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PACE trial is research ?

Dublin, Ireland
The PACE trial continues to be mired in controversey. PACE and its authors contains the seeds of its own self destruction.
From a scientific & medical perspective and legal perspective, the following needs to be communicated to all doctors and medical professionals.
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Dublin, Ireland
You know I never understood the whole PACE thing until I realize that PACE is a business model and the way they depend on this diseases to survive and recruit practitioners.

Even the paedophiles have business models, jimmy saville and his rich friends had business models. Some business models need to be put out of business.


Rebel without a biscuit
HI @Hermes

# of the links work & I have tweeted.
The third link did not work for me. I tried multiple times and got the 404 page not found.

And do you have suggestions as to how to communicate the info in these links.
Thanks for posting this.


Rebel without a biscuit
Hmmm, I'm still getting the same message.
It's possible it's my computer but the other links still work.
Perhaps if there are others who might try the link?