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Staph vaccine to treat CFS??


fatty & acid : )
6 days 9 holes in my ass belly :D
no more redness, so no cigar photos today. got signs of a pretty decent load on immune system - some reddening & rashes on some mucous membranes. usually am gettin this after a week of lifting without proper rest or before catching cold. but i feel myself perfectly fine now.
most important observation - pem becomes a little shorter in duration - its beginning shifting further in time after exertion. so instead of say getting hit by it in the morning next day after workout, am getting struck by pem like in second half of the day. and next day i feel ok, as was before using vaccs.
not sure about difference in magnitude of pem yet - probably a little less too, but not much.
but hey - it's only sixth day :)
small summary:

the original Staphypan® vaccine contained the following
clumping factor,
fibrinogen-binding protein (antigen),
cell-wall components (antigen?),
entire cell walls (antigen),
enterotoxin A,
enterotoxin B,
enterotoxin C,
toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST-1).

Medgamal adsorbed version (toxoid alpha, mercury, aluminum)

Medgamal normal non-adsorbed version (toxoid alpha only) [recommanded]

two Staphylococcus antifagin vaccines (cell walls, antigen only) [recommanded]
here and here

dog vaccine:
Staphage Lysate (?, ?, ?, ?)
a russian version is no longer availble (enterotoxin a, b, c, antigens)

does the dog vaccine staphage lysate have enterotoxins a, b, c in it? i doubt it.
can you get enetertoxins a,b,c anywhere else? i dont know. i doubt it.
for now, just stick with the recommanded ones.


fatty & acid : )
dog vaccine:
a russian version is no longer availble (enterotoxin a, b, c, antigens)

not available temporarily - for the same reason as medgamal's stuff - they re-registering it currently, so just wait some time, if you brave enough to do that shyt :D


Senior Member
I've have now tried both versions of the Medgamal Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine, the absorbed version and the non-adsorbed version.

I originally started with the adsorbed version, and I noticed that at the injection site, this would create a slightly hard lump just under the skin. These lumps feel similar to Blu-Tack in terms of their hardness, and seem to last for a long time, in that they are still present even after several months, but I think they will eventually disappear.

But when I switched to the normal non-adsorbed version of the vaccine, I noticed this did not produce a lump at the injection site, which is perhaps an advantage.

I do not think I am responding to the Medgamal Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine, though I will continue to take it for another couple of months. But remember that only around one-third of ME/CFS patients trying the original Staphypan® Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine experienced a major response.
A little update:

It's been 2 weeks since I started the vaccine. I've injected myself three shots so far: 0,1 - 0,2 - 0,3.

The first week on the first shot was superb, especially the first 2 days. No sore throat, sinuses cleared up, no chills, no sweating, slight brain fog, no more white coating of the tongue.
Days 3-9 were okay, not symptom-free, but better than prior the vaccine.

Days 10-12 were tough, but still better than before the vaccine.

On day 12, last Sunday, I had a major headache that persisted in many hours. Strangely enough, it disappeared in 20 minutes after I had injected myself 0,3 ml - the third shot.

Monday (yesterday) the 13th day was really good. Today, the 14th day, and the 3rd day after the shot is not bad either.

I feel that the peak of the improvement is reached the first 2 days after the shot.
I am extremely positive about the treatment overall.

Background for my CFS:
Positive for Borrelia, Ehrlichia/Anaplasmosis, Mycoplasma/Chlamydia Pneumonie, EBV, CBV.
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Senior Member
It's very interesting that like me, you are also noticing that the vaccine has its strongest positive effect just after the injection, and then this effect drops after a few days. In my case, the effect of an injection dropped off back to baseline after a couple of days, but you are finding some positive effect remains for the whole week.
It's very interesting that like me, you are also noticing that the vaccine has its strongest positive effect just after the injection, and then this effect drops after a few days. In my case, the effect of an injection dropped off back to baseline after a couple of days, but you are finding some positive effect remains for the whole week.

Maybe because of, as we talked, my CFS is primarily related to the immune system disfunction. I do suffer from brain fog, memory impairment and anxiety/depression, but they all decrease when my infection/inflammatory levels are kept at bay.


fatty & acid : )
It's been 2 weeks since I started the vaccine. I've injected myself three shots so far: 0,1 - 0,2 - 0,3.

just to show the perspective of a scheduling contrast here - am on a day 11 and will be injecting 1.2 ml tonite.
so at 13 days mark i'll shot the last one 1.5 ml and will be done already.
it's like almost 2 weeks versus almost 2 months : )

Days 10-12 were tough

yea, am not feelin too great also yet, but i noticed that my workouts intensity jumped up (at the same pem level), plus there's a coworker with an active infection in my office, and to add to the mix even more i got no hot water in my flat starting from couple days ago, only cold one. so maybe all this just "compensated" all good "gains" from the vaccs : D
so more time needed.


fatty & acid : )
i don't quite understand the question from previous post (to whom it and about what exactly), as well as i don't quite understand how this vaccs should work/feel - one day i felt pretty sick, but today was a great day for example - probably one of the best from whole 13 days.
the only thing that i understand for sure is that am finally done now :balloons:


so, it's time to wait, watch and analyze results.
if there will be any :D


fatty & acid : )
i think my night sleep becomes slightly more revitalizing - i'd say revitalizing at all. and if this trend continues further to any significant extent - that would be one huge improvement, especially for ppl who exercise regularly.


