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Thundergod Vine


"Deal with it"
Illinois, USA
I was wondering if anyone had tried this herbal supplement before. I am tempted to try it for the antiviral and weight loss benefits..


Animal and human studies, as well as in vitro models, have shown thunder god vine to exert effects in autoimmune diseases. Interference in cytokine transcription, response of mononuclear cells, generation of cytotoxic T-cells, prostaglandin secretion, IL-2 production, and inhibition of T-cell and B-cell proliferation are among the suggested mechanisms. 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 The major immunosuppressive activity is due to the diterpenoids triptolide and tripdiolide. 2 , 16 Other chemical compounds may also be involved. 17 , 18

Improvements in both patient- and physician-rated tenderness, swelling, and morning stiffness have been demonstrated. Laboratory indices of the disease, including erythrocyte sedimentation rate, immunoglobulin G, immunoglobulin M, immunoglobulin A, and C-reactive protein also improved. 2 , 20 , 21 , 22 A trial conducted among US participants in 2005 found a greater effect for a T. wilfordii extract than sulfasalazine in treating RA over 24 weeks, with similar adverse event rates. 23

Other effects
Neotripterifordin showed potent anti-HIV replication activity in vitro. 24 , 25 Triptofordin C-2 and other sesquiterpene components of thunder god vine have been evaluated for their antiviral activity, including activity against human cytomegalovirus. 26


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
It looks interesting but some contraindications. It also said because of adverse events no clinical a have been done

Contraindications have not been determined. Due to immune suppression, thunder god vine preparations should not be used in immune-compromised patients.


Senior Member
New Zealand
I have a packet of this on my shelf, waiting for me to try. I'm just finishing up with another treatment that didn't work and may move on to trying this one.


Senior Member
New Zealand
Sorry, I haven't tried it yet. I've been busy and then of course a bit worse than usual so haven't had the energy to start it.


"Deal with it"
Illinois, USA
Sorry, I haven't tried it yet. I've been busy and then of course a bit worse than usual so haven't had the energy to start it.

Thanks... I'm just so curious about anything that will increase energy levels. The Chantix has been amazing for me - increased my energy so much. And also helped me quit smoking... lol
Really interesting what you say about chantix, I was just reading nicotine can downregulate some cytokine activity through the acetylcholine pathways.

Has it reduced your CFS fatigue or been a stimulant?