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Questions for Dr Montoya


Senior Member
I am so sorry to hear this and I was also mistreated by Stanford although at another clinic (and have never seen Dr. Montoya or been to the ME/CFS clinic just to be clear). I am shocked but yet also not shocked that he could just "drop" you right before you are about to get on a plane for your appt! This is actually completely unethical unless he gave you some solid, valid referrals who can provide treatment to you instead. Did he do this? Please keep us posted, and it was so kind of you to offer to ask him our questions, but am now thinking you need to focus on yourself and getting answers for your treatment moving forward.
Thank you for the kind words Ginger.
Literally all I know is that supposedly some sort of arrangements were made with a referral, but I have waited a year to see Dr Montoya. I very much doubt they intend to do anything to get me seen in an appropriate amount of time somewhere else, so i requested that Dr Montoya change his mind. I've never spoken to the man. My PA at Stanford has just been all around horrible and my complaints seem to be echoed by many here. I apologize if I'm not able to ask him your questions after all.

The referral is for a doctor where I live in Salt Lake City. No idea who.


Senior Member
Pacific NW
Most doctors would give up their firstborn before firing any of their PAs. They love the buffer PAs provide between themselves and patients -otherwise known as the enemy. I've also seen Drs extend this kind of protection to medical assistants as well. These PAs are usually young with a very narrow knowledge base and lots of hubris(never admit fault in front of a patient).

I am currently dealing with a young PA in my pain clinic who makes frequent serious mistakes, never apologizes and is so perky I feel exhausted after seeing her. I've given up after two attempts to get another PA ( I was actually told there is no procedure in place to do this). How do you argue with that response?


Test Subject
I am currently dealing with a young PA in my pain clinic who makes frequent serious mistakes, never apologizes and is so perky I feel exhausted after seeing her. I've given up after two attempts to get another PA ( I was actually told there is no procedure in place to do this). How do you argue with that response?
Yes, I know what you are taking about. It seems that perhaps a good deal of these PAs are the same. I wonder if they can ever become good doctors acting the way they do.

Of course some of us are a real pain to the medical profession, but it is not our fault.


Senior Member
San Francisco
I was fired by a doc (not at Stanford) because I asked him to reimburse me for a prescription he ordered by mistake.

Dr. Montoya has always been extremely pleasant and we get along well. I'm surprised he would just drop a patient. I know one of the PAs is no longer there, so the patient load may be even more unwieldy than usual.

I've been screwed by Stanford's appointment system, though.

Groggy Doggy

I was fired by a doc (not at Stanford) because I asked him to reimburse me for a prescription he ordered by mistake.

Dr. Montoya has always been extremely pleasant and we get along well. I'm surprised he would just drop a patient. I know one of the PAs is no longer there, so the patient load may be even more unwieldy than usual.

I've been screwed by Stanford's appointment system, though.
unfortunately, i am getting to the point where nothing seems to surprise me anymore about health care. it's sort of like feeling numb after spending too many years of watching violent tv shows.


Senior Member
It sounds like you will have your hands full just getting Montoya to answer your questions, so don´t worry about asking mine.


Senior Member
Thank you for the kind words Ginger.

Of course and sorry you are having to deal with this. You are not the first person I have heard of in which Montoya "fired" them from his clinic so I am not shocked.

Literally all I know is that supposedly some sort of arrangements were made with a referral, but I have waited a year to see Dr Montoya. I very much doubt they intend to do anything to get me seen in an appropriate amount of time somewhere else, so i requested that Dr Montoya change his mind. I've never spoken to the man.

I am upset though that you waited a year and expected to have an appt with him and bought a plane ticket and then "fired" at the last minute.

My PA at Stanford has just been all around horrible and my complaints seem to be echoed by many here. I apologize if I'm not able to ask him your questions after all.

Don't worry about anyone's questions and the focus is on taking care of yourself. The PA that I saw at another Stanford Clinic was equally horrible. I wish I could post publicly what happened and maybe some day I will but feel it is too risky for me right now. Just know that I empathize.

The referral is for a doctor where I live in Salt Lake City. No idea who.

I can't believe they didn't even tell you who it was. I have two close friends who had horrible experiences at Stanford in addition to myself and another who, while not horrible, just never really got any follow through after first appt.

Never Give Up

Collecting improvements, until there's a cure.
Thank you for the kind words Ginger.
Literally all I know is that supposedly some sort of arrangements were made with a referral, but I have waited a year to see Dr Montoya. I very much doubt they intend to do anything to get me seen in an appropriate amount of time somewhere else, so i requested that Dr Montoya change his mind. I've never spoken to the man. My PA at Stanford has just been all around horrible and my complaints seem to be echoed by many here. I apologize if I'm not able to ask him your questions after all.

The referral is for a doctor where I live in Salt Lake City. No idea who.
Could it be Dr. Bateman?


Senior Member
I was fired by a doc (not at Stanford) because I asked him to reimburse me for a prescription he ordered by mistake.

Dr. Montoya has always been extremely pleasant and we get along well. I'm surprised he would just drop a patient. I know one of the PAs is no longer there, so the patient load may be even more unwieldy than usual.

I've been screwed by Stanford's appointment system, though.

was it at OMI?