Senior Member
I checked the Gottfries studies on Staphypan and it seems that the ones falling into the "good responders" group even had marginally worse symptoms than the others before treatment, at least in the second study. Probably not a statistically significant difference but at least it doesn't seem to have less effect on the more severely ill patients. Even though all patients had to be able to make it to the hospital for tests etcetera. So the most severly ill were not, as usual, included in the study.

What it should do, @hvac14400, according to theory is to act as a super antigen and provoke the immune system to focus on it. Either that means the immune system gets something better to do than attacking the body itself (if it's autoimmunity)/provokes a Th1 response that down regulates Th2 or just provokes the immune system to start working if it doesn't. Something like that. So all symptoms related to autoimmunity (could be about anything) should get milder and the body might get better at fighting infections.

How many have tried this new vaccine now? And how many noticed effect?
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fatty & acid : )
i have a little "theory" here - quote from one of my conversations:

Btw, Gottfriess told me yesterday in an email that he thinks our vaccine is weaker than the original Staphyan, and that 2ml might make up for the 1 ml staphyan.

once again - you can't use adsorbed version more often than once a week - that is why it's not used in "acute inf", imo, not because it weaker - they both contain around 10 bu, so they equal.
but - adsorbed version in addition contains strong imunomodulator, which increases its potency - adjuvant, in our case it's alluminum.
and it prolongs vacc effect - that's why you need this version once per month - not "ours".

quote from the instruction
Курс иммунизации доноров состоит из трех инъекций препарата с интервалом 7 дней. При первой инъекции донорам вводят - 1,0 мл (2 дозы) препарата, при второй - 1,0 мл (2 дозы), при третьей - 2,0 мл (4 дозы).

immunized donors has three drug injections with an interval of 7 days. the first injection administered - 1.0 ml (2 doses) of the drug, the second - 1.0 ml (2 doses), with the third - 2.0 mL (4 doses).

so maybe prof G is right and we need 2ml once per month, instead of just 1.

don't know if it right or wrong, but am going to try this - 2ml of adsorbed version in two shots, the same day. and maybe plus 1.5ml of antifagin - that surely would be one hell of "provocation" for the immune system : D

and a question for @Ninan - is there any more or less recent studies with Berna vacc? that wasn't mentioned in this topic already. am interested in immunological titers, that one probably should watch in the process, to monitor his body response and adapt the therapy accordingly. say if some titer goes down way sooner than 30 days after the last injection, you probably need inject more often, and vice versa.


fatty & acid : )
3 weeks passed - no any significant changes/improvements unfortunately.
there is a days when i feel much better than usually, but there is ones when i feel worse too, so it's like fokken roller coaster, still can't figure out what am doin wrong when i feel bad.

one thing to note - i can't gain weight now :nervous:
increased daily calories from under 2000 to slightly above 4000 in about a month - my bw stayed the same, 85 kilos. that's crazy and very annoying - like having a parasite/worm in you. currently eatin around 3.5 kg of food every frikkin day and can't gain shit :bang-head:

so it's time to 2ml (adsorbed) shot in about a week and i can't even imagine what would happen, if my metabolic rate will keep increasing further - that surely would be a total disaster.
So this just came up a couple of days ago. A snippet from the article:

"Researchers from the Medical University of Vienna and an Austrian pharmaceutical company developed the vaccine from a detoxified Staphylococcus toxin; people who receive it develop antibodies to staph."

It is in phase II trials. This is the only information I have been able to find on the vaccine:


Senior Member
Looks like the Staphylococcus vaccine from Vienna targets just the Staphylococcus toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST-1).

A TSST-1 toxoid was found in the original Staphypan, but as to whether this TSST-1 toxoid has any benefit for ME/CFS it is hard to say. Still, at least there is another Staphylococcus vaccine on the horizon.
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Senior Member
Vancouver, BC
I'm happy to say I received the RUPharma vaccine today. I have both cfs and fibro so hoping that puts me in a good category. I've got lots of belly fat now I'm all ready for this!!!! :rofl:

I just need to get the rest of the equipment and go over the instructions a few times. I'm hoping to start next week sometime

There were a couple other posters than @Hip and @hvac14400 who also mentioned purchasing this I believe ( @ECAsson ). Any updates from them? :hug:


fatty & acid : )
I'm happy to say I received the RUPharma vaccine today.

that's great news. i wish you much more luck than i had with this stuff.
and welcome to the official belly pics club :lol:

There were a couple other posters who also mentioned purchasing this I believe ( @ECAsson ). Any updates from them? :hug:

yea, curious about this too.
i got adsorbed version (with merсury) yesterday and will be pinning myself tomorrow, with couple of pics again.

two shots of full dose simultaneously, without any preparation whatsoever - that will be really hard for the body i guess.
and if that won't help - i swear by god i'll just hop on a GHB + steroids for the rest of my surely a lil shorter, but most def considerably more juicer life.
coz i got tired with all this already, long long time ago :mad: