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Will You Be Getting the Covid Vaccine?

Will You Be Getting the COVID Vaccine?

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Senior Member
Hello. I'm very conflicted about this. I'm not an anti-vaxxer and have no objections to vaccines, but I stopped getting them 20 years ago after having a very bad autonomic nervous system reaction to a flu/pneumonia combo vaccine. My doctors have said it's probably best to avoid vaccines.

I want to get the COVID vaccine because I'm high risk and almost 70, but am afraid. However, the prospect of getting COVID with all my problems could end up being worse.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.
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Senior Member
@2Cor.12:19 We were discussing this issue yesterday in another thread in case you want to see it. Here is the link:


I am still undecided re: the vaccine for myself (for medical reasons re: autoimmunity and potential allergic reactions) and explain it in that thread. A lot of us are concerned and for me it is purely the risk of a serious adverse medical reaction and I am not an anti-vaxxer.

Edited to Add: I voted as undecided in your poll b/c I still cannot say 100% that I will not ever get a COVID vaccine. But at this moment I am leaning toward no.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I want to get the COVID vaccine because I'm high risk and almost 70, but am afraid. However, the prospect of getting COVID with all my problems could end up being worse.

Feel similarly at 67. I don't normally get flu vaccinations. Its been decades since I've had a shot (tetanus I recall).

I'm remaining open minded- the pictures of folks on ventilators is deeply concerning.


Senior Member
There should be another choice..."not now, but eventually, maybe". I will definitely not get it anytime soon as I don't trust that shortcuts weren't taken regarding safety. Almost by definition there were shortcuts. The initial "efficacy" of the first vaccine seems to be based on 7 days worth of infections (94 total?), and the "long term safety" is based on what? 7 days after the second injection? I'll remain vigilant with the distancing, masking, and hygiene, but someone else can test the safety of the vaccine if they like...


Senior Member
South east England
I'll remain vigilant with the distancing, masking, and hygiene, but someone else can test the safety of the vaccine if they like...
Yeah being vigilant is another option, and if a high percentage of people get the jab (say 60%-70%) then the chance of catching covid will go way,way down. Just hope the effect of the vaccines lasts long enough.


Senior Member
I am not sure if I will get one.
It's strange and intriguing that the NHS would not allow me an antibody test when I called to ask. The reason I wanted a very reliable test, was to see if I still had antibodies after 6 months.

I wouldn't consider a vaccine at all if I still had immunity to Covid. But of course, I shall never know as I wasn't "allowed" to find out. My Covid history status did not fit their inflexible protocol, owing to having been denied a Covid test (again because of red tape) when I first came down with it.

In fact I would go so far as to say that a vaccination, if immunity was still present and strong, could even be damaging. I observed (years ago) the highly negative effect of a Parvo vaccination on my dog, who was already immune for life, having survived it earlier. Her medical records were lodged at that vet's practice, yet they still insisted on the regular yearly boosters. I trusted their judgement (what did I know?)
Enter my rapid self-education and the titer testing era from that day on.....

I was not allowed to find out how long my own immunity lasts. Instead, I am now being encouraged to get vaccinated regardless.

I am not anti-vaccine. I am just pro common sense.


Senior Member
I'm not an anti vaccine person either but I do not trust a rushed vaccine. Long term studies are also non existent. The last time I got a flu shot I was sick for two weeks straight. The last time I got my plumbers shot I got cfs two months later(I know not related just a weird coincidence). I don't trust the government or any politician for that matter.


Senior Member
I'm not an anti vaccine person either, I would like to have it done, but I don't know enough about how immune compromised I am because of ME. I'm going to look into what they advise for the Long Covid patients, etc. before heading down that path.
Chelmsford, England
I am not anti vaccines at all but there is no way I am having this. I do not trust it has been tested properly- effectively it is a stage 4 trial with emergency authorization. In the UK we are being encouraged to agree and to comply as if it is our community duty- all very frightening, and as a trained nurse with a history of ME for 25 years I am not giving into pressure.


Senior Member
This article by @Cort Johnson really helped me to decide to get the vaccine as soon as it's available. It's thorough and answered many of my questions. I was reluctant because of a very bad reaction to a flu and pneumonia vaccine along with concerns about the effects it might have on my various pre-existing conditions. I've now seen what this virus has done to a number of people I personally know and love (including the death just yesterday of an extended family member who had MS). I've decided I'd rather take my chances on a relapse or other type of reaction than to risk permanent organ damage or death.
ME/CFS and FM Experts on Whether to Take the Coronavirus Vaccine – Plus The Vaccine Polls


Senior Member
Which vaccine? There are several on the market and many in development (over 200!) with various mechanisms!
Is the first out of say 10 (assuming only 10 of 200 get approval) going to be the safest, the most effective, the one with the least side effects, the best for ME/CFS patients?


Senior Member
Which vaccine? There are several on the market and many in development (over 200!) with various mechanisms!
Is the first out of say 10 (assuming only 10 of 200 get approval) going to be the safest, the most effective, the one with the least side effects, the best for ME/CFS patients?
@junkcrap50 - Where I live it will be either Pfizer or Moderna.


Senior Member
I hear tonight via a friend's phone call, that two very old people (both in their 80s)in my neighbourhood had got the vaccine a few days ago.
Okay -neither of them has ME/CFS.
But they got no ill effects. Both fine.

But I also feel unsure of a vaccine that arrives after 10 months, when normally it takes between 5-10 years to develop, test one etc. Even if ours has got the "Oxford" connection.


Senior Member
I put yes, but I will be waiting for a vaccine that uses a weakened version of the virus rather than the vaccines that have been in the news recently.

Maybe you think the classic vaccine (weakened or killed virus + excipient) will suit better to you but personally I think the new vaccine may be less armful to me.

I know the ARN vaccine can make serious allergy reaction, but I'm not prone to allergic reaction.
No known mastocyte activation, hypersensibility or other like that.

On the other hand I had a bad reaction to the classic flu vaccine done in november, with neutropenia (and enthesis pain that is still not resolve), because of the immune system activation...


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I've registered online for it and will get it when my turn comes up. I emailed my electrophysiologist yesterday, asking if she would recommend it given that I have dysautonomia and ME/CFS. She replied in minutes saying: "Yes, Absolutely! Very important--please get ASAP."

To me, Nancy Klimas's statement makes sense:
“COVID kills people. It kills people with over activated and damaged immune systems preferentially – and that is what ME/CFS is all about. So while there certainly is a risk of an ME relapse with these hyper reactive vaccines (the first wave to be released) , you have to weigh the possibility of an ME relapse against the risk of death from COVID. ”
By the time it is actually available to us, more data on ME/CFS patients should be available as patients are tracking their reactions on various online sites.