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Gastroparesis anyone?

About a month ago i developed what i strongly believe to be gastroparesis. I will be doing a gastric emptying test next month to see if that is the case. It all started when i overate one night about a month ago. I had also started taking zinc 50mg once a day.

I woke up the next day with extreme bloating and distention. Ever since that day i suffer:

-EXTREME stomach bloat minutes after eating
-Nausea feeling in back of throat for hours after eating small amounts of fats
-Wake up in the morning feeling like fat is in my stomach still

I have 0 pain and 0 vomitting. But it really is hell on earth. I used to be able to eat so much and no i can hardly eat at all even though i am hungry.

I stopped taking the zinc and i have been on a liquid diet ever since. 4 weeks have passed and it has not gotten better. I am starting to get very very depressed. Leading up to the start of the issue i was gorging on chilli as it was helping my digesiton. But i have no pain in my stomach so i dont think the chilli caused it.

While i wait for the gastric test, i was just curious if anyone could shed any light on my situation. Why would it suddenly happen after overheating?

For those with GP. How do you manage it? I am rapidly losing weight now.



Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
For those with GP. How do you manage it?
I wish. If it's mild you can get some semblance of control over it but when it's chronic and severe, you don't manage it, you adjust to living with it.

Regular small meals of low fat, low fibre foods from a low FODMAP diet. Adding digestive enzymes can help with breaking down food.

Domperidone (Motillium) or erythromycin is the usual first line treatment which your G.P. can prescribe without a gastroparesis diagnosis. Metoclopramide (Maxalon) works for some too but can have nasty neurological side effects.

I know of a few people that do well with the herbal preparation Iberogast. Don't launch straight into the full dose advised as it works for some at a smaller dose.
What are your thoughts on:

-High dose Alpha GPC (600-1200) a day for vagus nerve
-5HTP for gastric motility

Has anyone with GP tried those things? I am going to try licorice root.

I am hoping with time it goes away. I theorized that maybe i shocked my stomach abit with all the chilli i was eating leading up to the development of this issue. I was also taking very large doses of betaine (5000mg) with meals. However i never had stomach pains so i assumed it was OK.

I just read the reviews on ibergast and it looks like its worth a try !
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Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
What are your thoughts on:

-High dose Alpha GPC (600-1200) a day for vagus nerve
-5HTP for gastric motility

Has anyone with GP tried those things? I am going to try licorice root.

I am hoping with time it goes away. I theorized that maybe i shocked my stomach abit with all the chilli i was eating leading up to the development of this issue. I was also taking very large doses of betaine (5000mg) with meals. However i never had stomach pains so i assumed it was OK.

I just read the reviews on ibergast and it looks like its worth a try !
I don't know that I'm a good example to go by but I've given up on trying supplements. Nothing ever worked from the list of commonly tried things, Iberogast and acetylcholine inducers included but then, I don't even tolerate basic vitamins and minerals and haven't done so for a number of years.

Something to try is TENS Therapy or Interferential Therapy. Haven't seen many success stories with it but some people find it helps. Can work for chronic constipation in some cases too.
See external gastric pacemaker entry in this blog http://happytummydeliciouslife.blog...d-max=2016-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&max-results=5

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy was something I would have liked to try but can't it with having a gastric pacemaker implanted.
Well im taking iberogast 3x a day before 3 small meals. 50mg 5htp at night and 450mg licorice root in the morning.

Unbearable bloat is gone as long as i keep my meal timing perfect. But i still have "throat nausea "

Its not a nsusea felt in the head or stomach its this pre-vomit sensation in my throat. Its most common after eating fats. No burning