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Does Hoarseness have anything to do with B12 injections/supplements


Senior Member
I started started to do b12 methylcobalamin subcutaneous injections (.2 ml). Just did first one early evening, last night. This morning I took a 5000 mg sub-lingual (methylcobalamin), as per doctors advice. She said I could drop the sub-lingual for a while to see how the injections worked, but wanted to give them a try in combo to get any initial boost.

This morning, shortly after the B12 lozenge, I started to feel a sensitivity in my vocal cords and it became uncomfortable to speak, developing a hoarseness and then just remaining quiet for as much as I could.

I had read on livestrong.com:

So I called the compounding pharmacy that had made it but the pharmacist said that hoarseness would not be a side effect. I have also read that B12 deficiency can cause hoarseness. My latest blood work showed me not to be deficient and I have been taking 5000 mg (methylcobalamin) pills for the last several months.

Not a whole bunch has changed between yesterday and today, so am wondering if anyone else has experienced hoarseness in any conjunction with B12 or if there is some other more probable cause.


Senior Member
Las Vegas, Nevada
My first detox symptom after I started Methyb12 was sore throat, i even though I got sick.. it didnt dawn on my about a week into itthat I was just detoxing. Not sure how its helpful but maybe you are experiencimg ssomething similar.


Senior Member
My first detox symptom after I started Methyb12 was sore throat, i even though I got sick.. it didnt dawn on my about a week into itthat I was just detoxing. Not sure how its helpful but maybe you are experiencimg ssomething similar.
Very helpful. My doc had mentioned the possibility if this, but did not go into any detail. But I do not get what is being detoxed?


Senior Member
Las Vegas, Nevada
Mb12 raises glutathione levels, glutathione is a master detoxifier! So whatever you body was accumulating and being unable to get rid of while you had lower levels of glutathione is now being removed. Considering what toxic world we living in now days the simpler question would probably be what is not being detoxed. For me I felt like I was getting read of a lot of heavy metals, as I had very specific symptoms associated with it, but that came more after I added adenosylb12. Mb12 just gave me sore throat and flu like symptoms for the first month or so.


Senior Member
Mb12 raises glutathione levels, glutathione is a master detoxifier! So whatever you body was accumulating and being unable to get rid of while you had lower levels of glutathione is now being removed. Considering what toxic world we living in now days the simpler question would probably be what is not being detoxed. For me I felt like I was getting read of a lot of heavy metals, as I had very specific symptoms associated with it, but that came more after I added adenosylb12. Mb12 just gave me sore throat and flu like symptoms for the first month or so.
Thanks, good to know, makes the whole thing much easier (or at least more bearable).


Senior Member
Found this: ‪Glutathione: The "mother" of all antioxidants...‬
He talks about B12 toward the end, but for 9 minute vdeo he cover much ground.

I also found this on the forum: ‪‬"Now ive got a terribly sore throat - another sign of immune system reactivation?" ( http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...gn-of-immune-system-reactivation.13747/page-2). So there seems to be that tie-in.

- Also a boat load of research on the Internet concerning MB12, Glutathione, and Autism. I always held the opinion that CFS resembles many aspects of Autism, as well as dementia/Alzheimer's.