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Liver Support?


Senior Member
I found an article (PDF) about histadelia (high histamine) being helped by B3 and C. I have to link to it through this page: http://www.encognitive.com/node/12241

I found this because of taking B3 this morning for symptoms that I thought might have been brought on because of seasonal allergies and then getting some relief..

Thanks Violeta, I am concerned about taking B3 because 1. It's an inducer of Phase 1 Liver Activity (As is B1) and 2. because it stops methylation.

The article also mentions niacinamide and how it is different than B3.

Looks like taking all 3 might be the thing they are suggesting. I don't think niacinamide effects methylation.

I googled after writing my next post and not finding much to support that B3 is involved in DAO.
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Senior Member
@sregan, I haven't watched the video about causes of DAO deficiency, but I have read that a deficiency of B6 or copper can be one of the causes.

Copper deficiency can be caused by copper being biounavailable and then stored in organs such as the liver. That's caused by inadequate ceruloplasma, the protein carrier of copper. In that case, taking copper isn't a good idea. Dog Person in the B2 I love You thread said that B2 can help the stored copper to be released. Maybe that helps it to be used by the body, too, I don't know.

I think stress can be a cause of low copper, so maybe you already realize about that from the video. If so, sorry, I'll watch it later.

I actually did watch that video. I don't think Dr. Theo mentions B6 and copper being necessary for DAO.

I would like to know exactly which B vitamins are involved in DAO metabolism directly or otherwise. B2 indirectly through copper. For B6 this article mentions C and B6 with no mention of B3?

There are 5.5 million hits on google for "B6 copper DAO"

This article is pretty decent regarding what supps to take.

Something else worth looking at from this site:
90% cured from bed bound with Histrelief / Histame / Daosin


Senior Member
Has anyone had luck using Holy Basil? It is supposed to halt Mast Cell Degranulation. I've taken it recently and had a very positive response. I didn't continue because I thought it lowered cortisol. Now wondering if that is the case.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
Wow, I've just watched Theoharides talking about his Neuroprotek. I do all I can to avoid expensive supps, and iherb makes postage easy. But I'm really sold on his blend in this product. He's a pharmacologist, everything I've heard /read him say has helped make sense of my conditions, so I'm going to give this a try.

Well...having said that, I see the Swansons version is $10, and includes rutin, like Nueroprotek. I could, theoretically, take quercetin along with it. Neuroprotek is $40 for same dosage and number of caps. I appreciate his blending of flavanoids to, in part, allow the luteolin to get into the brain. And he's put it into an oil base, which Swansons isn't. I think I'll trust his pharmacologist's mind here.

I've just been watching my mind very closely these last weeks. I've watched how my detox protocols changed from needing high amounts of histamine-reducing supps, to needing less, while still needing high amounts of ammonia-reducing supps. During my week off, now past, I got very closely acquainted with the refusal of my mind to take a break. I watched how quickly I lose track of a story on the radio. This is not new, and I'm a meditator, but I'm now very interested in acting on Theoharides' explanation of mast cells and histamine creating brain inflammation. I've finally gotten a calm body, now I'm looking for peace from mind. What if luteolin is the missing ingredient?:lol:



Senior Member
Well...having said that, I see the Swansons version is $10, and includes rutin, like Nueroprotek. I could, theoretically, take quercetin along with it. Neuroprotek is $40 for same dosage and number of caps. I appreciate his blending of flavanoids to, in part, allow the luteolin to get into the brain. And he's put it into an oil base, which Swansons isn't. I think I'll trust his pharmacologist's mind here.

The "Olive Kernel Oil" seems important. I will probably end up getting this as well.

I've just been watching my mind very closely these last weeks. I've watched how my detox protocols changed from needing high amounts of histamine-reducing supps, to needing less, while still needing high amounts of ammonia-reducing supps. During my week off, now past, I got very closely acquainted with the refusal of my mind to take a break. I watched how quickly I lose track of a story on the radio. This is not new, and I'm a meditator, but I'm now very interested in acting on Theoharides' explanation of mast cells and histamine creating brain inflammation. I've finally gotten a calm body, now I'm looking for peace from mind. What if luteolin is the missing ingredient?:lol:

I wonder if Ammonia is an issue for me. I don't really eat too high a protein diet though. Woke up this AM with my spleen feeling swollen again.


Senior Member
The "Olive Kernel Oil" seems important. I will probably end up getting this as well.

I wonder if Ammonia is an issue for me. I don't really eat too high a protein diet though. Woke up this AM with my spleen feeling swollen again.

With respect to the olive kernel oil, you might need an emulsifier.

With respect to the spleen, copper does tend to be stored there, and that would fit in with some of your other issues.


Senior Member
I've tried the Swanson Luteolin Complex twice now... Last night had a hard time going to sleep but felt peaceful. Body was tired, mind was peaceful but still needed to take melatonin. Decided best to take in the AM and have felt somewhat hyper today. But a hint of optimism in my mind telling me that my brain chemistry has improved a little bit.


Senior Member
I found with the methylations supports that timing was key. It may be useful to reduce your histamine reactions a bit more, because I found that at first I had to be really careful about titrating my dosages up or the histamine reactions would increase dramatically. But overall, once I broke through that tough phase, then methylation has almost solved all my histamine issues. Other than - I still notice small reactions with certain foods like the bananas and fish.

I'm curious about methylation in general. I've read that methylation is perhaps the biggest way our bodies metabolize histamine. So getting that working should solve histamine issues I would think. Methylation being one of the Phase 2 Liver detox routes it seems like it shouldn't cause adverse reactions when its functioning is enhanced. Making the toxins water soluable for excretion.

Unless enterohepatic recirculation is bringing these toxins back into the blood stream. A good binder in place to catch bile should be able to do the trick then along with some Bile support supps like Artichoke.


Senior Member
Has anyone had luck using Holy Basil? It is supposed to halt Mast Cell Degranulation. I've taken it recently and had a very positive response. I didn't continue because I thought it lowered cortisol. Now wondering if that is the case.
Holy Basil increases ACh(acetycholine). ACh is needed to convert histamine to HCL. I don't recall hearing that Holy Basil lowers cortisol. I haven't had that as a problem (mine is always high though). On the other hand, I believe cortisol is used to lower histamine so less histamine could lessen the need for cortisol.