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Petechia - tiny red spots - mainly on arms (burst blood vesels)

I have tons of very tiny, almost invisable little red spots on both of my arms. I think I've had this issue for at least 2 years or more. I know I didn't have it before I got sick. I'm wondering if this might be a sign of microclots? I also have cold hands and feet all the time so I suspect that I have very poor blood flow. I also have low B12 levels which I just started to correct recently. So maybe it's related to that?
I also have low B12 levels which I just started to correct recently. So maybe it's related to that?
I have them too, and further back in the thread, on page 4 it is mentioned by Crux, that they can be related to b12/folate deficiency. I have them too, and also I have b12 deficiency, so thanks for asking the question and thereby leading me to a possible explanation 😊.

Most people with b12 deficiency also struggle with low iron and vitamin d levels. Your cold hand and feet could be from iron deficiency.


..and we built castles in the Sky.
Havin to read a hypochondria discussion right within us makes me want to puke.

I have gotten this ill because I havent listend to my body for a very long time.
Petechia are not normal and should be investigated. I have them myself and I have severely reduced NK-T Cells to the point I barely have any at all (2/mcgL).

Needed to get this out of my head. sorry.
Havin to read a hypochondria discussion right within us makes me want to puke.

I have gotten this ill because I havent listend to my body for a very long time.
Petechia are not normal and should be investigated. I have them myself and I have severely reduced NK-T Cells to the point I barely have any at all (2/mcgL).

Needed to get this out of my head. sorry.
No you are right to find that disgusting. I only became severe because of people like that telling me that I wasn't really sick and was just lazy or paranoid. It's unfortunate to see that kind of thing in a group like this but a lot of disabled people have internalized ablism. No one is here because they are a hypochondriac, they are here because they are sick.

I know for a fact that I never had petechia before getting sick. There's a long history of skin cancer in my family so I started getting mole checks when I was a teenager and I paid very close attention to what my skin looked like. Unfortunetly I haven't been able to see a dermatologist in several years but hopefully I'll be able to in the near future. I'm hoping that the B12 will get rid of them but if not I'll ask a doctor about it.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
I haven't been able to read the full thread but there's a doctor on YouTube that covers different cases and their discoveries about them and in one episode she talked about a woman having petechia to the point of some kind of anemia (iirc). The lady's blood test indicated she was loosing a lot of blood (she had petechia really bad - all those micro bleeds) and what it turned out that she had a deficiency in vitamin C.

Maybe not a factor in the cases mentioned in this thread but I thought I'd just bring it up. With our immune systems on overload with what we are dealing with I'm guessing some of us could be deficient.


Senior Member
I have these spots too, only I wouldn't describe mine as red, mine are more of a blue colour.