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How to actually test for mineral levels

I've read about this issue but really don't feel it is clear. Having the correct ratio or minerals is key, and given a history of malabsorption I would really like to assess my present state.

I guess the options are:
  • Blood test
  • Red Cell blood test
  • Hair
  • Urine
  • 24 Urine.
Any thoughts on this topic?

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
It may be that different tests are best for different minerals. My doctor recommended hair testing for zinc.

Not all hair test labs give dependable results. Two that did well in a test of hair labs are Trace Elements, Inc. and Analytical Research Labs. There may be others.


Senior Member
One doctor gave me a Spectracell mineral test. This was expensive, about $500, and my following doctor said she wasn't convinced about the accuracy of that test. She recommended the Analytical Research Labs test which cost me $75.
I've just done my 3rd one. I am, like you, convinced of malabsorption. Here is the format of result you can expect from a hair test:
Fyi, I've been looking at Transdermally getting minerals into me, and doing something called a Myers cocktail which is minerals straight into an IV into your bloodstream


Senior Member
I have done a pretty thorugh test for mineral via the European Lab for Nutrients, they have a "minerals panel" which quantifies the elements in whole blood, serum and red blood cells.

See here:

It was helpful to see some of the problems I have with zinc and manganese (pyroluria) in action, as I was deficient even with high dose supplementation.

Urine may be interesting too, while I don't put much stock in hair analysis given the lack of standardization and study in general. It may still be useful to check for toxic metals though, as those are really not expected to show up in high doses in the hair.


ETA: added link