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PWME: After 2+ weeks, what has been your experience with C. Butyricum (Miyarisan)?

After two weeks or more, what has been your experience with the probiotic C. Butyricum (Miyarisan) (

  • better by 35% or more

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • better by 30%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
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  • better by 10%

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • better by 5%

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • no change

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • worse by 5%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
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  • worse by 15%

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  • worse by 30%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • worse by 35% or more

    Votes: 1 11.1%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Senior Member
That was my impression - with better poll software I'd rather be asking multi-stage questions (how long? what change? etc.) but XenForo doesn't seem to have that.

I have just started on Clostridium butyricum for around a week, and no noticeable benefits or bad effects have arisen so far. But then I am not sensitive to Lactobacillus probiotics, and I wonder if those who benefit the most from Clostridium butyricum are those with lactic acid bacteria sensitivities, since Clostridium butyricum eats lactate.

Anyway, I will come back to this poll in about a month or two, when I have given Clostridium butyricum a good chance to manifests any effects.


Senior Member
@Sasha, just two weeks here. To early to determine any sustained improvement so I haven't answered the poll....but will do so in due course,
I've noticed improvement upon waking (feeling a bit more refreshed in the head.....clearer sinuses and less dry eyes) but I'm also experiencing some subtle inflammation pain in my feet. I haven't noticed this particular pain for several years. I guess I'm in a 'feeling better in one way and worse in another' category at this stage.


Fine, thank you
@Sasha, just two weeks here. To early to determine any sustained improvement so I haven't answered the poll....but will do so in due course,
I've noticed improvement upon waking (feeling a bit more refreshed in the head.....clearer sinuses and less dry eyes) but I'm also experiencing some subtle inflammation pain in my feet. I haven't noticed this particular pain for several years. I guess I'm in a 'feeling better in one way and worse in another' category at this stage.

Good plan - the two weeks is a minimum and I didn't mean that people ought to rush to do the poll as soon as they were over that line - the longer you go, the better the data, I expect. I just didn't want total newbies like me doing the poll. :)


Senior Member
Well, I took it twice and am almost checking "coudln't tolerate it".

It gives me exactly the same effect I had from 400mcg MeFolate. So I assume it works by raising folate production in the gut and consequently uric acid? Well, I have a problem in the uric acid metabolism, it builds up too quickly in my body, or there is something holding it inside.

What's needed to flush uric acid from the body? You guessed it right, potassium, preferably citrate.

I will have to work on my diet before retrying it. I did the same mistake with folate.

One year later and here am I, in the same painful place.


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
What's needed to flush uric acid from the body? You guessed it right, potassium, preferably citrate.
Thanks, I was trying to figure that one out. A lot of (potentially beneficial) sups seem to increase my tinnitus. Either you, or someone else, mentioned elsewhere on the forum that increased uric acid aggravates tinnitus. That seems to be what's happening with me.


Senior Member
Thanks, I was trying to figure that one out. A lot of (potentially beneficial) sups seem to increase my tinnitus. Either you, or someone else, mentioned elsewhere on the forum that increased uric acid aggravates tinnitus. That seems to be what's happening with me.
Last year I neutralized it with magnesium oxide, since I was very deficient on magnesium.

Right now I magnesium seems to make me more copper deficient, since I have been supplementing with zinc.

I am taking baths with sodium bicarbonate to neutralize the acidity. But more importantly keep hydrated, b/c you need to urinate the uric acid out.

I think that the actual potassium function is to speed up the urea cycle.

For both Miyarisan and Methylation protocols, since we basically have the same situation of high folate producing the urate crystals.
Oxfordshire, UK

Sorry for long delay since you tagged me - distracted by gallbladder/pancreas issues):

I haven't ordered Miyarisan yet as when I looked more closely I realised that it is not a pure product; I am so sensitive to lots of things so for now have decided against it after all. It is a huge shame as I was v excited about it. If anybody had told me 5 years ago that I would be excited about a probiotic I would have never believed it. Oh for a happy state of health.

If I can improve my current crisis I might change my mind and will feedback if I do try it. Good health to all



Fine, thank you
Thanks, @Mels - sorry to hear that CB is not for you.

Yes, I think none of us would have predicted our current interests! :)

Antares in NYC

Senior Member
Ok, so I have been taking miyarisan for three weeks now, as well as increased doses of probiotics. Here's my experience:
  • Slightly improved IBS symptoms, not by much, but enough to notice a bit of a difference (more regularity, less bloating-pain, etc).
  • No impact whatsoever on my ME/CFS related symptoms. Fatigue, lethargy, cognitive problems, neurological problems... all remain the same, no improvement at all.


Senior Member
South East England, UK
For both Miyarisan and Methylation protocols, since we basically have the same situation of high folate producing the urate crystals.
Sorry I don't understand your statement. Are you saying that the Miyarisan can cause high folate symptoms? I am up to 5 tablets x 3 daily and not noticed anything apart from my migraines and headaches are bad at the moment but still a tendency to constipation especially if I take just one Oregano oil at quite high strength.



Senior Member
Sorry I don't understand your statement. Are you saying that the Miyarisan can cause high folate symptoms? I am up to 5 tablets x 3 daily and not noticed anything apart from my migraines and headaches are bad at the moment but still a tendency to constipation especially if I take just one Oregano oil at quite high strength.

Hi Pam, my understanding of what is happening in my gut is a work in progress. Folate can be generated by various bacteria in the gut.

Asklipia noted that CB interacts in some way with vitamin K.

Both folate and vitamin K cause me pain. At first I tought it was related with folate properties of raising purines and therefore uric acid. But then we have been discussing in the Oxalate thread how oxalate dumping probably caused by CB can be similarly painful.
I'm just starting Miyarisan for IBS issues, google brought me here while looking for reviews. I do not share a diagnosis of CFS or ME, in fact, I feel both embarrassed and lucky to say I don't even know what it is. But I do have horrible gut troubles that have near crippled me.

Now I'll move on to the reason for my post. If I understand correctly, there is some speculation as to the role of gut bacteria in your disease - both from the dysbiotic events of life (antibiotics, diet, genetics, etc.) and probiotics themselves (whether lactate/byproducts worsen your symptoms). Then I had a thought: have you considered Fecal Microbiota Transfer? More specifically, the donation of feces from a healthy human body into your own? This is FAR superior to probiotics or resistant starch. It has an excellent success record. I think I chanced across a thread on this forum which briefly brought it up, but I don't think it was given enough credit. This method could serve as the "end-all-be-all" as to whether probiotics or colonic bacteria are a factor in each of your individual illnesses.

Perhaps in the cases where it does not work, the therapy was only done a few times before discontinuing, so improvement was only temporary? And when it does work, the results are famous for being extraordinary and lief changing. Doing it for free at home is completely reasonable, and probably preferable to going to a clinic... that is to say, you can continue the therapy for months if need be in order for the full curative effect to take place, as many testimonials insist. If your life is really hosed up healthwise, this should definitely be on your radar. Here's the most accessible resource I've found: www.thepowerofpoop.com