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Senior Member
How do you accept that this is all peri? My periods have been erratic the last few years but the last few month i have awful night/day sweats, chills, fatigue, anxiety, feel like i can't get a breath, depression, left side back pain and generally feel crap. I have had my full blood count, liver, kidney, thyroid, inflammation markers and ferritin levels done and all ok. I have also had oxygen levels, blood pressure, lungs and chest listened to and all fine. Would you be confident it's peri if you had had all them bloods done? I can't stop thinking something else is going on.


Senior Member
How do you accept that this is all peri? My periods have been erratic the last few years but the last few month i have awful night/day sweats, chills, fatigue, anxiety, feel like i can't get a breath, depression, left side back pain and generally feel crap. I have had my full blood count, liver, kidney, thyroid, inflammation markers and ferritin levels done and all ok. I have also had oxygen levels, blood pressure, lungs and chest listened to and all fine. Would you be confident it's peri if you had had all them bloods done? I can't stop thinking something else is going on.

Black cohosh might be worth looking at carefully


Senior Member
S W England
Peri makes you feel all upside down- and the sweating....! It is also hard to tell what is ME and what is peri.

I can recommend trying Agnus Castus- I take one with every meal and that keeps things on a more even keel and greatly improve the sweating problem. They were recommended to me a few years ago by a female Gyno who told me she took it.

I also use Progesterone cream, also lavender oil, rescue remedy, camomile tea....basically anything that works at all is worth persisting with!


Senior Member
Vancouver, British Columbia
Definitely sounds like peri! When you consider that the body has estrogen receptors everywhere, it's not surprising that our entire body goes through hell as the estrogen levels start fluctuating and then dropping. I found progesterone cream worked for a while and I actually felt quite good while taking it. However, after three months it stopped working.


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
It seems like peri to me. I have been also in the middle of this storm with maxi hot flashes about 20 times a day. Struggling to have some sleep at night, with drastic augmentation of nocturia.
Progesterone cream doesn't help now. Tried so far some herbals with no success ( evening primrose oil, mix of chaste tree berry/ black cohosh/motherwort leaf/licorice/pulsatilla herb).
I read also that white chestnut (Bach flower) may help menopause symptoms. Just began to take it, so too early to tell if it does anything...


Senior Member
I think I'm in peri too. It's difficult to differentiate symptoms at times. One thing that's become worse is that the ME flares up big time around the day of my period and for a few days more. I'm taking B6 and it seems to help a little. I take sage for night sweats and it has helped somewhat, though they still happen occasionally.

My cardiologist told me that my Microvascular Angina may ease (no promises) when I have menopause as its fed by oestrogen and I believe my Adenomyosis may ease or stop too, that is also fed by oestrogen.

I'm 48 and my GP tells me I'm too young to be in peri....I disagree.


Senior Member
S W England
48 is not too young for peri! Woman can get it from mid thirties onwards.

The good thing about Peri, is that unlike ME it IS sure to pass. Glad we can support each other- it feels like a conspiracy of silence about the nuts and bolts of it...until you get to it and have to start educating yourself about it.


Senior Member
New Zealand
I think I'm starting this and I'm 45....
Certainly I'm the worst I have ever been in terms of ME symptoms. I don't have lots of peri symptoms but worse PMT and more frequent periods. Waiting to start treatment and fingers crossed it helps, as I'm heading towards being bed bound.....:(