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Staph vaccine to treat CFS??


fatty & acid : )
so you can add an entry in your excel about my experience, coz after so many days i see no point in continuing this anymore - there's no any new results/changes at 3 ampoules per month comparing with just single one. the effect on immunity/anxiety dies off with the same speed - after 3-4 weeks, so for maximum comfort you need to inject more often than once a month - like once per 2 to 3 weeks i think.

the vacc, in my case, had no effect on fatigue/pem whatsoever - all good things/lil improvements i got were just from improving my immunity really, lowering the level of anxiety, etc. and all this effects are symptomatic in nature anyway, so the vacc doesn't fix anything in the body.

i bought non-adsorbed version recently - for more frequent injections.
and am gettin more improvements for my pems/overall stamina from 1-2 IU of growth hormone a day, than from the vacc. tho this is much more pricier.
Hong Kong
For me the vaccine is the same as before. I am considering trying out the rabbit vaccine I've mentioned previously. What will the effects of a inactivated staph vaccine be?
Hong Kong
inactivated staph from rabbit vacc? i guess the same as from medgamal vacc, coz it's the same staph bacteria?

small summary:

the original Staphypan® vaccine contained the following
clumping factor,
fibrinogen-binding protein (antigen),
cell-wall components (antigen?),
entire cell walls (antigen),
enterotoxin A,
enterotoxin B,
enterotoxin C,
toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST-1).

Medgamal adsorbed version (toxoid alpha, mercury, aluminum)

Medgamal normal non-adsorbed version (toxoid alpha only) [recommanded]

two Staphylococcus antifagin vaccines (cell walls, antigen only) [recommanded]
here and here

dog vaccine:
Staphage Lysate (?, ?, ?, ?)
a russian version is no longer availble (enterotoxin a, b, c, antigens)

The medgamal vaccine contains only alpha-toxin as far as I know, the rabbit vaccine may resemble the Staphypan® vaccine more.

He did try the Russian vaccine, and told @ECAsson that it was weaker than Staphypan.

They might be the same after all but I don't really know.


fatty & acid : )
i mean, like staph bacteria itself is the same in both vaccs - the starting material which was deactivated and broken up in parts. so "toxin a" from medgamal is the same as "toxin a" from rabbit/dog stuff.
but composition of the vaccs is surely very different.

and if composition of rabbit one close to berna, then their effects will be too.


fatty & acid : )
or maybe not the same - i switched adsorbed version to non-adsorbed, injected 2 ampoules and my immunity crashed so bad and so fast, that i got sore throat in a couple of hours. and at the end of that same day i catched flu already :confused:
so you might wanna be careful with that animal stuff, atleast start with low dose prob.
Hong Kong
I gave myself a 0.2ml injection of the rabbit vaccine yesterday. The injection itself is significantly more painful than the Medgamal vaccine but the reaction is not as serious, maybe due to the low dose. Currently I am not sure about the rabbit vaccine's effects, I will talk about it again a few days later.


fatty & acid : )
you mean local reaction? i got zero of that after injecting 2 ampoules at the same time, so prob it's individual.

btw - i noticed a bunch of very sick ppl at my work recently, all with cold/flu like symptoms, which is unusual, atleast for this time of a year. so maybe switching to non-adsorbed version wasn't the real reason of my own sickness. atleast that's not only reason for sure.
I gave myself a 0.2ml injection of the rabbit vaccine yesterday. The injection itself is significantly more painful than the Medgamal vaccine but the reaction is not as serious, maybe due to the low dose. Currently I am not sure about the rabbit vaccine's effects, I will talk about it again a few days later.
Very interested to see how this works out for you. Has anyone sent this vaccine to Gottfries for testing?
Hong Kong
Anyways, the results of the rabbit vaccine on my body can only be described as intriguing.

About half an hour after the injection, a headache developed. The next day, I felt somewhat more tired and there is a slight amount of mucus coming into my throat constantly causing me to cough often. The headache was exacerbated whenever I was thinking hard or tilting my head.

(I injected myself on Sep 6,Tuesday.) However, over time I became less and less tired, the coughing seemed to have improved too. The headache peaked by Sep 8 and the coughing probably peaked on Sep 11 as well. I felt hotter and sweat more as well. But maybe that's just the weather and crappy air conditioner.

The interesting part is that I am definitely less tired and more productive now compared to before the rabbit vaccine injection. At least in terms of thinking and everything below my neck.

My original plan is to give myself a Medgamal vaccine injection today, a rabbit vaccine injection next day and so on. But with the rabbit vaccine's effects, I am not sure about what to so now. A Medgamal vaccine injection might ease the remaining headache and dizziness somewhat or induce some sort of unforseen reaction. Another rabbit vaccine injection is out of the question at least for this month.

Very interested to see how this works out for you. Has anyone sent this vaccine to Gottfries for testing?

I don't think so.


fatty & acid : )
Anyways, the results of the rabbit vaccine on my body can only be described as intriguing.

yea, like someday while lookin in the mirror you may notice sumthin like this:



About half an hour after the injection, a headache developed. The next day, I felt somewhat more tired and there is a slight amount of mucus coming into my throat constantly causing me to cough often. The headache was exacerbated whenever I was thinking hard or tilting my head.

that shyt is strongly indicates internal infection outbreak for me, i.e. that immunity is down considerably at the moment. i experienced this many times and the last week too, when i got really sick after injection.

