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Should I fly to Africa to get Suramin?


a gentle soul here to learn
Orange County, California
Got inspired on the other thread :nerd:

Ok so here's my crazy plan
  1. Get the best travelers insurance there is!
  2. Book a flight to Swaziland, home to the best hospital in Africa: Gambro Healthcare
  3. Load up on IV saline, coq10, d-ribose, carnitine, and b12 shots
  4. Pop a trazie, hop on a 747 and then bon voyage Swaziland!
  5. Check into the Royal Swazi Spa, a four star resort in the lush and verdant Swazi Valley
  6. Rest up for several days!
  7. Meet a handsome Swazi man with a kind heart by the spa pool;)
  8. And then "oh dear I feel terribly ill... can you take me to Gambro hospital?"
  9. And then "yes Mr Doctor, I'm experiencing fever, headache, itching, mental confusion, personality or behavior changes, problems with coordination, skin rash, and/or swollen lymph nodes. Could this be trypanosomiasis? You know African sleeping sickness? I was bitten by a Tsetse fly back at the hotel"
  10. And then when they bring in the glowing gold bottle of beautiful Suramin I tell my new Swazi boyfriend to make sure they only give me a small dose because I'm very sensitive
  11. Enjoy the rapid switch off of my Dauer state as all my pyruvate dehydrogenase enzymes kick into full gear and I emerge from hibernation like a victorious c elegan!
  12. Luxuriate in the rush of blood back into my brainstem and hippocampus!
  13. Lavish as rapid vascular remodeling and white matter regrowth repairs my autonomic functioning!
  14. Marry my Swazi boyfriend, live in a floor at the Royal Swazi Spa, and mysteriously come down with African sleeping sickness once a month
  15. Write Robert Naviaux an email saying "thank you very much!"
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a gentle soul here to learn
Orange County, California
Pictures from my Swazi vacation :)










Senior Member
Well... My tongue-in-cheek plan would be to buy Suramin off of the Deep/Dark Web (Look up articles about on Tech News websites. Not as sketchy as you'd think.), but I like the style in your plan!
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Senior Member
Wow what a concept. Are you really thinking of doing that?

Lol no, of course not. If Davis and Naviaux come out saying it's the answer/cure and there are studies where Suramin works for CFS and has guidelines, then maybe I'd do it. However, there's too much risk for me (in regards to Suramin, not the black market).

The black market on the deep/dark web is illegal, FYI. But they have sites that are like amazon, with reviews of sellers and sellers who want to keep customers coming back and happy. Plus, for medications, its usually the real deal in the original packaging. So, I imagine the Suramin would be either stolen from WHO or picked up in Africa and sent over. I doubt it's even for sale on the black market, but someone would probably acquire it for you for a price.

So, no. I'm not serious about it and not planning on doing it, though I have given it some thought.


a gentle soul here to learn
Orange County, California
So, I imagine the Suramin would be either stolen from WHO or picked up in Africa and sent over. I doubt it's even for sale on the black market, but someone would probably acquire it for you for a price.

Silky slowly crept along the corridor, eyes peeled for the WHO assasins guarding the precious vials of Suramin.

A voice began to speak in her earbud

"Silky, it's Dr Naviaux. We've discovered an alternate route into the Suramin treasure room. You'll need to pull yourself up into the ventilation tunnels and then slowly lower yourself into the control room. It's going to be difficult with your POTS but you can do it!"

Silky rolled her eyes. Why the hell had she agreed to this. Couldn't they have sent a young healthy UCSD grad student?