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Vitamins processing... Help please?

I have had trouble walking (stiffness, heaviness and weakness with numb feeling legs) for a long time now.... Doc is now referring me to a neuro as i had some hyper reflexes...

Anyway I have been trying to find the answer to my problems for so long & all basic blood tests came back ok apart from my vit b12 and folate being high...

What I would like to know is how to find out if my body is processing the vitamins as they should?
My vit d was also low (not deficient but low) & I would like to try some vitamin d but don't want to make myself feel even worse because my body may not be able to process. I think this may be why my b12 & folate is high and don't wanna overload my body.

I tried some sublingual b12 recently and that made me feel sooooooooooo dizzy so I had to stop & extra iron tablets do the same....

So is there a test to find out if my body (intesines (???) liver (???) is working properly to process...

I have also just ordered another vitamin d test after reading about the link between vitamin d deficiency and ms.

My mind isn't working very well at the moment so could someone explain in laymans terms as I find it so hard to get my head around everything :(

I would have to go through the doc to get the test as I have no money now.... So cant order a test online :(


Senior Member
An organic acids test can indicate whether some thing are being processed correctly or not. Methylmalonic acid should give you an idea about your B12. I have had a mainstream doctor order this test, so hopefully your doctor may be willing to do it.