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Sulfation, Sulfoxidation, Glutamate Toxicity, and the Thyroid Connection


Senior Member
That is astounding, if you're sensitive to thiols. Aren't the whites higher in free thiols than the yolks? And the whites are "potent histamine liberators" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egg_allergy#Egg_white_intolerance)

I thought the thiols were in the yolks, sulfur being yellow.
This site says it's in the yolks. http://livewell.jillianmichaels.com/list-foods-contain-sulfur-5102.html But I see most other sites say it's in the whites.
It also lists a couple of other things high in sulfur that don't bother me.
Maybe it's a specific form of sulfur, thiocyanate, the goitrogenic form.
Taurine doesn't bother me, and it actually helping.
I know I wasn't born sensitive to thiols, something happened along the way. I also became sensitive to oxalates. It makes it very difficult to eat vegetables.

I have to admit IDK!
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Senior Member
What symptoms do you get?

First my voice gets hoarse, and if I keep eating it I get a dull, tightening feeling through my whole digestive tract, pain in my stomach, headache, nausea, loss of appetite, which is very rare for me. Cold/hot flashes, insomnia, and fatigue.

I think it does something to my vagus nerve that the symptoms travel down my whole body.

There's a thread about sulfur and Star-Anise said she found silica helpful. I know I have a definite need for silica, and at the point in time of that thread, I didn't relate my thiol problem to specifically sulfur, but maybe it is.

Here's the thread:


Senior Member
I noticed that if I take Seleium on its own I get brain fogged. That is because it will create H2O2. If I take it with Zn, Cu and Mn I can then convert the H2O2 into water via SOD and get no brain fog.


Senior Member
Helena, MT USA
I noticed that if I take Seleium on its own I get brain fogged. That is because it will create H2O2. If I take it with Zn, Cu and Mn I can then convert the H2O2 into water via SOD and get no brain fog.
Hydrogen peroxide gives you brain fog? I wonder if it does that to me.
Let's see, I guess I'm usually taking Se with Seriphos and vitamin C these days.


Senior Member
Helena, MT USA
Yes, but I haven't been taking it every day. It's the selenomethionine, and I want to either start getting it solely from food or get an ionic one. Ionic may be better, which brand do you use? I hadn't thought about the methionine, but I should.
Good State. The little bottles are more concentrated (and take up less space), and the only other ingredient is purified water.


Senior Member
Hydrogen peroxide gives you brain fog?
It's the only explanation I could find to taking Se (either methionine or chelated) on its own and getting brain fog. At first I thought I was reacting to the methionine. Then I switched to chelated form. Only when I started taking it in a combo with the other minerals is that I started tolerating it.


Senior Member
I've been able to add garlic, but not much beyond that. Just increased my molybdenum, suggested for this issue. I'd been on 900mcg BID, have now doubled that plus adding 450mcg midday. Will be testing egg tomorrow.

@ahmo What is BID?


Senior Member
Helena, MT USA
It's the only explanation I could find to taking Se (either methionine or chelated) on its own and getting brain fog. At first I thought I was reacting to the methionine. Then I switched to chelated form. Only when I started taking it in a combo with the other minerals is that I started tolerating it.
You are the opposite of Hip. This thread is about how selenomethionine improves his brain fog:

Selenium is a co-factor for glutathione peroxidase, which is an antioxidant enzyme that, with the help of reduced glutathione, scavenges hydrogen peroxide. This helps prevent the generation of free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) by hydrogen peroxide.

But I daresay it wasn't doing that particular job for you (until you added the Mn, Cu & Zn).

I've never heard of brain fog as a symptom of high hydrogen peroxide; that's why I was surprised. I don't really have a clue what the symptoms are, but I'd like to know. (Unfortunately, when I google it, I get all the curezone people telling each other to take H2O2.) o_O


Senior Member
Back to this discussion... I found Moly is needed for the sulfite issues, but it seems to increase glutamate sensitivity :ill:

And... how to tell sulfite and glutamate issues apart? :confused:
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Senior Member
It's the only explanation I could find to taking Se (either methionine or chelated) on its own and getting brain fog. At first I thought I was reacting to the methionine. Then I switched to chelated form. Only when I started taking it in a combo with the other minerals is that I started tolerating it.
BTW in the meanwhile I found out that the olny form of Selenium I tolerate is Se glycinate - no brain fog, just a slight transient sleepiness from the glycine. Other minerals in "chelated" form also give me severe brainfog.

When using Moly, or eating high Moly foods, the need for Selenium is sharply increased.