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The Intriguing Puzzle Of Extreme Sleepiness (BBC article on narcolepsy)


Senior Member
Tiredness is not sleepiness.
I am frequently extremely tired due to my CFS. This does not mean that I am sleepy.


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
Thats one of the most thorough accounts i have read but narcolepsy is not ME/CFS, i've done a lot of research and testing on this (at my non medical degree level) and have not found much in common, except it was believed to be psychosomatic as well, the smashing into REM sleep and often trauma onset was "proof" to psychiatrists that narcolepsy was not a real condition and was psychosomatic (until Orexin was discovered and proven as the mechanism).
Dream analysis had a zero percent success rate but was not fully abandoned until Orexin was the proven mechanism.