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How to raise low Tes + Estrogen while fighting infections?

Hello. I am male in early 30's. I have very low T, very very low E, hypothyroid, low cortisol. Adrenal fatigue, anhedonic depression, fairly severe CFS, dreadful low motivation, low physical and mental energy, lack of emotion, brain fog, difficulty communicating, etc.

I also have fungal infections on most my toes, and been treating it on my back with creams and nizoral. Also have been having issues with scalp acne flare ups and possible fungus. Redness and rashes on face, and small red dots on my face below my eyes and above cheeks. Redness on nose and upper left cheek.

A lot of hormonal treatments for low T and low E cause my fungus and rashes to become worse. Especially AndroGel, LGD-4033, Clomid, and even Estriol creams.

Regarding my infections and how to treat them I don't have a clue. The doctors just give me creams and are unwilling to give me anything to treat me internally. Now if it's fluconazole that could make candida worse in some cases due to anti-biotic action. I have oral suspension Nystatin I could try and may do so soon. A lot of supplements that have anti-fungal action btw give me severe dysphoric negative aggressive mood die off reactions. I even become downright hostile. This must be from all the toxins that are released. It is difficult to tolerate on any reasonable level.

Additionally since infections such as candida can feed off of estrogen and thus lowering the levels if my infections are treated I theorize my estrogen + other hormones can improve.

But if I cannot adequately treat my infections at the moment then what can I do in the meantime to raise my hormones without worsening my infections??? Especially how can I safely raise estrogen?? I am sick and tired of having nearly no empathy and positive emotion left. I used to be such a kind, compassionate and deeply loving person. There just feels like there is almost none of me left anymore.

Please if anyone has any ideas just let me know. I see a doctor later this week I think. have lump in my neck a cm away from my spine too. Been having trouble keeping weight on. Chills while eating certain foods and generally not appealing immune responses to the infections and rashes. I will try to get cancer screening etc. Not sure what other basic tests they can do. There is a lot of push back here from Canadian doctors when it comes to testing. Forgot to mention I also have lot of nasal agitation and dust allergies. I often wake up feeling like a lifeless zombie. What kind of tests would be recommended? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Just want to start getting my life back on track.
Anyone have insight on the relation of fungal infections, immune disorders, and hormone issues when it comes to CFS? Lot of it is connected but difficult to know what to target with treatment.


Senior Member
What kind of tests would be recommended? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Get an insulin assay. Fasting insulin and glucose are measured then you drink glucose and measure insulin and glucose again every 30 min for 2, 3 , 4 or 5 hours.


Senior Member
Have you tried tea-tree on your fungal problems?

I reacted really badly to Nystatin and also antibiotics. In my case it wasn't until I took antivirals that I began to tolerate antibiotics. In my own case I don't think everything is a herx (die off).

Dealt with my own fungal problems with diet, supplements and ketaconazole in the early years then tea-tree in shampoos, lotions or washes if needed since then.

No hormone experience sorry.

Really sorry to hear how you are suffering, Can you see a CFS experienced doctor?
p.s. I'm female with ME (as per Ramsay, low cortisol, chronic sinus infections)


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I personally think low testosterone is common in ME. I have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) which causes high testosterone and I have all the facial hair and extremely hairy legs to show that (I'm female), the ME though has not only counteracted my high testosterone, its actually been able to cause it to go low.

I think males can get testosterone injections. My specialist inserted a testosterone implant into my tummy fat, it was way too much for me though and made me very aggressive and sex crazy when I was too sick to have relationships so I then ended up wanting it removed. (I'm way sensitive to things including hormonal things).

Most females who have tried to get their low testosterone treated do very poorly with it but Ive heard for quite few ME males I know who have had this treated with testosterone, it was a positive thing to do.


Senior Member
Queensland, Australia
Sounds like you are suffering a whole lot of bad. In response to your quandary as to where to start, I suggest going with raising your testosterone. The hormone gel you mention, like testogel, is just for maintaining levels not to raise them and will not help if you are that low. Plus rubbing it on does affect the skin as do patches. It also can transfer the hormone to anyone you are intimate with. Primoteston, Sustanon or Reandron in regular injections is the best way to keep up your t-levels. Implants are notorious for giving massive hits then waning off. Low testosterone alone will give you exceedingly low energy and motivation. Once this is better the estrogen may take care of itself. Raising testosterone is doable and fast acting so it will hopefully improve your symptoms and help give you energy to address the more difficult issues. Make sure you consult a sexual health doctor or endocrinologist.

The symptoms you list are familiar to me as I have a dear friend with Kleinfelters Syndrome and he has had a lot of the same issues including the bouts of aggression and severe depression due to low testosterone and has just had a 'messy' time with hormones. But getting his Testosterone right is the key to all the other problems. He has not been advised to do anything about oestrogen levels.

DHEA is an androgen that creates some of the testosterone in men and women, moreso in women. You can get supplements over the counter but not a lot is properly known and there is a lot of hype which some researchers are not happy about. One of the objections to artificial dosing of testosterone is that the body recognises that there is an increase and ceases to make the stuff itself. However, a lot of the info out there is for body builders and people who want to improve their sex-drive. If your levels are pathologically low your body will never make enough of it and even with supplements it will not reach a level that will alleviate the symptoms.

The rashes and redness and reactions, as you say, are all part of the low hormones so won't improve on their own. Perhaps an antihistamine might be of benefit for a while? I'm not sure what you are saying about the results of low oestrogen. you are not miserable and emotionless in your mood because of low oestrogen. Testosterone is a great mood stabiliser and will help to make you feel better. It's a very important part of the body's restorative mechanisms.

Hope this helps.
@IcyBlue22 how long you been sick mate?

