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Has anyone had a Covid vaccine yet?


Senior Member
NEWS in France today:

The AstraZeneca vaccine was expected at the Brest CHRU, to begin large-scale vaccination of caregivers on Monday. The first doses arrived a little earlier last weekend. From a syndicat source, without wasting time, the first injections took place.

These vaccinations have started as a priority in the services devoted to covid patients: infectious diseases, emergencies and intensive care. But faced with a large proportion of vaccinated with side effects, the management of the CHRU would have taken the decision to suspend vaccination.

These are influenza-like illnesses with headaches and high fevers which, according to our sources, have forced 20 to 25% of vaccinated staff to take time off work.

The same reactions, in the same proportions, would have been recorded for the staff of the Quimper hospital.

The Morlaix hospital, which was to receive the first doses of AstraZeneca vaccines this Friday, to start the vaccination of caregivers, has also decided to suspend


Senior Member
South East England, UK
All my side effects were gone by the next day, wouldn't know I had had the vaccine. Very pleasantly surprised and of course delighted.

I should have added that I am someone who was diagnosed in 1998 by an NHS Consultant, saying that I had "unusually high levels of histamine in my blood" and have a history of bad allergies. To this day I have top of the range basophils on my annual blood test but nobody ever comments on this. It's over 10 years that this has been the case.

I had a bad reaction when 15 years old to the TB jab with the wound not clearing up for a year and has left a large scar. My GP at the time had no clue why I would react in this way. The second negative reaction I had that I remember was in the 80s to a tetanus jab and my GP at the time said she didn't think I should have any more vaccines.

It wasn't till 2001 when I found out what the probable reason was for these reactions to some vaccines and that is when I had the Lymphocyte Sensitivity Test done at Biolab which showed I was allergic to mercury and nickel so this lead to the conclusion I had reacted to thimerasol in the vaccines. I hadn't had a vaccine since the late 1980s till I had the Pfizer vaccine this week.

The reason I am posting this is to show that the Pfizer vaccine caused no sort of allergic reaction in my case but of course I recognise that we are all different and therefore have our own individual allergies.



Senior Member
Any ideas why they had the bad reaction @pattismith ? Not heard of anything like that happening here despite millions of jabs being given.
I think the reactions are common ones, but hospitals feel concerned as they lack enough caregivers, so they can't offered to loose some workers even for 1 or 2 days; Maybe they will do more gradual vaccination in the future?


Senior Member
Hi.....I just wanted to add that my husband had the second dose of the Moderna vaccine yesterday. He's fine with just a bit of a sore arm. No other side-effects whatsoever.

A friend had her second dose of Moderna two days ago. Same report, no side-effects whatsoever, even though three of her friends had flu like symptoms for a day.

The waiting was a nuisance for both of them, different locations but 3 hr. waits. We've had bad weather and places were closed, open for a day, with more closures scheduled for Sat., Sun., and Mon. It should also be noted that even though a day was scheduled for them, appointment times weren't given. This seems to make a big difference, but I'll be able to tell you more in about 2 wks. time when I get the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Mine is in a hospital at a totally different location. We live in the D/FW area for information purposes. Good luck if you're thinking of getting any of the vaccines. Also hope they're available in your area. Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
Just noting that triggering MCAS is a possibility and that is why some of our docs like Nancy Klimas recommended taking either Zyrtec or Benadryl before and for some days after. I got a bit itchy after both vaccinations and am glad I had taken Zyrtec. I don’t have a significant level of MCAS but I have often gotten hives from various exposures.
My new signature:
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I'm just wondering if my, relatively minor mast cell issues have been ramped up. I got my first shot of Moderna a week ago and initially just had a very swollen arm. My mast cell stuff had been a bit worse the week before, but today I clearly reacted to a soap I had used for years in the past with no problem and also noticed redness of the skin near the injection site. It does not appear to be an infection... I think we should set up a survey for reactions to the first and second doses.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I'm just wondering if my, relatively minor mast cell issues have been ramped up.
Could be. Mine are minor too but I was itchier after the first dose. After the second I have continued taking Zyrtec and haven’t had a problem.
I think we should set up a survey for reactions to the first and second doses.
Health Rising has a poll—you might find it interesting: https://www.healthrising.org/blog/2...ffects-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-fibromyalgia/


Senior Member
I'll definitely take Benadryl before my 2nd Pfizer immunization. I'd like to note that after I recovered from 3 attacks of shingles one after the other, I was very ill and was allergic to everything that I had previously used. I was reduced to even washing my hair in Ivory soap, my husband all clothes 3 times and no dryer sheets were ever used. It took me mos. to get over the symptoms, but everything did resolve and I'm long back to where I was before (except for my long walks).

