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Has anyone had a Covid vaccine yet?


Senior Member
I have had the vaccine(Asta zeneca?) this week as I'm in CEV group....also over 65s.I have heard(Euro News that this vaccine is not being given to over 65s in Germany/Austria/Poland...France too? so that is worrying.However, one has no choice so I guess it is better to take it.The new Russian vaccine may be more effective....
Did you get sick?


Senior Member
South east England
I have heard(Euro News that this vaccine is not being given to over 65s in Germany/Austria/Poland...France too?
The European medicines regulator says it's ok for over 60s to have it but some individual European countries say there is not enough data to say it is effective. Also there is an on- going study into how effective it is for the over 55s. 2,000 subjects in the study so it should give a clear picture of how useful the jab is. My prediction is that it is effective in that age group.
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No,I didnt get sick.Today I heard that the Dutch & Irish are not going to use the Astra Zeneca vaccine on those over 65s in line with Italy/Germany/Austria/Poland....also I heard that the Swiss are not going to use it at all.
I think that's just for now. Due to not enough data. Data is still being collected and more should be be available soon.
I had the first Pfizer vaccine a few weeks ago because I work at a vaccination centre. Wasn't sure how it was going to go because my EBV re-activated in November and I'm still not fully recovered from it. However, I'm pleased to report that the only side-effect I experienced was a slightly sore arm for a few days and that I didn't require so much as a paracetamol. Hope it's the same for you guys!


Senior Member
South East England, UK
(Sorry put this on another thread about the Covid vaccine as couldn't fine this one!)

As a very long standing member here I thought I should report that I had the Pfizer vaccine about 4 hours ago and no problem at the time except I was way too anxious as my body doesn't make cortisol which is your natural stress handling hormone and I didn't think it necessary to take more steroid beforehand. I noticed that my pulse was around 112 all the time so consequently I felt horrible and needed to take a bit of beta blocker to try and get things under better control. (The reason I was very anxious is that I have had bad reactions in the past to the TB jab which took a whole year to stop erupting and also to the tetanus jab in the 80s. Pretty sure the reactions were due to thimerasol and since found out I am allergic to mercury and nickel.

Anyway for the past hour my arm has been aching and that was the start of the rest of my body joining in. Everything is starting to ache and I fell shit so just taken some paracetamol. Its really annoying because there is snow outside which we haven't had for 3 years and the sun is out plus my Beagle wants to go out for a walk and so do I. Not sure I will be able to do it because my head just went dizzy on top of everything else.

Its very annoying cos I have been so unwell the past month after a very negative reaction to Botox for Migraine. Lets just say never again, my nervous system went completely over the top with just horrid symptoms plus the migraines were worse than ever up until the past weekend. Felt I have just turned the corner but the vaccine had to be done so fingers crossed the reaction will soon pass. Friends of mine of the same age, ie around 72, who don't have any other health issues haven't a clue what some of us have to put up with.



Senior Member
Two evolutionary biologists, the Weinsteins...Heather and Brett...have been looking into some of the vaccine issues from their perspective, and they feel that Astro Zeneca one based upon using an adenovirus...they think because we have been exposed to adenoviruses for a very long time, our bodies are less likely to experience an adverse reaction.

They were both on Real Time with Bill Maher last week discussing this and I will assume they have posted You Tube videos discussing it. So you might look into that....

Problem is now that the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine offers only “minimal” protection against the South African variant (and likely also Brazilian as it’s similar). So I’m worried taking it would be pointless in the end.

Since the rich countries are vaccinating and leaving the developing world behind means that we are giving the virus so much more time to mutate and evolve over most of the world and then new vaccine resistant variants will come back to rich countries. Hopefully it doesn’t end up being a whack-a-mole hot mess like this, requiring vaccine retools and booster shots to everybody.


Senior Member
South east England
Problem is now that the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine offers only “minimal” protection against the South African variant
The "minimal protection" is against mild disease. From the news over here it is looking probable it protects against serious disease and death. Not enough data yet as there have been very few cases of the South African or Brazilian variant. The study comprised 2,000 subject. Average age was 31.
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Senior Member
The "minimal protection" is against mild disease. From the news over here it is looking probable it protects against serious disease and death. Not enough data yet as there have been very few cases of the South African or Brazilian variant. The study comprised 2,000 subject. Average age was 31.

Minimal protection against mild or moderate disease. But my comment was wrt pwME, not regular people. I don’t want a vaccine where I can still get COVID and get significantly sick. I’m really worried that it could make my ME worse. This virus is a monster and my immune system is definitely dysfunctional because of ME. I would prefer a vaccine that gives significant immunity and protection from most disease, if it’s possible.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I had my second dose of Pfizer today. It was a drive-through and super well organized. It only took 3 minutes from the time I turned into the vaccination site to being vaccinated through the car window. All the registration and form-filling was done online.Then someone directed me to a parking place, told me to set a phone alarm (I chose 30 minutes) and to honk if I had a problem. I had to laugh at the honking part, but it is practical. :headslap:

it has only been 5 hours (so side-effect yet but my arm beginning to get sore), though I expect that the night may not be fun.

Jennifer J

Senior Member
Southern California
I had my second dose of Pfizer today. It was a drive-through and super well organized. It only took 3 minutes from the time I turned into the vaccination site to being vaccinated through the car window. All the registration and form-filling was done online.Then someone directed me to a parking place, told me to set a phone alarm (I chose 30 minutes) and to honk if I had a problem. I had to laugh at the honking part, but it is practical. :headslap:

Thank you for this Sushi. I was thinking drive-through wasn't an option for those of us who need to wait to see if there's a more serious reaction. This is good to know! Hope they have it everywhere,

And fortunate you only 3 minutes wait pulling in and to be vaccinated. :) We are having at one of ours hours-long lines and traffic jams. :(

Hope any side-effects go easily for you.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I was thinking drive-through wasn't an option for those of us who need to wait to see if there's a more serious reaction.
There were nurses and paramedics circulating--it felt very safe. I also registered with the CDC"s VSAFE.cdc.gov. They texted me a couple hours after vaccination to check for side-effects. They will text regularly I'm told.

My first shot was in a hospital and it was also very well organized, no waiting. But I really preferred the drive-through as everything was outside. They had timed the appointments so that there was no waiting and I only had to drive 15 minutes to get there.


Senior Member
So far so good then. Nobody has turned into a bat.

If someone did turn into a bat, would they be able to post here? I'm going to assume anyone who doesn't post a follow-up is now a bat.

These are great threads, as most doctors don't really consider any of us to be a subset worthy of serious consideration (MCAS, ME, etc). And we've had to learn the hard way that we may respond to things in an unusual manner. So far it sounds like all the vaccine responses are pretty normal and haven't even triggered a minor crash, let alone something more serious.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
So far it sounds like all the vaccine responses are pretty normal and haven't even triggered a minor crash, let alone something more serious.
Just noting that triggering MCAS is a possibility and that is why some of our docs like Nancy Klimas recommended taking either Zyrtec or Benadryl before and for some days after. I got a bit itchy after both vaccinations and am glad I had taken Zyrtec. I don’t have a significant level of MCAS but I have often gotten hives from various exposures.
If someone did turn into a bat, would they be able to post here? I'm going to assume anyone who doesn't post a follow-up is now a bat.
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