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Out of Darkness Comes Light - mysteriously beautiful photographs from a bedbound sufferer

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By Penny Clare

"I stayed alone in the darkness and the impossible became possible" - anon

The bedsheets take flight I

I was mostly confined to bed in a dark room - for years, and years, and years.

At some point, in this isolated sea, I started taking photos. From my bed, in the dark. And my relationship to my illness and circumstances took on a different meaning and found creative expression. It was my way of creating movement.

The vast majority of my photos were shot with no artificial or natural daylight, though daylight was occasionally gleaned from a small opening or crack in the curtains or door.

What had been an atrocious impediment, severe light sensitivity, actually became a wonderful asset as I started to perceive different nuances and subtleties of light, depending on the time of day, season or level of my light sensitivity in any given moment. I began to explore hidden possibilities behind the mundane (awful) reality of my day-to-day existence.

The bedsheets take flight II
In my exhaustion I made no attempt whatsoever to move objects or to compose pictures or prettify myself for the camera. The snapshots capture fleeting chinks of light and mysterious beauty that remained unseen by anything or anyone other than the camera. The highly energised and dynamic images appear as if they've come from another world. They turned the facts of my illness inside out and upside down. They express what ought to be clear to everyone but rarely is acknowledged in our culture, that the essence of a human being experiencing profound illness and disability is untouched and unconquerable. They make their statements silently, without words of frustration or protest, which by any account I was too ill to make.

I had spent what seemed interminable years in a state where living and dying had become so merged that I could not actually fulfil either condition. Creating photographic images with just a couple of seconds worth of 'energy' helped me to feel more alive, it tipped the balance giving me sensations of movement and expansion when I viewed them. There is an ancient Mayan saying "out of darkness comes light". I think of my photos and smile.

None of these photos were engineered using photoshop techniques, though 'light fill' was used to reveal what lay hidden in the shade of the room.

Crown of pillows

The bed deconstructing into its elements

A fingernail celebrates New Year

Journey to the centre of the futon I

Journey to the centre of the futon II

Sunrise over planet duvet

White flag above my bed (apologies to Dido)

Sense of self goes up in flames

Light's umbilical

Three wishes

The river runs through me
'The river runs through me' is a self-portrait: Penny's eye is in the top left corner. She said "This is the first image I took. I felt so ill it was as if I was dying and no one in the outside world could see me and I wanted a way to document the depths of suffering people can go through."

Tweets and Facebook shares of the blog are welcome :)
Penny really wants to share this photo blog so people can get a window into the world of severe ME. So please do feel free to post an individual photo on facebook and twitter with a link back to this blog and mention Penny as the artist, (the link will be enough on twitter, given the limitations). Thanks
The blog link is http://phoenixrising.me/archives/21305
© Copyright Penny Clare. Please do not reproduce any images without permission

Penny no longer uses computers, but this email address wil be monitored on her behalf and messages will be passed on to her.

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I think my favourites are 'Sense of self goes up in flames', 'Fingernail celebrates New Year' and 'Crown of pillows'. Between them they remind me vividly of the worst years of my illness... Both the horror and the renewal. Of course the whole exhibition does that really. Amazing work. And the words only enhanced the visuals, I really related to the line about being on the borderline of living and dying and not knowing how to do either. Thank you so much for sharing your work with us Penny.
Sorry, missed this one earlier; reply from Penny:
My favorite is three wishes.......reminds me of a dream I had one night of three stars flying out of the constellation Pleiades and left me with a peaceful feeling. I am truly moved. There is so much more than meets the eye.
Indeed, and do make sure you make those three whishes, and may they come true

Also, someone emailed Penny saying they liked the photo and title of: "White flag above my bed (apologies to Dido)". For those who like me missed the reference, 'White Flag' is a song written by Dido with the line "there will be no white flag above my bed".
Dear Penny, these photographs are truly beautiful. It is amazing & inspiring to see how your soul thrives & creativity blossoms even as your body is limited. I was also inspired to create a series of photographs about light inspired by my illness a few years ago. I'm anywhere near as sick as you are but I did find that photography helped me notice the beauty in my mundane surroundings & the way the light moved through the house instead of thinking of it as my prison. However it is a long while now since I have created any art or photography. Thank you for reminding me how beneficial it can be to ones soul to create, and for inspiring me to return to it. I pray that you will be encouraged to know that your work has touched me & inspired me & many others. And I wish you well with your health.
I don't have words strong enough to convey how moved I am by your gallery of photographs.
I am deeply touched by them, inspired and impressed. They carry many metaphors and
rich meaning. Is there any way that we may have copies of any of them (happy to purchase if
it can be done reasonably) while giving you credit for your work? I would help me with my
own hourly struggle to have a few on my walls to lend hope and inspiration.
I thank you SO very much for showing these to us and the world at large.
I am still thinking about these photos! Thank you again. I love the "3 wishes" also.
They are gorgeous pieces of art and just incredibly inspirational to me.
Your isolation and darkness is NOT in vain!!
will hold you in my thoughts and prayers.
Buying prints of Penny's work?

