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Urinary Problems

About a year or so ago, I came down with an incredibly bad bladder infection (UTI). Went to the doctor and he gave me medicine for it, and thank God, it went away. However, the symptoms started to return, so I was treated again. And again. While the symptoms were not as bad as the first time, they just did not seem to go away completely.

Eventually, they did subside, only for a new symptom to appear! I was having trouble emptying my bladder fully. I would think I was finished, and have to go again minutes after. This problem has persisted, even after doctor visits. According to my Urologist, my bladder and kidney's are perfectly fine and I have 'overactive' bladder. This, to me, does not seem like overactive bladder.

Do you any of you have serious problems with your bladder/kidneys? If so, what are they?
It would be lovely to know that other people have these issues as well.

Thanks! God bless!


Senior Member
Do you any of you have serious problems with your bladder/kidneys? If so, what are they? It would be lovely to know that other people have these issues as well.

I did not see it as a serieus problem but I had the frequent pee problem Now I can empty my bladder but have another problem. I have to go to the toilet straight away when I feel the urge or it will wet my pants.
Thanks for your response, Iansbergen!
For me, it's not really a serious problem in the sense that it's medically serious (like life threatening). It's just more of a serious problem because it can be rather annoying. Like, I don't really want to go to the bathroom a couple times in a row. I've got things to do! :lol:

Have doctors figured out why you had those issues (or have those issues)?


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
According to my Urologist, my bladder and kidney's are perfectly fine and I have 'overactive' bladder. This, to me, does not seem like overactive bladder.

It sounds like some kind of lingering infection to me (what in the world is an overactive bladder anyway???). I've heard that large doses of Vitamin C can be good for bladder infections. Whatever amount of Vit. C the body doesn't use, it excretes through the urine. High concentrations of Vit. C in the urine has the capability to address bladder infections. --- Also, my brother once used parsley (tea I believe) to get rid of a bladder infection (you may want to try a google search). I suspect there's a number of other natural remedies that you could consider as well. Good luck!


Senior Member
I have heard drinking cranberry juice is good for bladder as well. It's not the best tasting drink in the world though. x


Senior Member
Thanks for your response, Iansbergen!
For me, it's not really a serious problem in the sense that it's medically serious (like life threatening). It's just more of a serious problem because it can be rather annoying. Like, I don't really want to go to the bathroom a couple times in a row. I've got things to do! :lol:

Have doctors figured out why you had those issues (or have those issues)?

It was frustrating special at night, I did nothing speciaL.Doctors don't know the infection I suspect and there is no test so I stay away from them. I just keep taking an immunemodulator,
It sounds like some kind of lingering infection to me (what in the world is an overactive bladder anyway???). I've heard that large doses of Vitamin C can be good for bladder infections. Whatever amount of Vit. C the body doesn't use, it excretes through the urine. High concentrations of Vit. C in the urine has the capability to address bladder infections. --- Also, my brother once used parsley (tea I believe) to get rid of a bladder infection (you may want to try a google search). I suspect there's a number of other natural remedies that you could consider as well. Good luck!

Lol! Yeah, and the symptoms I am having don't seem to constitute an overactive bladder.

I've been tested over and over for an infection, and the last test showed that there was no sign of infection. My thought, is that my actual bladder is weakened and is having issues getting the urine out in one shot. I'll have to keep what you've said in mind about Vit. C. Thanks for the advice!

God bless!


Senior Member
NSW Australia
This problem has persisted, even after doctor visits. According to my Urologist, my bladder and kidney's are perfectly fine and I have 'overactive' bladder. This, to me, does not seem like overactive bladder.

Do you any of you have serious problems with your bladder/kidneys? If so, what are they?

What tests did your Urologist run before deciding there's nothing wrong with your bladder? This article is helpful with some tests listed that you probably should have had


I agree that it doesn't sound like that is the whole answer for you. Can you get a second opinion?

