state) in which means that your brain moves into producing Theta waves, then Delta waves.
I then suffered post traumatic stress disorder and find this state pretty impossible to get to now.

Are there any supplements or things I can try to enable my body to once again reach this Theta,Delta state?
I think it would greatly help me in my recovery from CFS. I have tried many times but my brain seems just too active. After 40 mins of directed relaxation, I can get down to a relaxed state but nowhere near what I was able to achieve before.

Any comments?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Are there any supplements or things I can try to enable my body to once again reach this Theta,Delta state?
Have you tried Holosync? I think they have a free demo. The theory is that their (used to be a CD) recording takes you from Beta to Alpha, to Theta to Delta. (not sure if I have the order correct) I do find it relaxing.