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Nimodopine - very interesting. Anyone have experieince with it or know about it?


Senior Member
Ok, I'll wait for the name.

I used to train at the gym and lift as heavy as I could, and bike for about 6-8 hours per week. Now my training is maybe 7-14 minutes per 7-10 days. This is ridiculous but it has kept me alive in tough times !

Thanks again.


Senior Member
For the info, I had a really bad day yesterday. I am Unsure if it is from the Nimodipine or from reactionnal hypoglycemia after pushing myself too much at the gym, 48 hours before. Twice yesterday I felt better. Once after lunch, when I ate some carbs, maybe 1 hour after. And after dinner, I felt really bad, had eaten mostly proteins and was still hungry but too nauseous to eat, I had a craving for ice cream somI had a caramel Sunday. And bang ! 1 hour after, I felt like a brand new person...

I am still okay this morning, I haven't been yp long, though, so we'll see. Still waiting before taking my next dose of meds.


Senior Member
Did this treatment work for you @Dechi ?

I stopped taking it after about 2 years because I wasn’t seeing any major improvement.

But I definitely have been declining a bit, steadily, over the years and I’m actually thinking about going back on it to see if I would go back to how I was when I was taking it. I could do a lot more then.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Yeah lots of people did report that they got worse when they stopped in the pdf I found on another thread. But totally understand about stopping, it happens. I usually end up over stimulated or with anxiety so that prevents me going further with stuff.

I am hoping this drug will be different.