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Plug for Olive Laf Extract - the Quintessential Anti-Everything-Pathogenic

I just wanted to suggest to whomsoever has viral/bacterial/microbial issues trying Olive Leaf Extract. I take it because I do not make enough stomach acid and stomach acid is the first line of defence against pathogens. I take 1g/day (Soloray). It makes me feel better all over, like maybe it reduced some subtle inflammation of my blood vessels.

If I don't take it for a week or so (maybe I ran out, maybe I got cheap) then I have gotton such things as felt-like-thrush and Olive Leaf Extract has cleared it right up within the hour.

One study showed it protects the beta cells of the pancreas from destruction (diabetes). It has been used to prevent colds and flu. According to Dr. James Duke, research ethnobotanist for the USDA responsible for the Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases at the USDA (I met him in person at a wild plants convention!): it is a bacteriostat and an antioxidant, anti-arrhythmic, ace inhibitor, and vasodilator (so maybe that's why I like it so much as I have very very high blood pressure) : http://www.ars-grin.gov/duke/ (type oleuropein in where it asks for activities in a chemical)

it is hepatitis B antiviral : http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378874109004073

it and its hydrolysates inhibit 14 of 17 strains of lactic acid bacteria http://aem.asm.org/cgi/content/abstract/26/5/777

it inhibits haemorrhagic septicaemia virus: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166354205000677

it's anti-angiogenic (anti-tumor) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006291X05013409

It inhibits candida (but not as much as other pathogens and must be a high dose): http://www.ftb.com.hr/43/43-41.pdf

It fared unusually well against a host of major microbials that cause human disease (but no details - among listed was Candida): http://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/12/5/1153

It inhibits aflatoxin growth (Paster et al. (1988) found that oleuropein reduced aflatoxin production, Gourama and Bullerman (1987), Paster et al. (1988) and Gourama et al. (1989) stated that oleuropein inhibited aflatoxin production) : http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0168160596011154 (you had to have the right search string to get that out of the pay-for-info paper)

A very interesting footnoted paper on oleuropein states : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3002804/
5.5. Antimicrobial effect
Oleuropein has been shown to have strong antimicrobial activity against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria [5759] as well as mycoplasma [60]. Phenolic structures similar to oleuropein seem to produce its antibacterial effect by damaging the bacterial membrane and/or disrupting cell peptidoglycans. Different authors have used biophysical assays to study the interaction between oleuropein and membrane lipids [61]; however, the exact mechanism of the antimicrobial activity of oleuropein is still not completely established, although some authors have proposed that it is due to the presence of the ortho-diphenolic system (catechol) [57]. In 2001, Saija and Uccella [62] proposed that the glycoside group modifies the ability to penetrate the cell membrane and get to the target site. Effective interference with the production procedures of certain amino acids necessary for the growth of specific microorganisms has also been suggested. Another mechanism proposed is the direct stimulation of phagocytosis as a response of the immune system to microbes of all types.

Oleuropein and hydrolysis products are able to inhibit the development and production of enterotoxin B by Staphylococcus aureus, the development of Salmonella enteritidis and the germination and consequent development of spores of Bacillus cereus [5767]. Oleuropein and other phenolic compounds (p-hydroxybenzoic, vanillic and p-coumaric acids) completely inhibit the development of Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli and B. cereus [58].Recently, Sudjana et al. [68] showed the antimicrobial activity of commercial Olea europaea (olive) leaf extracts (abundantly oleuropein) against Campylobacter jejuni, Helicobacter pylori and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The authors also demonstrated these extracts play a role in regulating the composition of the gastric flora by selectively reducing levels of H. pylori and C. jejuni.

5.6. Antiviral effect
In a U.S. patent, it has been claimed that oleuropein has potent antiviral activities against herpes mononucleosis, hepatitis virus, rotavirus, bovine rhinovirus, canine parvovirus, and feline leukemia virus [69]. Studies have also shown that oleuropein exhibits a significant antiviral activity against respiratory syncytial virus and para-influenza type 3 virus [70].
The olive leaf extracts were investigated for their antiviral activity against viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV), a salmonid rhabdovirus, and against HIV-1 infection and replication [72]. Cell-to-cell transmission of HIV was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner with EC50s of 0.2 ?g/ml, and HIV replication was inhibited in an in vitro experiment [73].

Well its not a study but it is interesting. Here is what one doctor says on his website: https://www.drhoffman.com/page.cfm/126
In 1962 an Italian researcher recorded that Oleuropein had the ability to lower blood pressure in animals. Other European researchers validated that claim and also found it to increase blood flow in the coronary arteries, relieve arrhythmia and prevent intestinal muscle spasms. In the years to come, a Dutch researcher identified that a primary ingredient in oleuropein inhibited the growth of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. This chemical was elenolic acid. Further European research determined this compound to have strong bactericidal, antiviral and antifungal capabilities.

