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Rt Hon. Jeremy Corbin MP, leader of the Labour Party, to give opening speech at IiME 2018


Senior Member

(It does say, 'yet to be confirmed', but hoping..........................)

There is also a thank you card for you to sign which will be forwarded to the Leader of the Labour Party.


Below is the link to an online card for anyone to sign if you'd like to thank Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party, for accepting an invitation by Invest in ME Research to give the opening speech at the charity's international conference in Westminster, London, in June 2018. http://www.groupcard.com/c/vRZACP3vJAn

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Senior Member
Good on ya JC :)

but i'm afraid generally in life 'to be confirmed' seems to mean "yes ok I'll do it (as long as nothing more important/interesting/personally beneficial comes up, which it probably will, but i'll say yes at this stage because I dont want you to think i dont care about you)".

lets get the group card sent off asap - hopefully once he sees how massively grateful we all are it might raise the importance/discomfort level in turning us down.

Jo Best

Senior Member
Thanks for sharing @Countrygirl :thumbsup: Apparently, JC has been supportive of consituents with ME (inc. severe) and his office has been in communication with IiME Research over several years and he has also signed letters, petitions, EDMs supporting ME issues and research into ME, so he's been consistent which is good to know in itself and bodes well that he'll keep the commitment barring unforeseen or external events.

Jo Best

Senior Member
lets get the group card sent off asap - hopefully once he sees how massively grateful we all are it might raise the importance/discomfort level in turning us down.
He may have had sight of it already as some people have tagged him in their tweets, but the delivery date is next Thursday 30th November by email to Ian Gibson for passing on to Jeremy Corbyn.
The card has 842 signatures. It would be great if we could get it to the 1000 mark . Anybody not signed yet?
It is fine for those not in the UK to sign it.

Jo Best

Senior Member
The card has 842 signatures. It would be great if we could get it to the 1000 mark . Anybody not signed yet?
It is fine for those not in the UK to sign it.
Thanks @Alison2 :thumbsup: The numbers go up and down a bit because of a glitch on the site, but it's currently 882 and set for delivery by email tomorrow afternoon.