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Treatment plan advise- hetero 1298c, mtr, mtrr, bhmt2

Should I stop the b1 for now since I'm not ready to start methylfolate? Or lower it to maybe 25mg.

I wanted to get the elimination pathways working and my gut health good before i started the long route methylation with mfolate.

Does adenosyl b12 use up folate like methylb12 does?

The drop in folate after supplementation with B1 is consistent with Dr Derrick Lonsdale's observation (see my earlier post) and the suggestion that B1 increases folate consumption (see your earlier post and my post).

With your folate now having dropped, watching out for folate deficiency symptoms may be in order since you are already back on B12 supplementation.
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Senior Member
Should I stop the b1 for now dones I'm not ready to start methylfolate? Or lower it to maybe 25mg.

If the B1 was responsible for the gains you have made so far, then obviously there is a risk of losing those gains if you stop or lower the B1.

In this situation, I would usually maintain the protocol until there is a change in symptom, especially a negative change.

The B1 dose that you are taking is not high compared to what many here are taking, although it is hard to say whether it is excessive without a lab test. As I mentioned in an earlier post, some of the symptoms that you have described have been attributed to B1 deficiency.

Does adenosyl b12 use up folate like methylb12 does?

As far as I am aware, adB12 itself does not directly use folate. However, note that adB12 can be converted into meB12 (see explanation here), which obviously does use folate.
Just a small update. I did a Ubiome DNA stool analysis and here are the results. The only strain I'm familiar with is bifidobacterium and I do have the FUT2 snp so I ordered some bifidobacterium longum as it's supposed to help anxiety and not aggravate SIBO.


Had a hiccup in my treatment as I started Magnesium malate and started getting arsenic poisoning symptoms by day 3 and realized it has 2 grams of malic acid which pulls out arsenic. So I added in milk thistle, increased the TUDCA (tauroursodeoxycholic acid), and started 100mcg selenium and activated charcoal after stopping the mag malate. Symptoms started improving rapidly.

Next step I'm going to continue what I'm doing and work on my gut more with B. longum.

I did try riboflavin at 25mg a few times and didn't notice much. But recently tried FMN at only 5mg and started getting a racy heart, bad mood, and overall feeling crappy. Only took it the one time.

Benfotiamine is at 25mg plus 10mg thiamine as I am now getting folate deficiency symptoms. I'm somewhat at a loss here as it seems I have a lot that need sto be in order, (elimination pathways, gut health, liver, etc.) until it's a good idea to add 5-MTHF. But not sure if I should add in a small dose to at least prevent the deficiency symptoms.

Current symptoms are fatigue, anxiety, low mood, and lately the worst has been my brain fog and memory. I feel disabled mentally the last few weeks and can barely remember things that just happened or a thought I had.

@Eastman @Learner1 @caledonia Your input would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long text, wanted to make sure I covered everything.

If the B1 was responsible for the gains you have made so far, then obviously there is a risk of losing those gains if you stop or lower the B1.

In this situation, I would usually maintain the protocol until there is a change in symptom, especially a negative change.

The B1 dose that you are taking is not high compared to what many here are taking, although it is hard to say whether it is excessive without a lab test. As I mentioned in an earlier post, some of the symptoms that you have described have been attributed to B1 deficiency.

As far as I am aware, adB12 itself does not directly use folate. However, note that adB12 can be converted into meB12 (see explanation here), which obviously does use folate.


Senior Member
Just a small update. I did a Ubiome DNA stool analysis and here are the results. The only strain I'm familiar with is bifidobacterium and I do have the FUT2 snp so I ordered some bifidobacterium longum as it's supposed to help anxiety and not aggravate SIBO.

Your Akkermansia muciniphila is also low. It may be something worth looking into for its role in gut and metabolic health.

Increasing and Maintaining Akkermansia muciniphila for a Healthy Gut Microbiome

According to the article, Akkermansia is increased by eating polyphenol-rich foods, including pomegranate.

Since you also report mood problems, you may be interested to know that Ken Lassesen recently wrote a blog post, Treating depression at the microbiome level, and the top recommendation for treating depression is pomegranate.

Incidentally, pomegranate also appears to improve mitochondrial health and may extend lifespan, although Akkermansia does not appear to have a major role here.

Had a hiccup in my treatment as I started Magnesium malate and started getting arsenic poisoning symptoms by day 3 and realized it has 2 grams of malic acid which pulls out arsenic. So I added in milk thistle, increased the TUDCA (tauroursodeoxycholic acid), and started 100mcg selenium and activated charcoal after stopping the mag malate. Symptoms started improving rapidly.

Congratulations on nipping the problem in the bud.

I did try riboflavin at 25mg a few times and didn't notice much. But recently tried FMN at only 5mg and started getting a racy heart, bad mood, and overall feeling crappy. Only took it the one time.

A racy heart could be a sign of potassium deficiency, although a B1 deficiency can also produce the symptom, bearing in mind that B2 works with B1.

It is unusual though for deficiency symptoms to appear after just one dose. Could those just be pre-existing but intermittent symptoms that coincidentally appeared after the FMN dose?

Benfotiamine is at 25mg plus 10mg thiamine as I am now getting folate deficiency symptoms. I'm somewhat at a loss here as it seems I have a lot that need sto be in order, (elimination pathways, gut health, liver, etc.) until it's a good idea to add 5-MTHF. But not sure if I should add in a small dose to at least prevent the deficiency symptoms.

You could start with a tiny dose of methylfolate, say half a tablet or capsule, or even less, and increase gradually if you feel better, or at least don't feel worse.

Of course, complicating things is Freddd's oft-mentioned paradoxical deficiency, which implies that taking folate may produce folate deficiency symptoms, then you need to take even more. Even Freddd does not seem to have a simple solution to this.

Current symptoms are fatigue, anxiety, low mood, and lately the worst has been my brain fog and memory. I feel disabled mentally the last few weeks and can barely remember things that just happened or a thought I had.

As I mentioned before, those could be B1 deficiency symptoms, although other nutrient deficiencies, like potassium and folate, may have some or all of those symptoms. You may need lab tests or trial and error supplementation to find out for sure.