Is there any way that we may have copies of any of them (happy to purchase if it can be done reasonably) while giving you credit for your work?
A few people have asked if they can get prints of Penny's photos. Penny is happy in prinicple to make some available but they were taken in low light on a cheap old digital so file quality is low. She is looking at ways to print them in a way that will reproduce well, but is really quite ill at the moment.

If anyone is interested in getting prints - they probably won't be any bigger than A5 - could they PM me? At this point I have no idea of likely cost, I'm afraid

And thanks to Raindrop and @missmilki for those warm comments which I have passed on.
Buying prints of Penny's work?

A few people have asked if they can get prints of Penny's photos. Penny is happy in prinicple to make some available but they were taken in low light on a cheap old digital so file quality is low. She is looking at ways to print them in a way that will reproduce well, but is really quite ill at the moment.

If anyone is interested in getting prints - they probably won't be any bigger than A5 - could they PM me? At this point I have no idea of likely cost, I'm afraid

And thanks to Raindrop and @missmilki for those warm comments which I have passed on.

Please pardon my ignorance, but does "PM" you mean to (?) reply to you this way or ??
Really appreciate your getting back to me on this.
I would like any size possible; of course the bigger the better.
I understand the quality won't be perfect. It's the heart and soul of the photos that counts.
Would you like to know *which* photos I am interested in at this point or later?
(Maybe that's a matter for how the files come out)
Of course I understand her situation.
Please let her know that her photos help me keep her in
thoughts and prayer.
Please pardon my ignorance, but does "PM" you mean to (?) reply to you this way or ??
Really appreciate your getting back to me on this.
I would like any size possible; of course the bigger the better.
I understand the quality won't be perfect. It's the heart and soul of the photos that counts.
Would you like to know *which* photos I am interested in at this point or later?
(Maybe that's a matter for how the files come out)
Of course I understand her situation.
Please let her know that her photos help me keep her in
thoughts and prayer.
Sorry, PM is 'private message' but it's actually now called 'conversations', so no wonder you were confused:). Click on my photo, then click "start a conversation".

I will pass on your message to Penny.
I tried doing what you said....clicking on your photo .....but then could NOT see anywhere it said to
click on "start a conversation". Sorry I have to ask, but can you see if maybe this changed or
direct me in some other way?
Oh goodness! It is hard to be a newbie!!!
Also.....I would like any of the following (OR any others if these are not possible):
1) Bedsheets take flight
2) Three Wishes
3) Journey to Center of the Futon 1
4) River Runs Through Me

I also think that these photos would be fabulous to use as post cards to sell or distribute for
ME Awareness! I would love to even possibly be involved in that project.
Please let me know how to do conversation to you as you requested.......Am so frustrated!:aghhh:
Thank you!!
@Raindrop, don't worry, there is always a learning curve with new things.

when you click on a person's icon or name, a box pops up and there is a line under which is written Member Since etc,
and above that line there is Profile Page Start A Conversation Follow Ignore
If you click on Start A Conversation that will take you to a box where you can send a private message.
I am going to send you one now, so you can see the little red "Inbox" alert at the top of the page, telling you you have a new conversation.
@Raindrop, don't worry, there is always a learning curve with new things.

when you click on a person's icon or name, a box pops up and there is a line under which is written Member Since etc,
and above that line there is Profile Page Start A Conversation Follow Ignore
If you click on Start A Conversation that will take you to a box where you can send a private message.
I am going to send you one now, so you can see the little red "Inbox" alert at the top of the page, telling you you have a new conversation.

This was very helpful, Leela, So I want to THANK you!
I think I may have finally figured it out!:smug:
Simon, thank you for posting the update. I needed the reminder!

I find it ironic that if I had taken pictures that looked like that, I would delete them as failures. And then I see Penny's pictures and all I can think is "With acceptance comes insight." I love how she can see the beauty in these pictures, they are fantastic! She inspires me.