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Plugged ear and Lyme


Senior Member
southeast US
I've had Lyme/babesia since 2012. A plugged left ear popped up as a symptom approx. one year ago, however consuming more coconut oil helped a great deal with this until recently.

My remedy seems to have stopped working, if I cover my right ear I can barely hear at all. Have any of you had this problem and/or know a better treatment?


Senior Member
Northern California
I've had Lyme/babesia since 2012. A plugged left ear popped up as a symptom approx. one year ago, however consuming more coconut oil helped a great deal with this until recently.

My remedy seems to have stopped working, if I cover my right ear I can barely hear at all. Have any of you had this problem and/or know a better treatment?
You might have to have your ear cleaned out by a doctor. I have had this happen to me a few of times - some times it has cleared up,on its own, sometimes ear drops with hydrogen peroxide will break it up, but if your hearing is that impaired you might have to have a doc look at it. I recently had to do a test (VNG) where they induce dizziness by pumping cold and hot air into your ears and the tach looked one look in there and said my ears were both completely blocked. Had to see the doc (ENT) who easily suctioned out one ear and more painstakingly sanctioned the other. Really made a difference in my hearing, and felt less pressure in my head. Am glad I did it...


Senior Member
I think there are home ear washing kits as well? But yeah, might be good to have a doctor take a look first, in case it's nasty.


Senior Member
I've had Lyme/babesia since 2012. A plugged left ear popped up as a symptom approx. one year ago, however consuming more coconut oil helped a great deal with this until recently.

My remedy seems to have stopped working, if I cover my right ear I can barely hear at all. Have any of you had this problem and/or know a better treatment?

Lou, did you put the coconut oil in your ear or were you eating it?

Have you taken anything for the Lyme?


Senior Member
southeast US
Lou, did you put the coconut oil in your ear or were you eating it?

Have you taken anything for the Lyme?

Yes, Violeta, I was eating up to four spoonful a day, and it was a great help for a long time. Never thought about putting it directly into ear, but I just might even give that a try.

At different times have used Samento, Barbarol, other herbs. Currently using A-BABS, A-BART and N-T detox Bryon White formulas.

@JAH Thanks, you're probably right, should just go see an ENT. However, with Lyme, I'm wondering if excess wax is the actual problem. I've googled the heck out of this symptom and Lyme, and no one seems to give the actual cause.

Sometimes, I think it may be inflammation of the ear canal. There have been occasions when the problem was clearing (without any wax discharge) and I could hold back the, what do you call that, could hold back the little wedge thingy at ear entrance and hear clear as a bell.

I HATE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lyme..........


Senior Member
I go to the ENT occasioally for wax buildup. They are very skilled at removing it with a nifty tool. It can impair hearing. Check with an ENT. If there's no wax but some kind of otitis, apparently removing some cerumen (wax) from the good ear and putting it into the other ear will reestablish homeostasis.


Senior Member
Lou, do you think it might be fluid build up in the middle ear? Have you tried any antihistamines? Maybe there is some way to do a natural antihistamine. If it's a pathogen causing fluid build up, maybe colloidal silver nasal spray would clear it up. It's good that the hearing can return at times. Was it ever painful?


Senior Member
southeast US
Lou, do you think it might be fluid build up in the middle ear? Have you tried any antihistamines? Maybe there is some way to do a natural antihistamine. If it's a pathogen causing fluid build up, maybe colloidal silver nasal spray would clear it up. It's good that the hearing can return at times. Was it ever painful?

Not particularly painful, just a pain. Now that you mention it I remember trying colloidal silver, a couple of drops in the ear. Not much help. You think spraying it in nose as intended may work better? Thanks.


Senior Member
Not particularly painful, just a pain. Now that you mention it I remember trying colloidal silver, a couple of drops in the ear. Not much help. You think spraying it in nose as intended may work better? Thanks.

I don't know, just trying to think of possibilities for helping it drain if it's fluid build up. The colloidal silver, or whichever spray you would try, would cause fluid to drain through the eustachian tube. It's just guessing though, because you don't really know what's wrong. You do know that it's not necessarily permanent, though, which is a good thing. North American herb and spice company makes a nasal spray which might work better than colloidal silver.


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Ear candling works for mine... you get them from the health food store or online, but I have to get a friend to do it for me - too dangerous to try on my own. I have had them syringed at the docs before but it makes me very dizzy for ages afterwards so I try to avoid it.