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ok, methylation, histamine and paradojic fx of s-AME, help!

started to feeling sick 3 years ago,
1 week after an abx course, i think, that was just the trigger, i think i had the issues before but not at the point to feeling sick.
the first i felt was sudden histamine intolerance, without reason, just connected the points, i were feeling so bad after eating.

histamine intoelrance in now my worst isuue, it bothers me more than other thing, i cant handle it more...sincerely, i dont know what more try. any help will be much more that apreciatted, im advanced sufferer so, i know almost all have to be known.

i dont have DAO issues, tested and my DAO activity is perfect, and tried DAO supplements, and nothing...
so i have to think that my issue is due to HNMT (as almost all mi issues depends on methyl transferase etc, its all about methylation, i know)...but.... HNMT depends on SAME as methyl donnor, and ...when tried supplementing same i felt really sick, as much as in the beggining, not histamine, just sick sick (didnt tried histamines to be honest, but it send me back 1000 steps ) so...what i lost here? i dont understand that.

my other issues, when started to be sick were, ultra low blood pressure, POTS, insomnia, big brain fog, big anxiety, difficulty walking...now, i know all them could be due to histamine overload, today, im much better of almost all those, except MAO/COMT relative symptoms.

as well, i have problems with medicines/supplements.... much less than a quarter of recommended doses gives me a big effect..so i think i have 2 options:
1. cyp2d6 /p450 issues
2. leaky brain barrier

if i have p450 issues /cyp, my detox cascade functions could be failing in 1st step, then all the cascade, have sense..isnt?

if i have leaky brain barrier, i dont know what to do.

so, all is about methylation, and i only accept methylb12, other thing i tried all, result: sick

5mthf: sick
same: sick (very sick)
adb12: sick
vit c: sick
quercetine: sick
etc etc etc

all my supplement, including my beloved mb12 makes me feel ultra wired, my mb12 started for 1 drop!!!

now i cant handle more than 500mcg per day..and it saved my life, since startted my blood pressure came back to normality

i have to mention that i treated succesfully SIBO and cutted all grains and my gut issues are much much better, swithed to bloating, daily steathorrea etc, to almos normal, but I CANT EAT MORE THATN 10 FOODS.... i have malnutrition, of course.
but working on that.

every time i try other thing: sick

for example, tried coq10 (normal, not ubiquinol) 1/4 of the tablet, and felt sooo weird, tired, sleepy, and lowered my blood pressure until today (took 4 days ago)

i could extend it a lot more, but i will first ask.all the above thing plus this one...

at what point i have my methylation issue?
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i have to add, for the first time, i rrealized today i react negatively to chemicals, im back home after going to wash the car, they washed inside and before to wash the outside part they invited me to enter to my car untill they finished, then whe i seated i felt a very intense chemical smell floating in the air, and i had to stay inside because the machine of the tunnel started to work.... so ive stayed 5 mins inside before to be able to open the windows.
i ever was a bit skeptical about chemical sensitivity (not too much since my issues are the kind of what everybody is skeptical) and i felt bad after 15-20 minutes... dizziness, headache..and hopefully not more.

so may be this is a part of the equation i dismissed.
aldehydes? detox problems?