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Time to do a first statement of account of my progress after 5 month on PR


Senior Member
Yesterday I was in a very bad day... I had stopped my B1 and B12 vitamin supplements for a while, the first one because it gives me slight headache, the second because the injections are painful and I was bored to do it...

So I was very bad, with my muscles again burning twitching, and my brain oaring in the semolina (we say that in french, it means "brain foging")

In the evening, a light came into my darkness to tell me that it was time to go back on my injections, so I did B1 and B12 injections, and I am much better today and able to write a bit!

I was to the optician this evening because my glasses doesn't suit me any longer, and she was very surprised:

my myopia increased
my astygmatism decreased
my presbyopia decreased

I hadn't changed my glasses for 3 years, and at 50 years, this is not the expected evolution of an aging seeing!

I go around on PR since mid of May, when I was so bad after my Antibiotic treatment and was so much in need for help.
I didn't come here for anti aging advises, but it happened that my eyes are younger, and so my body is...
It looks younger and with higher hormon levels, like if I had a new puberty at 50 :rofl:

(NB: I don't take any hormonal supplement apart for pregnenolone for a long time, before PR).

Let's hope my brain will improve as well with time!:)

I would like to thank PR and its members (all of them) for all the gifts I've found here.:balloons:


Senior Member
That's interesting. My vision changed quite a lot when I was on B12 shots, too. Makes you think, doesn't it.

Vision changes a lot with aging (for me the aging process on my eyes started when I was about 45 years old):

Presbyopia increases, which produces a decrease of myopia (when myopia exists from teenage which is my case).
According to my Optician, Presbyopia increases with 0.5 fold every two years...
So she was really surprised when she compares my Presbyopia now to three years ago and saw it has improve!
(I started B12 injections and a bunch of other supplements only 5 months ago)

Do you know in what way your vision has change since you stated B12 shots?

sarah darwins

Senior Member
Cornwall, UK
Do you know in what way your vision has change since you stated B12 shots?

My myopia decreased and presbyopia decreased :) I suddenly found that a very old pair of glasses worked perfectly while my newer ones no longer did. Like I got younger :)

edit: sorry, I think I meant myopia increased, but I get very confused with eye stuff
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Forum Support Assistant
My world gets a little blurrier every day.

An oral B12 supplement helped to improve my visual focus, focusing speed, and increased color saturation. Lutein has helped to reduce some problems with blurry vision, but PEM can increase my vision problems to the point that one eye will be severely blurry for a few hours.


Senior Member
Thank you for the update. I hope you continue to improve now you are back on the B12 injections. I didn't realise the effect B12 has on eyesight. Maybe I should try it. My world gets a little blurrier every day.

Vitamine B12 alone won't do the job, I also take a bunch of supplements, vitamins, anti-oxydants, omega 3, mitochondria support. But it's nice to see it gives some objective results.
I wish you will find something that will give you some improvements too


Senior Member
The MS association magazine reported research which said that sublingual B12 was just as effective as injections. In fact they said they could be better because you can take it every day.


Senior Member
Hampshire, UK
I wish you will find something that will give you some improvements too[/QUOTE]

Thank you for your kind wishes. I have actually found a regime that gives me significant improvement. I need to pace carefully and some activities are out of the question but I can experience periods of no symptoms if I behave myself.


Senior Member
Hampshire, UK
Oops forgot we were talking about vision. My improvements are with general cfs symptoms while my vision deteriorates. I think I will try some b12. I have been eating kale almost daily for years after seeing a tv program that said it can help. It hasn't improved anything but who knows, maybe my sight would be worse if I hadn't been eating it.