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I want to know more about functional medicine


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I read and watched a recent thread on here by sally which i thought was interesting. But does anyone have links to good info on treating certain dysfunctions etc or how they put their treatment togther eg, antioxidants, mitochondrial, detoxification etc etc.
Some of the stuff i have been reading about are m,ainly to do with intro's and the initial sales blurp, i just want the meat and potatoes. I understand that testing can be the most expensive part, functional tests here are very pricey and i was wondering if it would be possible to treat of symptoms for now.

Many of us are probably treating ourselves in similar certain ways, just not packaged altogether yet. Im going staret and try and put it all together if i can afford it.

Some links to this would be good.


Senior Member
I had the same reaction (thanks Sally!).

Haven't found anything specific to CFS yet but found a few links with a little more info
Institute for Functional Medicine
- Doctor finder
- Textbook for functional medicine - referenced in a few NCBI resources but its pricey

Functional medicine for Lyme

Dr Hyman's library with specifics on different topics (for instance here's one on Gluthathione) that includes recommendations

I'll add others as I come up with them and I'd love to see what sources you come up with


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I had the same reaction (thanks Sally!).

Haven't found anything specific to CFS yet but found a few links with a little more info
Institute for Functional Medicine
- Doctor finder
- Textbook for functional medicine - referenced in a few NCBI resources but its pricey

Functional medicine for Lyme

Dr Hyman's library with specifics on different topics (for instance here's one on Gluthathione) that includes recommendations

I'll add others as I come up with them and I'd love to see what sources you come up with

Thanks for that

One of the best books I found over a decade ago was Dr Leo Gallands Book "The Four Pillars Of Healing"

If has formed the foundation of most of what I understand as functional healing.

VERY smart Doctor. And through email we used to converse quit a bit early on.

Cheers!! ;)


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I stumbled on that book in a charity shop last year - a brilliant book! wish he was my doctor.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
The institute for functional medicine has a list of publications as noted before. If you click on each one you can often download whole chapters:


The text book is like 800 pages. Its expensive but might be worth it given the size. It depends on the quality, and I have not made up my mind yet.

The other thing that came up is this site: http://ims.cochrane.org/revman/gradepro

GRADE is research paper evaluation protocol used by places like the Cochrane review.

Bye, Alex