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Trudie Chalder - 17July 2017 - Roehampton Child Psychopathology


Senior Member
Not so long to go before this one:

12th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology,
17 - 19 July 2017.

University of Roehampton


Keynote speakers:

Professor Trudie Chalder

(Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, UK)

Keynote Address: “Chronic fatigue syndrome in adolescents”

Prof Chalder’s work includes epidemiological and aetiological studies of fatigue in adolescents, evaluating the efficacy of cognitive behaviour therapy in chronic fatigue, CFS, irritable bowel syndrome and other somatoform disorders in adolescents.

eta: for more of her 'ME is psychosomatic' message she is spreading off the back of PACE, see this thread http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?posts/863105/
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
I wonder if it's worth it for someone in the area to turn up and see what's being said.
Especially as it's extremely likely this will be 'please don't publish details on social media, because there are psychopathic young men and women out there'.
Please do not be sexist. ;) There are some nut job women around too.

As to the conference, I think it is one to miss TBH. People who think that CFS is "in the head" are not worth listening to.


Rebel without a biscuit
Please do not be sexist. ;) There are some nut job women around too.

As to the conference, I think it is one to miss TBH. People who think that CFS is "in the head" are not worth listening to.

Well that's certainly true -- they are not worth listening to. The problem is -- they are listened to. And there is an ever growing trend to widen the net for what is psychiatric.
They have been loosing ground as illnesses come under technical scrutiny (new medical diagnostic tools) and physical abnormalities are found.

This is their push back and they mean business. They aren't worth listening to, yes but they influence public health policy they have the power to inflict the kind of policies through institutions that create an environment where if you're looking to claim disability benefits to survive you need to go through a process of interrogation where only the waterboarding is missing.

The 'it's all in your head' crowd are well connected and well protected as they do the bidding of their political masters. This is how they continue to have money pour in in the form of research grants with even the Dept of Works and Pensions ponying up some of the money for PACE.

We don't listen -- but they spread the vile hatred of people who refuse to accept their psychosocial interpretation of our illness through seminars, conferences and other venues. Teaching any health professional that will listen that we are not to be trusted and that we are intransigent and slightly crazy and therefore more forceful methods are required when dealing with us.

If we don't pay heed then they are free to spread misinformation and they will -- everywhere.
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Senior Member
The 'it's all in your head' crowd are well connected and well protected as they do the bidding of their political masters.

You mean the "no-one is saying it's all in your head, but all health problems also have psychosocial aspects and we can help you try to deal with these to help you move twoards recovery" crowd? It's a bit annoying we're lacking in a shorter label for them


Rebel without a biscuit
You mean the "no-one is saying it's all in your head, but all health problems also have psychosocial aspects and we can help you try to deal with these to help you move twoards recovery" crowd? It's a bit annoying we're lacking in a shorter label for them

Well the misuse of the concept of mind/body connection is one but then it requires an explanation defining what is meant by mind/body connectivity and what can we objectively say about what we know of M/B C.

This psychosocial group have been experts at manipulating language to look like it means one thing when they have something else in mind altogether. I think I find this the most insidious aspect of their propaganda.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Well that's certainly true -- they are not worth listening to. The problem is -- they are listened to. And there is an ever growing trend to widen the net for what is psychiatric.
They have been loosing ground as illnesses come under technical scrutiny (new medical diagnostic tools) and physical abnormalities are found.

This is their push back and they mean business. They aren't worth listening to, yes but they influence public health policy they have the power to inflict the kind of policies through institutions that create an environment where if you're looking to claim disability benefits to survive you need to go through a process of interrogation where only the waterboarding is missing.

The 'it's all in your head' crowd are well connected and well protected as they do the bidding of their political masters. This is how they continue to have money pour in in the form of research grants with even the Dept of Works and Pensions ponying up some of the money for PACE.

We don't listen -- but they spread the vile hatred of people who refuse to accept their psychosocial interpretation of our illness through seminars, conferences and other venues. Teaching any health professional that will listen that we are not to be trusted and that we are intransigent and slightly crazy and therefore more forceful methods are required when dealing with us.

If we don't pay heed then they are free to spread misinformation and they will -- everywhere.
When CFS is finally proven to be caused by a bacteria, which I am certain it will, then these people can crawl back into the hole that they escaped from!


Rebel without a biscuit
When CFS is finally proven to be caused by a bacteria, which I am certain it will, then these people can crawl back into the hole that they escaped from!

