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Update on Dr Jon Kaiser


Senior Member
That is not exactly what the conclusion of that paper was. It stated that ME/CFS patients found value in using their supplements.

My quote was about no consistent trends. Some of us do benefit from a specific supplement, while others get no benefit from it, and still others get worse on it. Can PWME benefit from supplements? Definitely possible. Is there a supplement that is consistently helpful for PWME? Not that I know of.


Senior Member
Follow up on this. Found an amazing doc in my area. Shes young but probably has more knowledge than any doc I've seen in the last 3 years.

First appointment back in June and she diagnosed me with babesia in 5min from hearing my symptoms.

She uses much a better lab than most docs (vibrant wellness or Igenex) and in July a tick borne diaease panel came back positive for 4 strains of lyme, bartonella, babesia, toxoplasmosis, and tick borne relapsing fever lol.

I learned more from her than idk how many docs in the past couple years and I don’t even think she is 30. She showed me most docs truly have no idea what they’re doing. Completing medical school will likely be thanks to her.

Not gonna lie it makes me mad at some of these other CFS and integrative med docs I’ve seen. Spending thousands to not get the quality of care I got from her for a few hundred


Senior Member
Follow up on this. Found an amazing doc in my area. Shes young but probably has more knowledge than any doc I've seen in the last 3 years.

First appointment back in June and she diagnosed me with babesia in 5min from hearing my symptoms.

She uses much a better lab than most docs (vibrant wellness or Igenex) and in July a tick borne diaease panel came back positive for 4 strains of lyme, bartonella, babesia, toxoplasmosis, and tick borne relapsing fever lol.

I learned more from her than idk how many docs in the past couple years and I don’t even think she is 30. She showed me most docs truly have no idea what they’re doing. Completing medical school will likely be thanks to her.

Not gonna lie it makes me mad at some of these other CFS and integrative med docs I’ve seen. Spending thousands to not get the quality of care I got from her for a few hundred

@Swim15 - who is this amazing doc???