A Medgamal vaccine injection might ease the remaining headache and dizziness somewhat

i don't think so - more like opposite, the situation may get even worse. but you can try and see for yourself of coz :D
i wasn't so sick as i am now like for the past 2-3 years minimum. i can't even remember when it was like this last time.


Senior Member
For the last 8 days, I have been taking the Russian АСП Staphylococcus dog vaccine based on enterotoxins A, B and C.

АСП Staphylococcus enterotoxin vaccine

Vaccine name:
АСП - Антистафилококковый Препарат (ASP Anti-Staphylococcus Preparation)

Научно-исследовательский центр Игнатова "НИЦИ" (Research Center Ignatov "Nichi")

Manufacturer's instructions for use here.

I am taking this vaccine on a schedule of one injection (of increasing dose) every three days, as per the manufacturer's instructions.

It's still early days, but I think this АСП enterotoxin dog vaccine may be reducing my brain fog a little, and reducing the feeling of mental fatigue. It also has a noticeable calming and relaxing effect on the mind, almost like taking a good non-drowsy anti-anxiety medication. This is great for me, because I have anxiety as one of my ME/CFS symptoms.

I am taking the АСП enterotoxin dog vaccine using the following the scheme of increasing doses, one dose given every 3 days:

1st injection (day 0) = 0.5 ml
2nd injection (day 3) = 1.0 ml
3rd injection (day 6) = 1.5 ml
4th injection (day 9) = 2.0 ml
5th injection (day 12) = 2.5 ml

The above dosing scheme is very similar to the one given in the manufacturer's instructions.

With this АСП Staphylococcus enterotoxin dog vaccine, I find the local reaction at the site of injection is much less than the Russian Medgamal Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine based on alpha toxin. I have noticed no side effects, and the vaccine seems well tolerated.

I am still also taking the Medgamal vaccine every two weeks, because I like the mood and motivation boost it provides me.
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Hong Kong
For the last 8 days, I have been taking the Russian АСП Staphylococcus dog vaccine based on enterotoxins A, B and C.
How did you get it?
that shyt is strongly indicates internal infection outbreak for me, i.e. that immunity is down considerably at the moment. i experienced this many times and the last week too, when i got really sick after injection.
Did you get sick from the Medgamal vaccine? I got absolutely nothing like that any of the times I use it.
i don't think so - more like opposite, the situation may get even worse. but you can try and see for yourself of coz :D
i wasn't so sick as i am now like for the past 2-3 years minimum. i can't even remember when it was like this last time.
I gave myself an Medgamal vaccine injection Saturday and it didn't hurt me. The effects on fatigue from it is pretty marginal though.
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Senior Member
How did you get it?

I got it through my contact in the Ukraine, the same guy who originally got me the Medgamal vaccine, before it became available to buy online at the rupharma.com pharmacy. If you'd like to get hold of some, I can ask my contact if he is interested in doing the same job again. The АСП Staphylococcus dog vaccine itself is not very expensive: around $3 for one 8 ml vial.

There are several veterinary suppliers in the Ukraine that stock this АСП dog vaccine (see here, here, here, here and here).

Yesterday I subcutaneously injected myself with the third 1.5 ml dose of the АСП Staphylococcus dog vaccine. Today so far I feel a little more tired than usual (which perhaps might be a sign the vaccine is working, because for the original Staphypan® vaccine, ME/CFS patients sometimes had increases in ME/CFS symptoms for the first two weeks).

(By the way, I read in one of your previous posts that you suffer from anxiety; have you seen my anti-anxiety treatment here?)


fatty & acid : )
Did you get sick from the Medgamal vaccine?

am not 100% sure, more like 80-90%, but i think yes.

I got absolutely nothing like that any of the times I use it.

me too, while i was using the same type of the vacc, even while overdosing it. but as soon as i changed the type and overdosed it again - boom, lights out.
i can train in the gym already (missed more than a week), but still have runny nose and fevers couple times per day everyday. so next injection will be at half the dose, i.e. 1 ampoule.
Hong Kong
I got it through my contact in the Ukraine, the same guy who originally got me the Medgamal vaccine, before it became available to buy online at the rupharma.com pharmacy. If you'd like to get hold of some, I can ask my contact if he is interested in doing the same job again. The АСП Staphylococcus dog vaccine itself is not very expensive: around $3 for one 8 ml vial.
Please do.
Yesterday I subcutaneously injected myself with the third 1.5 ml dose of the АСП Staphylococcus dog vaccine. Today so far I feel a little more tired than usual (which perhaps might be a sign the vaccine is working, because for the original Staphypan® vaccine, ME/CFS patients sometimes had increases in ME/CFS symptoms for the first two weeks).

(By the way, I read in one of your previous posts that you suffer from anxiety; have you seen my anti-anxiety treatment here?)
Thank you for your concern, I feel fine with the vaccine's effects. I do plan to try when I have money to spare. Also, excited to see the effects of АСП Staphylococcus dog vaccine.


Senior Member
For the last two days, just after taking 1.5 ml of the Staphylococcus toxoid dog vaccine, I have been more mentally tired than usual, with significantly increased sound sensitivity, increased emotional sensitivity, and increased depression.

It is possible that these negative effects are because I am increasing my doses of the vaccine too fast, and taking the doses too quickly. Perhaps I should wait a week between doses, rather than 3 days between doses.