We can hope. But they are quite determined and have a very great deal of investment in the Psychosocial model. They have therefore been busy positioning themselves accordingly. That is; they have been actively now suggesting that any and all biological findings can be explained away as having a psychological origin. Our minds are quite powerful and apparently can cause us to express symptoms of illness without our actually being physically ill. Its the mind body hypothesis.

I understand entirely how desperately we need these charlatans to be outed as pseudoscience quacks. It is so wrong and so horrible it's difficult to accept that they can possibly do the things they do and get away with it. But do not underestimate their capacity to fight to the end for their continued place of privilege as experts and well trusted sychophants to the political elite.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Sometime this year the research to confirm Increased Digestive Permeability aka "leaky gut", a quack inspired term that I dislike, will be proven when the research being done by Daniel Vipond at East Anglia University should be published. Then it will take some time to find the cause, a cause that I worked out 4 years ago. When that is complete, progress should be made on CFS and many other illnesses all connected by a bacteria.

The research began in Oct 2013 and was meant to take 3 years so it should of been finished by now. I do not know what is holding it all up. How long can it take to write it all up and publish the results?
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Senior Member
When I went on the ME/CFS clinic s 8 week course a couple of years ago the handbook we were given had a couple of recommendations of books for information top of the list was one by Chalder from 1999 I remember this because I commented to the people doing the sessions that a book from 1999 wouldn't be up to date with developments. Of course at that time I was fairly clueless although I had read AFMEs and MEAs patient surveys and knew CBT and especially GET are dodgy. Going slightly off topic here - I said to them there was free info on the AFME site that would be a better reference point for people new to ME. I still think those booklets aren't terriblle. they certainly helped me with an explanation for my employer of why I needed a very gradual phased return and ultimately keeping me on but working at home on significantly reduced hours. It's just when you scratch the surface of AFME you find it only has a veneer of oncern about GET etc but is still suffering from BPS infection.
Sorry so my point was Chalder is getting her dodgy old book promoted for free by the ME/CFS clinics I just hope people are put off from buying it.
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Senior Member
Anyone know anyone who could find out what she says at this?
Shame MEA or some other ME organisation can't sponsor (ie pay for) someone to attend these sort of 'events' and find out what is being said.

eta: why doesn't anyone join the dots and realise one of the main reasons for parents being hounded for 'mistreating' their severely ill children is because of what people like Trudie Chalder are spreading around the medical community unchallenged.
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Senior Member
When CFS is finally proven to be caused by a bacteria, which I am certain it will, then these people can crawl back into the hole that they escaped from!

Personally, if we can find a proper cause - bacteria or something autoimmune - that leads to an effective treatment, that will be enough for me. I say this because even if we find a biological cause/treatment, the odds that those who pushed the BPS model on dodgy evidence are unlikely to find it damages their careers or reputations. In fact, we already have an example demonstrating this: stomach ulcers.

For years the 'cause' of stomach ulcers was stress. A very biopsychosocial like model. Stress causes stomach upset causes stomach ulcers. Cure the stress and the stomach ulcer goes away.

As far as I can tell, the discovery of the influence of pylori bacteria did nothing to hurt the reputation of those who had written papers about the psychiatric causes of ulcers. And nowhere did anybody say "well, if they were wrong about that, maybe they're wrong about it a psychiatric cause when it comes to IBS/FM/ME".

If/when the underlying immunological/metabolic/pathogenic/whatever cause of ME is known, the authors of the BPS theories will just emphasise the 'B' and carry on. We will just have to be pleased that we will finally have a treatment, hopefully. Worrying about people being held to account is probably a losing game.


Senior Member
Anyone know anyone who could find out what she says at this?
Shame MEA or some other ME organisation can't sponsor (ie pay for) someone to attend these sort of 'events' and find out what is being said.

If anyone is interested in attending this or similar talks, I, along, presumably with others would be willing to chip in for costs, including the fee.
On the basis of least of trying for audio/video/photos/notes.


Senior Member
Personally, if we can find a proper cause - bacteria or something autoimmune - that leads to an effective treatment, that will be enough for me. I say this because even if we find a biological cause/treatment, the odds that those who pushed the BPS model on dodgy evidence are unlikely to find it damages their careers or reputations. In fact, we already have an example demonstrating this: stomach ulcers.

I don't even care if that cure is in fact BPS.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5122953/ But when your treatment result are modest improvements in self-reports, and start to look like accupuncture papers.