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Adrenal Panel Results

Been having many symptoms for years, including exercise intolerance, hypoglycemia, nausea, dizziness, low body temp, cold intolerance, etc etc. Just did an adrenal panel (saliva).

Cortisol results are: Morning - 33 (H), Noon - 4 (L), Afternoon - 4, Midnight - 2.
Insulin: <3 fasting and non fasting
Progesterone: 51
Salivary IgA: 13

Same test 4 years ago:
Cortisol results are: Morning - 14, Noon - 10, Afternoon - 7, Midnight - 3.
Insulin: 6 fasting and <3 non fasting
Progesterone: 17
Salivary IgA: 16

Doctor is starting me on a low dose of hydrocortisone morning and afternoon. 2.5 for both now and increasing gradually. Anyone see a cortisol curve like this? Opinions as to what is going on?
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I should also mention that I've been taking the HC for the last two days and it has made me feel absolutely and utterly exhausted, can barely function from being so tired! Almost a sedated feeling. I guess this is the opposite of what I was expecting.
I should also mention that I've been taking the HC for the last two days and it has made me feel absolutely and utterly exhausted, can barely function from being so tired! Almost a sedated feeling. I guess this is the opposite of what I was expecting.

2.5 mg? Seems like a very small dose. Try bumping it up to 5 mg in the mornings. Low morning cortisol is an indication of very poor adrenal output.
The test I just did showed my morning cortisol actually being quite high. It has switched since 4 years ago where it was low in the morning and high the rest of the day. Now I'm high in the morning but low the rest of the day. I will be upping to 5mg, I am very sensitive to all meds so we wanted to work up to it.
The test I just did showed my morning cortisol actually being quite high. It has switched since 4 years ago where it was low in the morning and high the rest of the day. Now I'm high in the morning but low the rest of the day. I will be upping to 5mg, I am very sensitive to all meds so we wanted to work up to it.

Apologies, I got the results mixed up. How do you feel upon waking? I had high morning cortisol last year and felt great when I woke up, but after breakfast and as the day progressed my symptoms would return.

Trial the 5mg dose at noon and afternoon and keep us updated on your progress. I'm currently suffering with secondary hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue and have similar symptoms to the ones you've described. Unfortunately I cannot get a hydrocortisone prescription so I've relied on adrenal cortex extracts and several conventional nutritional supplements like B5 and vitamin C with no success.

Most people respond quite well to hydrocortisone therapy, but adverse symptoms indicates a serious issue with HPA axis function.
I should also mention that I've been taking the HC for the last two days and it has made me feel absolutely and utterly exhausted, can barely function from being so tired! Almost a sedated feeling. I guess this is the opposite of what I was expecting.

Hello Arminta7, I found this article right here about the safe use of Hydrocortisone. I think it may prove helpful to you.


Basically it says 5-10mg is safe, with few side effects and it does not cause adrenal suppression at this level. So maybe you want to try that?
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I'm going for cortisol test next week. My doctor made it sound like it was a blood test, however I thought it was a saliva test or is that for adrenal function? Doc keeps blaming my exhaustion on sleep apnea. Yes I was DX with it many years ago but the CPAP machine didn't help much. It's only been the last few weeks where I have to drag myself through the day and take a nap most afternoons.
Hey arminta7, could you please update us on your progress and your experience with HC? It'd be interesting to see if it eventually relieved your symptoms or not.
