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iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
ok, I received my supps the other day, pramiracetam, oxiracetam and centrophenoxine. Today i dont have to work so time to try them. They come in powders and most capsule them themselves. It can be difficult to work the exact dose out but lots of googling has helped me work this out.

I started with pramiracetam as its supposedly the strongest and took around 400mg, seems people respond to doses anywhere from 100mg to 1000mg. It took about an hour to kick in and it felt like the clouds/fog in my head have started to roll away, its like my brain has switched on. Now im noticing that im typing much faster then normal and my concentration is really good and alot less spelling mistakes i have to go back and fix, lol. Even reading stuff on the computer i seem to be able to read much quicker and take it all in. But at the same time i dont feel like im jumping out of my skin like some type of stimulant etc Its a calm but intense feeling of focus. I can see why people use this stuff for studying etc. I feel like super man typing hear, my brain and my fingers are co-ordinated for once.

Its only been an hour and a half since i took it so we will see how the rest of the day pans out and if it affects sleep or not which i dont think it will as i dont feel hyped up, i feel like im contradicting my self but? Prami is suppose to last longer then the other racetams as well.

Tomorrow im going to try the oxiracetam but if today works out great i may stick with the prami??


Senior Member
Vic, AU
Hey heaps, sounds pretty promising. I ordered some Oxi, now I am thinking I am going to have to try the Prami as well, thanks a lot :D

Wondering though what other nootropics/supps you using each day as well? I think this can have a fairly significant influence, typically positive, when you introduce a new nootropic, especially if you have an Omega 3s base, creatine base ect.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Tomorrow im going to try the oxiracetam but if today works out great i may stick with the prami??

Thanks for the update Heapsreal. The most recent time I tried Piracetam, it kind of did a number on me. It seemed to wire me out and then took a few days to get back to a relatively normal feeling. And that was on a dose of only about 50 mg. or so. If I had three different -cetams to try out, I would probably tend toward experimenting with only one at a time. But what do I know? :rolleyes::)



iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
It appears the prami lasted about 2 hours, took an hour to kick in, suppose to be better if taken with some fat so i did take it on an empty stomach and vit e cap which is oil. I did take another dose 4 hours after the first dose but didnt notice a big difference. I think this stuff would be good if one had alot of study or reading to do. From what i have read substances that contain choline like DMAE or the centrohenoxine i have supposedly help increase the effectiveness and length of effect. But also this is just short term effects, supposedly good long term effects for cognitive effects.

Im going to try the oxi tomorrow at 800mg on empty stomach, i think some take 1600mg so may take a second dose a couple hours later if i think i need too.

I am going to do a day with just the centro and then another day with centro and prami, and centro and oxi, see if this changes the effects. Maybe later i might try combining racetams as they say each one has slightly different effects.

On my wish list of things to try are aniracetam which i tried years ago and worked well, also wanting to try mucuna pruriens which supposedly contain l-dopa and help increase dopamine.

How i have estimated the doses of the powder is that researching this stuff is that the size 'O' gelcaps when packed tight dose at approx 800mg for oxi and prami, centro is 250mg in the gelcap. Size '3' gelcap when packed tight with prami is approx 350mg. gelcaps can get cheap from iherb.

I will give these guys another plug http://www.suppshop.com.au/index.php?route=common/home as they are well priced and hard to find a source in australia.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Hey heaps, sounds pretty promising. I ordered some Oxi, now I am thinking I am going to have to try the Prami as well, thanks a lot :D

Wondering though what other nootropics/supps you using each day as well? I think this can have a fairly significant influence, typically positive, when you introduce a new nootropic, especially if you have an Omega 3s base, creatine base ect.

