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Father Forced into Psychiatric Hospital for Peacefully Protesting against Wi Fi


Senior Member

" International experts are increasingly warning about the impacts of wireless radiation exposure to all of us, especially children.

Stephen Clarke protested Wi-Fi in his children’s school in Northern Ireland. It was a peaceful protest to raise awareness to this issue.

For doing that, he was incarcerated at a psychiatric hospital in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and is being forcibly medicated. He has been held there for over 12 weeks (Sept.4 update below)."


Senior Member
He will probably only be allowed to leave once he confirms the delusions of the psychiatrist. The psychiatrist then has another "success story" to justify the practice of locking people away and torturing them. Just like the inquisition.
Little Bluestem wrote: "Of course "The Wessel" is involved in this!"


Nowhere in the article does it say that Prof Simon Wessely is personally involved in this case. John Weigel simply refers to Wessely's views, and suggests that Mr Clarkes circumstances are further complicated by those views.
I am not defending Prof Wessely's views (far from it), but clarifying that he is not personally involved in this case


'....Mr. Clarke’s circumstances are further complicated by the views of Dr. Simon Wessley, He is Professor of Psychological Medicine at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London and Head of its department of psychological medicine, Vice Dean for Academic Psychiatry, Teaching and Training at the Institute of Psychiatry, as well as Director of the King’s Centre for Military Health Research. Earlier this year he was elected president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Wessley made his career by denying symptoms of so-called Gulf War Syndrome, claiming symptoms were idiopathic or unique to each individual.

This situation may have profound effects on the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.

The response of Michael Bach in Israel relates directly to Stephen Clarke’s complaint.

Kind regards,

John Weigel'


Senior Member
I have been trying to research the reference in the article - perhaps it refers to all the SW papers on Electro sensitivity?
The impression I got is that they're just saying that locking up people with unexplained symptoms would fit in nicely with Wessely's ideals. And since he's the head of the psychiatric club in the UK, and in a position to have a lot of impact on policy, that's rather disturbing.
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Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
Little Bluestem wrote: "Of course "The Wessel" is involved in this!"


Nowhere in the article does it say that Prof Simon Wessely is personally involved in this case. John Weigel simply refers to Wessely's views, and suggests that Mr Clarkes circumstances are further complicated by those views.
I am not defending Prof Wessely's views (far from it), but clarifying that he is not personally involved in this case

This is a point I keep coming back to. Its essentially Zombie Science. Different forces reinforce each other, support each other, etc. There is no need for collusion, though it does not rule it out. This is politics as science (or medicine claiming to be scientific), not scientific politics or justified medical intervention.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Thou Wessely hasnt locked this person up, he is in fact responsible for at least strengthening the view of "unexplained" symptoms being mental illness ie all in ones mind. "His" beliefs have wrecked so many lives. Its now dangerous to have something the doctors do not understand.