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Sinusitus and CFS/Me

I have chronic sinusitus (sphenoid) as well as my CFS which causes brain fog (albeit differently to CFS).

This might sound a stupid/gross question but ... why does my sinus type brain fog disappear when my sinuses are dripping down my throat ? When they stop dripping (like when I take anything with an antihistamine which dries them up) the fog is back and I feel blurry and unable to concentrate.

My sinuses have been especially bad since the flu over Christmas.

Thanks for help you may have :) .


Senior Member
I have chronic spenoid sinusitis as well but I wouldn’t think they cause me brain fog. I consider my brain fog a result my brain hypoperfusion. When my sinusitis is bad, I get migraines that can last days/weeks.
I have chronic spenoid sinusitis as well but I wouldn’t think they cause me brain fog. I consider my brain fog a result my brain hypoperfusion. When my sinusitis is bad, I get migraines that can last days/weeks.

What is hypoperfusion? Sorry to be a little dim :)

I’m sure my sinuses affect my concentration and my eyes as everything is blurry when they’re blocked .. but when they’re dripping I can concentrate a bit better. It’s definitley not as severe as CFS fog though for me x


Senior Member
why does my sinus type brain fog disappear when my sinuses are dripping down my throat ? When they stop dripping (like when I take anything with an antihistamine which dries them up) the fog is back and I feel blurry and unable to concentrate.

I've had horrible sinuses for decades. It all persists after five lifetime sinus surgeries. I'll take a stab at this one ;-)

When you're stopped up everything is backed up. When everything is backed up you get all of the inflammation throughout your sinuses. Those inflammatory chemicals can cause all kinds of misery, including -- in my experience -- brain fog.

On the other hand, when things are running, it's quite likely that the log jam broke -- even if only a little bit.

Or at least that's my story ... and I'm sticking with it ;-)

The only thing I still do to try to combat the sinusitis is use a whole-house humidifier and one in the master bedroom (being very careful to properly maintain each) and a NeilMed bottle to irrigate.
I've had horrible sinuses for decades. It all persists after five lifetime sinus surgeries. I'll take a stab at this one ;-)

When you're stopped up everything is backed up. When everything is backed up you get all of the inflammation throughout your sinuses. Those inflammatory chemicals can cause all kinds of misery, including -- in my experience -- brain fog.

On the other hand, when things are running, it's quite likely that the log jam broke -- even if only a little bit.

Or at least that's my story ... and I'm sticking with it ;-)

The only thing I still do to try to combat the sinusitis is use a whole-house humidifier and one in the master bedroom (being very careful to properly maintain each) and a NeilMed bottle to irrigate.
Thank you that really makes sense to me!! :) I was offered surgery but he said it wouldn’t necessarily help and I thought it wasn’t worth the cost/stress without any obvious benefit.

The only thing I’ve been doing lately for it is inhaling menthol crystals. I’m not sure where to start with irrigation... I’m kind of scared to try but I really want to do something as sinuses is definitely affecting my quality of life. Is it easy to do the irrigation?


Senior Member
What is hypoperfusion? Sorry to be a little dim :)

I’m sure my sinuses affect my concentration and my eyes as everything is blurry when they’re blocked .. but when they’re dripping I can concentrate a bit better. It’s definitley not as severe as CFS fog though for me x

Hypoperfusion means too little bloodflow. To the brain in the case of ME. This was shown by a SPECT scan with contrast.
Yep. Ridiculously easy.

It's just a wee bit 'gross' for some people.

But like so many things ... once you've done it a few times ... it'll be second nature.

There's a lot of research showing that irrigation is really effective. Lots of ENTs strongly recommend it these days.

Thank you... I think I’m going to be brave haha and give it a try! :)


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
This might sound a stupid/gross question but ... why does my sinus type brain fog disappear when my sinuses are dripping down my throat ?
When you're stopped up everything is backed up. When everything is backed up you get all of the inflammation throughout your sinuses. Those inflammatory chemicals can cause all kinds of misery, including -- in my experience -- brain fog.

On the other hand, when things are running, it's quite likely that the log jam broke -- even if only a little bit.
That is my experience too. I've also had chronic sinus infections most of my life.
Is it easy to do the irrigation?
I opted for an irrigation machine and it does help. Here is the one I am using. I also do other things to relieve the pressure in the sinuses. The thing that works best for me is using the skin to release toxins by taking a steam bath or an Epsom salts bath.
That is my experience too. I've also had chronic sinus infections most of my life.
I opted for an irrigation machine and it does help. Here is the one I am using. I also do other things to relieve the pressure in the sinuses. The thing that works best for me is using the skin to release toxins by taking a steam bath or an Epsom salts bath.

Thank you for your reply :)

It’s really good to hear other people have the same issue and it makes sense. Although sad you have the suffering of sinus problems too! That’s really interesting re the machine... I will look into it. I’m going to buy some Epsom salts definitely. :)


Senior Member
Hi everyone. Just thought I would share my experience as I was in bed a lot yesterday with another sinus head. I’ve had terrible on and off sinus pain for years now, when it’s been particularly bad I’ve had a steroid spray from the GP. I get headaches at specific points on the side of my head, pain across the top of my nose, strange popping sensations in the top of my nostrils and dizziness. I’m also even more worn out when my sinus is bad. I tried a sinus rinse yesterday and that seems to have helped short term, as well as sudafed sinus and decongestant tablets but I hate to constantly be taking pills :(


Senior Member
Midwest, USA
@Learner1 - I know bumping an old thread but I wanted to ask, did the Super Good Stuff nasal spray help you?

or @Lucy1996 if you purchased it I was curious your experience as well!

Was thinking about buying it - thank you for any input!
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I made a fairly long post on the iodine thread a couple days ago, with references to iodine and sinus health. Here's the key portions...

Iodine and Apoptosis: Iodine is needed by every cell in the body, but tends to concentrate in areas where there is frequent cell regeneration (which involves apoptosis). This includes nasal passages and mucus cells of the stomach lining, where cell regeneration takes place every 2-3 days.

I read one testimonial online of a man who experienced exasperating, ongoing sinus infections for years, being unable to shake them. When he finally discovered iodine supplementation, his sinus infections cleared up within days. Reminded me of the many references I've seen of pw/ME/CFS struggling with sinus infections.

I tried a sinus rinse yesterday and that seems to have helped short term, as well as sudafed sinus and decongestant tablets but I hate to constantly be taking pills :(

Hi @Sarahloudobby,

I agree with you on hating to take pills. As a cautionary note, I thought I'd mention that most decongestants are anticholinergic drugs, and as such, pose the risk of causing tinnitus in people who are susceptible to it. I've come to believe tinnitus is a condition pwME/CFS are more susceptible to than the average person.
Best to All, Wayne


Senior Member
Midwest, USA
Thanks so much @Wayne, much appreciated.

You don't happen to know where the person purchased the iodine supplementation by chance do you? I only ask because that's where my CFS all started, with a sinus infection and it's never cleared, no matter how many alternatives that I've thrown at it.




Senior Member
Thanks Wayne that’s really interesting as I do suffer from intermittent ringing in my ears anyway, I’m not sure if I can call it tinnitus as it’s not constant but I would say once or twice a month.