Rod woke up with his jaw hurting from his ear this a.m., perhaps this is a mild reaction, but he doesn't think so. He did fall asleep which is most unlike him in the a.m., but he wasn't running a fever and said he felt fine otherwise. Was his usual busy self at lunchtime, so I'm assuming that all is OK. Hope so.

I'll let you know if I have any side-effects from my 2nd Pfizer vaccine in about 2 wks. time. None from the first, apart from a sore arm. That's it folks. Yours, Lenora.

vision blue

Senior Member
I am getting closer to the top of the queue (the county health dept emailed me) and remain in angst over it. I have a mast cell issue too and react so strongly to harmless chemicals. So far, all the antihistamines i cannot take for one reason or another so its not as simple as just medicating and taking vaccination. Plus some of my peculiar reactions to substances can be life threateing (e.g very high bp).

Now add to that, besides the chemical issues, Even a minor respitory illness (i.e. immune activation) can put me in a 14 month flare. 14 monts would beat dying of Covid, but somehow can't shake the sense that i'm about to go willingly drink the Koolaid at Jonestown and make myself sick for quite a while. And if for some reason it triggers vertigo again, it's all over since i cannot go thru that again and come out alive on the other side. I've been relatively comfortable the last year (some of which i think is not going to doctors!) and want more time before i mess that up again and spin the roulette wheel. Never know where i will land next when i upset the apple cart to mix a few metaphors.

and of course unless the side effects occured in the first 8 hours after ijection, no one will believe me its form the vaccine. I suppose that doesn' tmatter but i get tired of always adding insult to injury.

so mostly i'm not thinking about it and keep putting off even looking up the ingredients to see if i spot any i know will send my bp or hr to crazy. When mynumber is called, have no idea if i will go or hide under the covers.

@lenora I guess we've talked before. I too have several bouts with herpes viruses - more likely hsv than zoster but for a long time this was unclear - and it also produced increased intolerances of things like shampoos and dysautonomia.

second edit: and oh - don't get me started on arm pain. People think i'm a wus if i mention it, but i want. one of my "overreaction" type resopnses concerns periarticular swelling and pain- so i've had both arms/shoulders 9 on pain scale for extened time from minor events, one of which landed me in ER and the other of which was even worse and with fever but figured theyd only make it worse and toughed it out - pain was so bad i could not put a shirt back on after getting it off and had to stay that way for a few days at home til finally there was some improvement. So i think about that too. i have alot of muscle atrophy in my upper arms and even getting an injection will be a big deal.
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Senior Member
Hi Vision Blue....Perhaps you can wait as the vaccine will soon start being available in a lot of big pharmacies. See what the reactions are that people will have. It was easier for me b/c I don't generally have terrible reactions to vaccines. Thank goodness. I don't know why...perhaps they don't even take, but for whatever reason I've managed to escape that particular pitfall. Perhaps you should talk to your Internist. No one will tell you exactly what to do as they don't know themselves.

I haven't had mouth sores for ages now. I do know that lysine helped me through my bouts of shingles and now there are anti-virals available. I'm trying very hard to keep walking...I'm up to about 15 min./day, nowhere near what I used to do, but it's certainly better than nothing. My weight gain has stayed exactly the same...not a lb. over or under. Apparently the steroids can do this to some people. Why anyone would readily want to go on those drugs is way beyond me. There isn't a part of the body or mind that isn't affected.

I don't know where you live, but that may be the best alternative for you. I'm sorry that your arms are as bad as they are. I just can't lift anything that heavy or unstable, one of the reasons my husband cooks one meal/day. I do know what you mean about getting dressed though...there are times when I have to lay down before I can continue. It's easier in the summertime. Good luck in whatever your decision is. it's tough! Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
I'm just wondering if my, relatively minor mast cell issues have been ramped up. I got my first shot of Moderna a week ago and initially just had a very swollen arm. My mast cell stuff had been a bit worse the week before, but today I clearly reacted to a soap I had used for years in the past with no problem and also noticed redness of the skin near the injection site. It does not appear to be an infection... I think we should set up a survey for reactions to the first and second doses.
Turned out I got ‘Moderna Arm’ I think it’s called. Started post-vaccine day 6 and lasted 6 days. Arm swollen and red a good 10cm surrounding the injection site.
I appreciate the link to the survey on Health Rising but was waiting for a possibility to report that reaction.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
That's great news. It's not 2 years, but sure beats one day. NOt sure if one needs to sign up for that or if automatic, but will if it is (and if i get it...). Thanks for posting.
You have to sign up on a phone or tablet and they text you every day with lists of symptoms and space to add ones they don’t list. If you tick a symptom, it opens another menu. I’m told that if you list severe for some symptoms they will phone you. https://vsafe.cdc.gov/


Senior Member
Any ideas why they had the bad reaction @pattismith ? Not heard of anything like that happening here despite millions of jabs being given.
That happend in Norway as well. The authorities knew this could happend, so they tried to not vaccinate too many health care people at the same time. But they still got too eager at a couple of hospitals and where short of staff a couple of days.
I read about this a long time ago, a warning that working people should better get their vaccination on a Friday, to have time to recover. (In real life, that’s not gonna happend of course)
As far as I understand, they are still mild reactions, whatever that means. And it goes away in a couple of days. But I suppose, as a health carer, the work is too heavy to do with a hurting body and a low grade fever.
And- as far as I understand, it’s mostly the healthy, youngish ones, with a strong immune system that gets the hardest reaction

vision blue

Senior Member
Turned out I got ‘Moderna Arm’ I think it’s called. Started post-vaccine day 6 and lasted 6 days. Arm swollen and red a good 10cm surrounding the injection site.
I appreciate the link to the survey on Health Rising but was waiting for a possibility to report that reaction.

I think i wish i hadn't read this. As someone who had "ultrasound arm" (Severely swollen, excuricatingly painful, red, arm becasue of an ultrasound exam of shoulder - yes, i know , all docs said "impossible" but i appear to have mast cell issues) and a similarly severre reaction in the other shulder/upper arm to a minor twisting of arm that landed me in the ER, I'm a likely candidate for this.

I hope you are 100 percent free of this going forward


Senior Member
Hello All....I've only had on injection of the Pfizer vaccine and that was two weeks ago. I still have a bruise from it, had to take tylenol for the first few nights b/c I couldn't lay on it, but I consider that a minor side-effect. Yes, the arm was very painful, for it wasn't red. I even wondered if it was an improperly given injection.

My husband had his usual arm swelling and redness for a few days, but then it did go away. I usually have a slight soreness after injections, but this time I did take tylenol. As I said before, I'll take benadryl or the like before the next injection. I hope no one's suffering too much. Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
A good survey recommended by Sushi. The comments section was also helpful, although I would ask if anyone has had very recent recommendations as to what should/should not be taken prior to vaccine and for a short time afterwards?

As we thought, there are no real clear indications and it isn't the fault of the manufacturers - this is new and we're still adjusting to the problems. The survey recommended by Sushi should be taken by all of us...it will help with research about the side-effects. It does mention a side-effect of a rash appearing on the arm about eight days afterwards. All in all, informative, although up-to-the-minute info would be good. Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
I think i wish i hadn't read this. As someone who had "ultrasound arm" (Severely swollen, excuricatingly painful, red, arm becasue of an ultrasound exam of shoulder - yes, i know , all docs said "impossible" but i appear to have mast cell issues) and a similarly severre reaction in the other shulder/upper arm to a minor twisting of arm that landed me in the ER, I'm a likely candidate


Senior Member
This gives me a chance to update. So I got 'Moderna Arm' on post vaccine day 6. I had and area about 10 cm in diameter of swelling and redness around the injection site. I also had some increased generalized itching and an intermitten rash on my neck and chest. The arm swelling etc., changed a little over the next days, was never painful and finally disappeared 6 days later. During that time, I had an exacerbation of my fatigue and had a couple of days of bad (for me) PEM but I am not sure that had anything to do with the vaccine since I had been unusually active a couple of days before. All in all, nothing really serious that I can attribute to the vaccine and I would definitely get it again and will get my second shot.