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Vote Daily To Help Blue Ribbon Foundation Win $50K For Medical Fellowships For ME


Senior Member
England (south coast)
For those who need a refresher about the details of the competition...

There will be a single ultimate winning prize of $50,000, and there will be six runner-up winners who will receive $5,000 each.
Ryan will use any money to fund research fellowships (or similar) for young or new researchers.
This voting continues until January 2017, after which the top 30 vote winners will be put forward to the next stage of the contest.
I think Ryan has a very good chance of receiving one of the highest number of votes, but that doesn't guarantee the top prize.
In January-March 2017, the judges will select the ultimate winner from the top votes winners. The winner will be selected based on a number of subjective criteria. (See the rules here.)
I think the top vote winner of each category (Ryan is in the "leadership" category) will win a runner-up prize of $5,000.

I hope that helps. It's a bit complex!