Thanks for the replies guys. I will try to look into some of this when I feel bit more clear headed.

I been sick since I was 18. Now I am early 30's. I had some periods of improvement to my wellbeing with various anti-depressants at different times but they would often lose effect after several months. Ritalin and other stimulants would give some short term miraculous effects especially ability to experience pleasure but these days it more often causes agitated prone to stress and prone to anxiety effects. My cortisol is Very low and likely has been downregulated.

Thing is that about 2.5 years ago is when things got really really bad. I think it may stem from infection or virus of some sort because I was drinking from a very dirty canteen. I didn't even notice it was dirty but one day I had it to the light and looked inside and it was filthy. This was when I was in a month's worth of gradual decline. Stagnant water can cause bacterial and viruses to thrive and I had no clue how bad things were in there. I was too absentminded at the time.

Recently certain hormonal treatments have been able to help in short term but they cause fungal skin infections to get worse and Clomid for instance causes severe red rashes on my face. Even without the hormone meds my skin on my face looks very unhealthy and some odd spots here and there. Could very likely be Mold infection of sorts. Supplements that react to mold gave me bizarre reactions. DigestGold w ATP+ for instance I found is a mold based digestive enzyme. It gave me some remarkable short term energy and alertness but within the hour I would have dark ugly spots appearing on my face. This is likely a mold reaction.

Also have sinus issues, lot of stuffy nose and allergy agitation in there. Maybe sinus infection but I am not certain. I been having some off and on issues past few weeks like sour taste in back of my mouth and others. Short term tramadol use gave me some tiny anhedonia relief but made me feel sick so I quit it.

I tried DHEA in the past and even as recently as few weeks ago. Even a low dose was turning my facial hair white. I don't recall how else it effected me but I know it wasn't positive.

I wish I could somehow upregulate my cortisol and raise dopamine as well. I have almost no pleasure in my life anymore. Androgel makes me smell like cheese and infections get worse. I just don't know what the hell to do.

Very common problem these days btw is lot of CHILLS, cold chills often after eating or when taking supplements or just occurring at various random times. My face bit yellow. And it's often very difficult to communicate in any intelligent manner.
Have you tried tea-tree on your fungal problems?

I reacted really badly to Nystatin and also antibiotics. In my case it wasn't until I took antivirals that I began to tolerate antibiotics. In my own case I don't think everything is a herx (die off).

Dealt with my own fungal problems with diet, supplements and ketaconazole in the early years then tea-tree in shampoos, lotions or washes if needed since then.

No hormone experience sorry.

Really sorry to hear how you are suffering, Can you see a CFS experienced doctor?
p.s. I'm female with ME (as per Ramsay, low cortisol, chronic sinus infections)

I had some greater clarity hours after taking Nystatin btw but felt sick for 3 days after it. A small bit of tramadol may have made things worse too. Here are some rough notes I made when I was worried about how I was feeling. It passed though:

"the day itself didn't feel any worse, in fact more clarity in evening, but darker vision/perspective, I felt quite warmerr and bit odd in bed, when I woke up the next day I felt bit sick and not quite nauseated but similar. felt like my bed absolutely stunk something sour and gross. Yet even when i got out of bed I felt sick and not right. The sour gross scent still present. Whether it's my body odor or something with my sinuses and senses I am not sure. (though later in the day I noticed I been sweating under my arms more than usual). Vision notably darker that same morning, more negative perspective. Even some visual ugliness when looking at images of people. Some type of general underlying dysphoria. 2 days later: some noticable fucking WARTS on left hand, at least 4 warts, NEW ones this morning. dark vision and poor level of attraction. 3 days later: still feeling off and sour odor is persistent. What the hell happened to me? Ii constantly smell like something sour and disgusting. I don't understand what this is. Also lot of gas especially during mornings. My gas smells different. Difficult to describe. I wish I could articulate this better but I been incredibly foggy lately and it's difficult to express myself adequately. Is this just die off? How long will it last? " --State of mind 3 days or so after Nystatin 1/2 teasp.

I have tried Tea-Tree shampoo a bit. Makes my skin burn up a bit but mostly if it's near my face or forehead. Scalp it doesn't burn much. I tried on my chest and back and seems ok but not sure how much it improves. Most my skin issues are around my face now but I'm not sure what it is, mold or whatnot. I don't think treating the surface is enough. Something inside of me has to change. I tried garlic clove raw a few times in the past 4 days. The first time when I was up next afternoon I had bit more clarity of thought but it may have been coincidental and other supplements may have played a role. The 2nd time I used garlic clove for bed I felt lousy when I got up. And upon initial ingestion it felt absolutety disgusting and almost nauseating. Maybe that's a good sign though. I will retry some again in near future and hopefully it can kill off something bad inside me. Apple Cider Vinegar I hope to try as well.

btw i feel another reason I feel a virus or infection could be involved is how I sometimes have significant reduction in brain fog from using low dose Resveratrol Forte, which can inhibit infections such as candida, have effect on mucus, etc. Similar w Pterostilbene. But it causes my skin to wrinkle and dry up. Not worth it long term. I used too much resveratrol 3+ years ago and it was causing some serious issues including lasting wrinkles and collagen loss on sides of my face. Resveratrol has effects on hormones so maybe it downregulated a few things. It's dangerous stuff unless in moderation. Which I had a replacement for it. Because a few of the things it does well it does remarkably well including giving me access to more loving and kind thoughts.
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Senior Member
Queensland, Australia
This problem with fungal infections and warts and then severe reactions all sounds like a problem with your immune system. A lot of treatments, including dietary supplements, are for maintaining health and won't address actual deficiencies if your body is so depleted and can't provide the material. I'm assuming you have had tests for determining your white cell counts and ratios.