I had an overactive bladder for a while after a hysterectomy and had to do some pelvic floor muscle "rewiring" with a physio using guided ultrasound. Somehow the operation messed up the muscle nerve connections so that what I felt like I was doing with my muscles was the opposite of what was happening. Once I re-learned how to strengthen the pelvic floor and learned how to control the urges it really settled down.

I still have some ongoing bladder issues that stem from Spinal Stenosis which affects urine flow and retention.
Yes, I can get a second opinion, and would definitely like to. Several of the tests mentioned in that article I've had done, but not all of them. I'll have to read the article in more detail later; thank you for it!


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Once I re-learned how to strengthen the pelvic floor and learned how to control the urges it really settled down. ...... I still have some ongoing bladder issues that stem from Spinal Stenosis which affects urine flow and retention.

Hi Sea, ICA,

You may be interested in this 5-minute "Egoscue e-cise" video demonstration, which specifically addresses the pelvic area, and is considered the grandaddy of all the dozens of Egoscue e-cises... I started doing it regularly this past summer, and continue to be amazed how much my lower back and pelvis area have benefitted.



Senior Member
NSW Australia
That looks really interesting Wayne. One of my favourite positions is lying on my back with my legs up like the left leg in this video.

I would have problems doing what she is doing with her right leg without I think some kind of bracing on my knee. My knee joint is slightly overextendable and locking it straight like that severely compromises the main artery (or is it vein? I can't remember) that runs through there. This was shown on me by ultrasound. I've been told to always keep my knee joint slightly bent but I can see that wouldn't then achieve the relaxation necessary for this exercise.

It looks worth pursuing though, thanks for posting


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
My knee joint is slightly overextendable and locking it straight like that severely compromises the main artery (or is it vein? I can't remember) that runs through there.

Hi Sea, I forgot to mention that I don't have one of these "towers", where you can place your leg at different angles. The "base" postion is where you don't have the tower, so your right leg is laying flat on the floor, while your other one is on the block at a 90 degree angle (and vice versa). That would seemingly take care of your knee problem, and you could do it without the tower and all those different angles. --- Just to mention, I've gone to an osteopath regularly for the past few years, and every time I go in, my pelvis has been out to one degree or another. After doing the above e-cise for only a short while, I went in for my regular bi-monthly visit, and my pelvis was in perfect alignment for the first time.


Senior Member
Hi InChristAlone,

If uterine fibroids haven't been ruled out, it might be worth investigating, as they can cause bladder problems. Sometimes doctors can feel them when they do a pelvic exam, but not always. An ultrasound might be necessary to make sure.
Hi InChristAlone,

If uterine fibroids haven't been ruled out, it might be worth investigating, as they can cause bladder problems. Sometimes doctors can feel them when they do a pelvic exam, but not always. An ultrasound might be necessary to make sure.

Thank you for the advice! However, I had an ultra sound done after my first visit with the urologist, and he said that everything looked normal.


Senior Member
@InChristAlone How are you now, has it settled for you. ?
I have just experienced my first UTI.
Did you feel sore in the lower back, from hip down when you had UTI ?
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Senior Member
I would think I was finished, and have to go again minutes after.

When you say you have to go minutes later, do you have urinary urgency when you feel you have to go again? In other words, do you feel a pressing need to urinate, even if you bladder is not full.

If so then you may have overactive bladder (OB). OB is sometimes called irritable bladder syndrome.

Irritable Bladder Syndrome or Allergic Bladder - DoctorMyhill
Overactive Bladder Syndrome, Bladder Problems | Health | Patient.co.uk

Effects of aniracetam on bladder overactivity in rats with cerebral infarction
Hi Christalone,

I experience the same: thinking you are finished but you need to go again a few minutes later. It drives me nuts. But with me it only happens around my menstruation and at night.

Also very prone to UTI's. I take cranberry pills when I feel one coming up, and they help.

Have you found a solution to this problem?