Although not racetams, i have seen acetyl carnitine and q10 classed as nootropics both which i take as well as use pregnenolone cream. Of late i took a few days of pregnenolone then restarted at a reduced dose from 50mg to 20mg a day.



iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Thanks for the update Heapsreal. The most recent time I tried Piracetam, it kind of did a number on me. It seemed to wire me out and then took a few days to get back to a relatively normal feeling. And that was on a dose of only about 50 mg. or so. If I had three different -cetams to try out, I would probably tend toward experimenting with only one at a time. But what do I know? :rolleyes::)


Hi wayne,

a few years ago i tried piracetam and it just made me sleepy, we all get different effects i guess. but i have read that they think these racetams not only work on acetyl choline receptors but also effects on benzo receptors, so maybe can sedate some people but also give that calming effect. But dont work like a benzo??



iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
took the oxi this morning on an empty stomach 800mg, after an hour no effect, i waited another hour and took a second dose. no real effect maybe a headache if anything. I have read that getting headaches from racetams can mean u need more choline so i added the centro. I was going to try the centro by itself but what they heck, i took a 250mg dose. Headache has gone and head feels clearer, dont feel as cognitively energized as prami but feels like its doing good things. I need to try the prami with centro as well as centro by itself.



Senior Member
Vic, AU
Although not racetams, i have seen acetyl carnitine and q10 classed as nootropics both which i take as well as use pregnenolone cream. Of late i took a few days of pregnenolone then restarted at a reduced dose from 50mg to 20mg a day.


Hey, I just asked because I vaguely remembered this conversation about Piracetam and omega 3's,


Creatine can work with other nootropics as well but I guess that is much less unknown and hard to factor anyway.

Does not make me feel great about choosing the Oxi, might have to put it on ebay unopened now.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Hey, I just asked because I vaguely remembered this conversation about Piracetam and omega 3's,


Creatine can work with other nootropics as well but I guess that is much less unknown and hard to factor anyway.

Does not make me feel great about choosing the Oxi, might have to put it on ebay unopened now.

Whats your reason for not using oxi? The link was talking about someone feeling depressed from it but thats just one person experience versus the many that find it helpful. The only way to know if its going to help is to try it, it might be a good thing for you, if u do feel bad from it then u know not to use it anymore. Oxi i believe is water soluble so dont need fats with it.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Just used the centro today, it has helped in a mild way, better concentration and focus but i think there is an additive effects when i used it with oxi. What i am finding is the effects only last a few hours.



Senior Member
Vic, AU
Whats your reason for not using oxi? The link was talking about someone feeling depressed from it but thats just one person experience versus the many that find it helpful. The only way to know if its going to help is to try it, it might be a good thing for you, if u do feel bad from it then u know not to use it anymore. Oxi i believe is water soluble so dont need fats with it.

I was just referring to the likelihood that omega 3's/fish oils have an effect when used with racetam's and if you are using a fish oil or creatine it is worth noting when trying nootropics.

I meant your report does not make me feel good about choosing the Oxi over the Prami but you are right I just need to see what works for me.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I was just referring to the likelihood that omega 3's/fish oils have an effect when used with racetam's and if you are using a fish oil or creatine it is worth noting when trying nootropics.

I meant your report does not make me feel good about choosing the Oxi over the Prami but you are right I just need to see what works for me.

Ok, understand now, still an effect with oxi just initially its not as strong i guess plus for me it seems i need a choline substance(centro) with it. Prami is more stimulating but i wouldnt discount oxi just incase prami is too stimulating. I was on creatine prior to nootropics but havent used it for a couple of weeks now.

I think i might just keep going with the prami and centro and when i run out of prami i will then add the oxi. We will see if the long term effects of these help with cognitive things. When i run out of both prami and oxi i will order some aniracetam. Like most things, it might be good to regularly rotate these substance.

