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The Zinc Connection


Senior Member
Lately I've been reading more about Zinc and how stress and life changes can deplete it rapidly and continue to deplete it even if you supplement at high doses. It also doesn't help that many people may have a condition called pyroluria where the body produces excess waste products from hemoglobin synthesis, and these deplete zinc, leaving them severely deficient in the mineral.

One thing I've been noticing lately is that I taste metal in water. Not all water, but filtered water my company provides. I've never tasted the metal before, and they regularly change the filter, but I have tasted metal ever since my symptoms began. I also taste metal when I bite my finger nails. I've seen numerous sites mention this could be attributed to a Zinc deficiency.

STTM.com and Dr. Wilson note that adrenal fatigue can be caused by low zinc and high copper. Copper tends to accumulate when zinc is low causing other issues. Zinc is also crucial for so many other processes in the body, such as testosterone production for men. Some are concerned about supplementing with Zinc in excess, however if you are deficient, it may be necessary to supplement at a higher dose until you correct the deficiency.

Have you been tested for pyroluria, and could Zinc be the solution to your problem? Could your fatigue be caused by a cascade of conditions stemming from a single deficiency?


Senior Member
Yes, I'm still waiting on the results of my pyroluria test, but I started at 50 mg a day. This might be too high of a dose to recommend, but I'm not sure if it's related but my hair loss has decreased by about 90%.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Some people get digestive upset from taking zinc. I have to take it while well hydrated with a full meal, and a digestive enzyme. Start low, go slow may be necessary.