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Strange tingling/vibrating at night


Senior Member
I was diagnosed with CFS/ME last December several months after receiving a round of vaccinations prior to university. One strange symptom I seem to have is when trying to sleep sometimes I get a sort of attack where suddenly my legs (and sometimes arms) feel very shaky, I feel very hot/warm, I can't think straight, my joints seem to ache, i have a slight sore throatand all my glands seem to be slightly more swollen than usual; usually I end up having to get up out of bed, upon standing the symptoms seem to no longer be noticeable and usually I then won't experience the symptoms again that night but will wake up in the morning with slightly achy muscles which feel better when getting out of bed. This symptom seems to occur more when i've over-done things either physically or mentally but sometimes occurs when I haven't really overdone anything at all.
This symptom just seems strange to me as lately i've been feeling a little bit better having withdrawn from university and relaxing/resting at home, all my symptoms have relaxed a bit since then however this still remains. I was just wondering whether other people have experienced this symptom and whether anyone has found a way to help it.

A little background about my other symptoms: I'd class myself as having moderate CFS/ME, my main symptoms are now neurological, with slight tension headaches everyday (I did have a month or two with bad migraines but these have eased since i've reduced how much TV/computer time I have every day), sometimes I experience brain fog but not as extreme as some people i've read about, slightly swollen glands, nausea in the morning if i've overdone things along with general malaise, sleep disturbance (I usually can't get to sleep until about 1-2ish and tend to then get up about 10-11am feeling unrefreshed), the usual ibs type symptoms of cfs and post-exercise malaise. Interestingly I've never suffered with the extreme fatigue that most do, if I over-do things my muscles feel drained of energy but I never really experience the crippling fatigue that plagues many people.

Thank-you for reading
Andrew (19)


Senior Member
Hi Andrew,

Sorry I just saw this thread now. Could it be restless syndrome what you are describing? To me, it sounds like possible CNS overstimulation.


Senior Member
Yeah I suspect it is CNS overstimulation - i've heard it described as a tired but wired feeling and it is certainly worse if I overdo things! Just another symptom that gets lost in the mix I suspect.


Senior Member
My first thought was also restless leg syndrome. I have this, and if I don't treat it, by the second night my whole body jerks around. I take 400mg magnesium glycinate at bedtime, and that does the trick for me.