From research and clinical experience to date, we can say that supplemental olive leaf may be beneficial in the treatment for conditions caused by, or associated with, a virus, retrovirus, bacterium or protozoan. Among those treatable conditions are: influenza, the common cold, candida infections, meningitis, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), encephalitis, herpes I and II, human herpes virus 6 and 7, shingles (Herpes zoster), HIV/ARC/AIDS, chronic fatigue, hepatitis B, pneumonia, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, malaria, dengue, severe diarrhea, and dental, ear, urinary tract and surgical infections.

Many people who live stressful lives or who may be particularly susceptible to colds and viruses may benefit from long-term use of olive leaf as a preventive agent. Some patients have expressed other unexpected benefits of olive leaf, including improved psoriasis, normalization of heart beat irregularities, diminished cravings, less pain from hemorrhoids, toothaches and chronically achy joints.
Sydney, Australia
There is one caution against the use of olive leaf extract. As it is a vasodilator, it shouldn't be used by people with low blood pressure.

My daughter and I both have very low blood pressure and find that it is deadly for us.

All the best,



Senior Member
I tried it and didn't work at all for me. I went on it in the early stages and I think I took it for about three four months. No improvement, no change, nothing at all.
As far as I can tell it's all marketing hype, as with a lot of supplements nowadays.


Senior Member
I tried it and didn't work at all for me. I went on it in the early stages and I think I took it for about three four months. No improvement, no change, nothing at all.
As far as I can tell it's all marketing hype, as with a lot of supplements nowadays.

Me too - tried lots of different doses - no effect.


Senior Member
Didn't work or help me at all. The only effect was a severe stomache ache. I tried different varieties but no help at all.


Senior Member
England (south coast)
I tried it a year or two after becoming ill, and it made me even more ill (I had a partial relapse).
It took me a while to recover from the negative effects.
It was very unhelpful for me.

I think it is said that Olive leaf can cause a Herx reaction, just the same as Dr Chia's herbal preparation does.
I think the theory is that a Herx reaction is where viruses or bacteria get killed by the herb and enter the blood stream as debris - this makes you feel more ill for a while until the debris is cleared out of the system. I don't know if there is any evidence to support this 'Herx reaction' theory, particularly with herbs, or if it is just a theory without evidence.
It is recommended to reduced the dosage if you suffer from a bad reaction, but at the time i was so unstable and so severely ill, that the extra stress on my body caused an ME reaction.


Senior Member
I use oil of oregano whenever I feel a cold or flu coming on. I think of it as my antiviral, antibacterial cannon. Sometimes stops it dead in its tracks, sometimes makes it shorter/milder (compared with whichever kid got if first).

Thanks for the warnings about olive leaf; I have low blood pressure too.
I use oil of oregano whenever I feel a cold or flu coming on. I think of it as my antiviral, antibacterial cannon. Sometimes stops it dead in its tracks, sometimes makes it shorter/milder (compared with whichever kid got if first).

Thanks for the warnings about olive leaf; I have low blood pressure too.
I did mention it is a vasodilator and that that is why probably that it makes me feel good on a daily basis as my b.p. (w/o DHEA) is 184/117.
But the 1g dose from Soloray most definitely and swiftly knocks out some kind of yeast/thrush and seems to prevent colds as welll for me.

I don't ever seem to get herx reactions - the people going on Fredd's protocol often get them. (My doctor wants to do chelation therapy on
me but I am afraid of EDTA and I just don't think I have any toxins in me).

I also use oil of oregano but it is very expensive and very strong. I use that for the tough stuff, like if you had a toothache - it can kill gram negative bacteria which is hard to do.

Madietodd - I miss your butterfly woman avatar!


Senior Member
I love olive leaf extract (OLE), when I first started to use it (capsule) I reacted to it, but I really wanted to try a good natural antiviral, so got the liquid form and worked up my dose, starting with one drop. Now, years later, I can take one capsule with no problem, and it knocks back any viral issues. One thing I like about OLE is that aside from the anti-microbial properties, it has the major bioflavonoids, which helps my stress levels. Also helps me with sleep sometimes, probably that is the bioflavonoids. However, if a person has low BP, the bioflavonoids in OLE might be an issue (it's the bioflavonoids that are vaso-active), although a good rehydration drink at the same time might compensate for that.

Also want to agree about oregano oil. One of the better natural antimicrobials, along with grapefruit seed extract and bee propolis. But OLE seems unique, one of the only natural treatments for EBV also.


Senior Member
OLE causes quite noticeable depression for me, but I think it does help me if I take it for a while. I'd love to know why it makes me depressed, could it be "die off" or a salicylate reaction?