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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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OK So i am 22 yr old male who has experienced minor fatigue the last month, also headaches of unknown reason & i am so scared of CFS ;( i have seen the youtube videos of how horrible this illness is

I am able to excercise & work full time so i know i dont have the PEM & also my sex drive is really good but have noticed my eyes are really heavy as if i havent slept, i do have two viral infections i have hsv 1 & hpv which i do have warts (nasty i know) on my crotch... i am really scared of cfs & This fatigue i am feeling lately has came out the blue.... All day my blood pressure has been through the roof & i am very terrified... The past week or so i have felt what feels like a cold have had phlegm & swollen inguinal lymph nodes but no fever so far... today the cold like symptoms feel better but my anxiety has been through the roof!!!! My blood pressure was at 160 over 96 after working out, please help me & tell me if i am showing signs of cfs :(
Also my recent blood test everything was normal though my glucose is in prediavetix status, have buring in toes & fingers & also muscle fasiculations .... My stomach makes all kinds of noises after i eat & i feel like these air burps come from my throat alot


Senior Member
Yeah, I agree with @shaqun . If you're that worried, seek out some regular medical observation for a while. Diagnosis of CFS is tricky and is more about a process of elimination. Please don't worry yourself over what you've experienced so far, it could just as easily be nothing :)


Senior Member
I am able to excercise & work full time so i know i dont have the PEM & also my sex drive is really good but have noticed my eyes are really heavy as if i havent slept, i do have two viral infections i have hsv 1 & hpv which i do have warts (nasty i know) on my crotch... i am really scared of cfs & This fatigue i am feeling lately has came out the blue.... All day my blood pressure has been through the roof & i am very terrified... The past week or so i have felt what feels like a cold have had phlegm & swollen inguinal lymph nodes but no fever so far... today the cold like symptoms feel better but my anxiety has been through the roof!!!! My blood pressure was at 160 over 96 after working out, please help me & tell me if i am showing signs of cfs :(

I can only repeat what others have said, there is no way based on this myriad of symptoms that someone is able to make a diagnosis, especially not online. The high blood pressure thing should probably be looked at by a doctor, but it's not a classical symptom of CFS/ME.

By the way, there is nothing weird with experiencing prolonged cold like symptoms. I have had healthy friends mention to me how they have felt "slightly ill" even over a month's time, but none of these people have fallen into CFS, they have always recovered. If it's a bacterial infection causing it, antibiotics may help, if it's viral, there's no point taking any medication for it. Only thing I can recommend is rest. The anxiety sounds like health anxiety.
Also if i have been starting to go to sleep around 11Pm & waking up at 7 & being very sleepy at 10-11 Pm an early sign of cfs?
Thanks guys but what would be causing my fatigue?

The anxiety sounds like health anxiety.

Also if i have been starting to go to sleep around 11Pm & waking up at 7 & being very sleepy at 10-11 Pm an early sign of cfs?

The Anxiety. So before being a panic attacked person, please visit a psychiatrist. It is completely normal to feel sleepy at 10-11PM when person wakes up at 7. Thats how normal and healty people live their life.


Senior Member
The Anxiety. So before being a panic attacked person, please visit a psychiatrist. It is completely normal to feel sleepy at 10-11PM when person wakes up at 7. Thats how normal and healty people live their life.
You mean psychologist? A psychiatrist is a pill-pusher, OP will probably be drugged with a benzodiazepine like xanax for the rest of his life.
It's better to see a psychologist before going the drug-route. Popping pills will not fix the underlying issue if it's a mental one, it will only suppress symptoms and likely create other health problems.
Please look into benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome.

Also, anxiety does not always have a psychological cause. Several diseases may lead to anxiety indirectly, especially diseases of inflammatory nature.


Senior Member
Internet is not not the way of diagnose in no way. I personally recommend you to a good psychiatrist and stop watching youtube videos about any diseases.

Life is too short to worry and create anxiety. Be well and happy ;)

Oh, you're one of those. So, how's CBT and GET working out for you?
You mean psychologist? A psychiatrist is a pill-pusher, OP will probably be drugged with a benzodiazepine like xanax for the rest of his life.
It's better to see a psychologist before going the drug-route. Popping pills will not fix the underlying issue if it's a mental one, it will only suppress symptoms and likely create other health problems.
Please look into benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome.

I dont believe in using benzo’s or antidepressants, hell i’d rather use cocaine than that
You mean psychologist? A psychiatrist is a pill-pusher, OP will probably be drugged with a benzodiazepine like xanax for the rest of his life.
It's better to see a psychologist before going the drug-route. Popping pills will not fix the underlying issue if it's a mental one, it will only suppress symptoms and likely create other health problems.
Please look into benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome.

Also, anxiety does not always have a psychological cause. Several diseases may lead to anxiety indirectly, especially diseases of inflammatory nature.

It depends on psychiatrist. Thats why I said a good psychiatrist, a good psychiatrist will have done all the required checks with other departments including CFS/ME if suspected and eliminate any infection than being a pill-pusher. That makes a complete check including psychological issues before telling the person about CFS/ME. A person worrying about too much and founds his self in a CFS/ME forum is way out of psychologist work is my personal opinion and therefore the OP should be checked first by psychologist of course. The new SSRI without benzodiazepine is effective and can be used for 6 months without side effects and withdrawals. There is no need to use antidepressant directly, there is even pseudoephedrine on low dosage will be sufficent that can be taken with 5mg antihistamin mix. Not all psychiatrists are pill-pusher at least few of them are my friends.
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Is anxiety a side effect of CFS?

Anything can create anxiety, everyone has anxiety it is just the matter of how high it is. To me you are like having worry/anxiety/a bit panic together. This should be checked by psychologist/psychiatrist. You are continuously thinking about CFS/ME and nothing else. Why dont you say yourself, if it is CFS it is okay, life goes on and I will live with it. A key to relief.
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Senior Member
Hi Worried,

As others have said, it is impossible for anyone here to say exactly what is going on. However, your posts scream 'healthy anxiety' to me. I too have suffered from terrible, terrible health anxiety in my life. It is truly awful.

It is not useful to anyone to answer your questions about whether anxiety is a side effect of CFS. No amount of reassurance that anyone here can give you will be able to sustain you. More information to feed your mental calculations will not help. I have been through the mill with that and it just did not work.

What did work for me was mindfulness. I had to learn to watch my anxiety rather than engage with it. When you engage with it you fan the flames and it will just get hotter and hotter. Learning to just watch your anxiety without acting on it is incredibly difficult, but it is also very effective in the long term because you starve the beast of its nourishment.

I am happy to chat more with you if you like.