This morning i used centro and prami, i managed to knuckle down and get some work done around the house which was much needed, so it does help with a physical energy too. I suppose if your head doesnt feel like a block of concrete your going to feel physically better.



iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I think there might be something in using choline type substances with racetams. As already mentioned those that get headaches using racetams only, maybe low in choline, this seems to be my experience that i get a headache a few hours after using racetams on there own, when using the centro(choline substance) i dont get the headaches. There are a few other substances people use with racetams like DMAE, lecithin and choline its self. So worth having something like like this on hand or i have heard to eat an egg as they contain choline.

ghost gum, let us know how u go when u try the oxi??

good to keep this thread going with others expereiences with racetams/nootropics.



iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Thought i would post a link to a site that sells aniracetam and oxiracetam already capped cheaper then the other site i have bought from although the other site has some other stuff still quite cheap.
pramiracetam powder 25g $30
oxiracetam 30 x 750mg $20
aniracetam 60 x 750mg $15

I would like to find a cheap source of centrophenoxine already capped, best i have seen is 500mg x 60 $30.

Anyone got any cheap sources??



iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
First day back at work while on my nootropic stack. It seemed to have helped, my brain felt more energised and i was able to retain information from people better today but it is day 1 for me back at work, we will see how well i retain info by the end of the week. Just before finishing work though i did start to get a cracker of a headache and it has eased some with headache pills, maybe its because my brains is now actually working?? and not use to being used like that, lol.

The first time using the pramiracetam it felt good and very noticeable, now the effects are more suttle but maybe im now use to it working. It doesnt feel like a stimulant type hyped up racey feeling just more mental clarity and the effects definately are better and last longer with a choline supp like centrophenoxine. Im looking at experiementing with some other different choline supps down the track.



Senior Member
Melbourne , Australia
heapsreal,great info and anecdotes.. I have been using geratam branded piracetam (from the original creators of pira) with mixed results, it works but has tradeoffs because its stimulating, I use it for things like interviews with centrelink about disability benefits,if I need to be able to fluidly speak to someone when I know I am going to get a phone call etc - very keen to try prami and oxi , aniracetam and noopept have given me worse brain fog when Ive tried them but I may try again down the track with dosage adjustments, Im also going to try centrophenoxine in place of choline bitartrate


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
heapsreal,great info and anecdotes.. I have been using geratam branded piracetam (from the original creators of pira) with mixed results, it works but has tradeoffs because its stimulating, I use it for things like interviews with centrelink about disability benefits,if I need to be able to fluidly speak to someone when I know I am going to get a phone call etc - very keen to try prami and oxi , aniracetam and noopept have given me worse brain fog when Ive tried them but I may try again down the track with dosage adjustments, Im also going to try centrophenoxine in place of choline bitartrate

Hi Ether,

Glad the piracetam is helping, i think we all need something for occassional pick me ups when we just have to function.

With the racetams i found for me that i got less and less out of them the longer i used them and abit hit and miss for me. What i have found works more consistently for my little brain is acetyl tyrosine and mucuna dopa, both are suppose to help increase dopamine and noradrenaline, i find it helps as a pickmeup.

Of late i have been using adrafinil which is the older version of modafinil. Im finding it quite good, but initially found it hard to tell if it was working as i was waiting for that hyped up feeling. So initially i didnt think it was working but my cognitive stamina was better and also found instead of having that feeling like only half my brain was working, adrafinil feels like it turns on 95% of my brain, so wasnt hyped up as such but just had my old brain back. Is abit harder to sleep those nights, so taking it earlier the better. Adrafinil is suppose to be abit hard on the liver if someone uses it daily, so its recommended for occassional use.

It would be interesting to know what the difference is between adrafinil and modafinil?

Out of the racetams i have found aniracetam the best and more consistant.

ps, nice hair style, u must use the same comb as i do,


Senior Member
Melbourne , Australia
arg! dont know why my reply didnt submit! summary -here is a link on the difference between moda and adrafinil http://www.phenibutdosage.com/adrafinil-vs-modafinil/

are you still on centro? I have a jar ready to click to buy on ebay along with some pramiracetam
I have uridine on the way there is an accurate description of it here despite the fact they sell it http://www.smartpowders.com/smart-powders-uridine-100g.html

you shave your head? do you get lightheaded from the blood drain having you arms above your head for the ten or so minutes required? (i devote a third of a day downtime to it every four days or so)

i havent tried either moda or adrafinil, I might PM you about those!