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new article on ncubator.ca, "Sinus Irrigation"


Senior Member
Great article Jody. Love my neti pot!!!

Thanks Lesley,

They look very cool. I'd like to have one even if I never used it.:D

Do you do a tidier job with your neti pot (I hope:rolleyes:) than I do with my turkey baster?:Retro tongue:


Senior Member
Southeastern US
I think it's probably a bit neater. There's also a plastic bottle made by Neil Med, which is much easier to use, but they just don't seem to get dry between uses. I can't see how squirting mildew up your nose would be helpful!

My biggest problem is that I can bend over hours later and have water gush out my nose. I had sinus surgery, and I think I have more places for it to hide.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hey Jody,

You've got another devotee here! I actually bought a neti pot in the Himalyas right on the Tibetan border--don't think it works any better that a turkey baster though. :cool:

But, I later bought Dr. Grossan's (noted ENT) electric, pulsing super-duper net pot dealy, and I bet this does work better than a turkey baster. ;)

For one, it holds more--about a pint, and best of all, it has a nose friendly wand on the end of a flexible tube that makes the drip-snot-mess a thing of the past. AND it pulses the water solution in--a remarkable sensation that actually seems to work better. I also add a bit of xylitol along with the baking soda and sea salt as xylitol has antibacterial and antiviral properties.

A true adventure in nasal irrigation--remember an innocent time where we never needed to know about things like nasal irrigation?? :tear:



Senior Member
My biggest problem is that I can bend over hours later and have water gush out my nose. I had sinus surgery, and I think I have more places for it to hide.


That's happened to me twice!:D Fortunately I was just in my kitchen, bending over to get a pot out of a lower cupboard both times.:Retro tongue:


Senior Member
Hey Jody,

You've got another devotee here! I actually bought a neti pot in the Himalyas right on the Tibetan border--don't think it works any better that a turkey baster though. :cool:

But, I later bought Dr. Grossan's (noted ENT) electric, pulsing super-duper net pot dealy, and I bet this does work better than a turkey baster. ;)

For one, it holds more--about a pint, and best of all, it has a nose friendly wand on the end of a flexible tube that makes the drip-snot-mess a thing of the past. AND it pulses the water solution in--a remarkable sensation that actually seems to work better. I also add a bit of xylitol along with the baking soda and sea salt as xylitol has antibacterial and antiviral properties.

A true adventure in nasal irrigation--remember an innocent time where we never needed to know about things like nasal irrigation?? :tear:


Sushi! You were in the Himalayas? Since you got CFS? (Or any time for that matter.:D Going to the Himalayas -- Very big deal!:eek:)

Hmmm ... I don't know if I WANT something that holds as much as a pint near my nose.:rolleyes: And ... pulsing? Really?:confused:

It's true. When I used to wonder what my future might hold, ... neither a neti pot NOR a turkey baster figured very centrally in those musings.:Retro tongue:


Great article, Jody! My very first symptoms were crippling sinus infections so I am an old hand at lavage. I use a dental bulb syringe. If you have oral surgery, this is what they usually give you to keep your wound clean. They are blue in the states. They work great for sinus irrigation. I imagine they are a bit less messy than a baster.

Oh yea, whenever I bend over I leak all over the place.

Still, this is what works best for me for infections and it sure beats repeated doses of antibiotics.


Senior Member
Great article, Jody! My very first symptoms were crippling sinus infections so I am an old hand at lavage. I use a dental bulb syringe. If you have oral surgery, this is what they usually give you to keep your wound clean. They are blue in the states. They work great for sinus irrigation. I imagine they are a bit less messy than a baster.

Oh yea, whenever I bend over I leak all over the place.

Still, this is what works best for me for infections and it sure beats repeated doses of antibiotics.


Leaking seems to be a common story, so you are not alone in your leakiness.:rolleyes:

And you are so right, it is definitely better than antibiotics.:D


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Sushi! You were in the Himalayas? Since you got CFS? (Or any time for that matter.:D Going to the Himalayas -- Very big deal!:eek:)

Yeah Jody--Himalayas not once but several times!:eek: Guess what 14,000 feet did to me! Talk about OI!

Before CFS?? Good question. I'm one of those who have trudged along for decades--crashing, reviving--but never really well. Since there was no doc back then to diagnose me with "anything," I just tried to push through whatever that "nothing" was, that I knew was wrong with me.

So I lived it up :victory: And then suffered for it. And did it again...and again.

Oh, and re: the drippy, leaky aspect of neti potting, I was taught to do a whole bunch strong nasal exhalations (read snorts ;)) to blow all the potential drips out. It works pretty well.



Senior Member
Yeah Jody--Himalayas not once but several times!:eek: Guess what 14,000 feet did to me! Talk about OI!

Before CFS?? Good question. I'm one of those who have trudged along for decades--crashing, reviving--but never really well. Since there was no doc back then to diagnose me with "anything," I just tried to push through whatever that "nothing" was, that I knew was wrong with me.

So I lived it up :victory: And then suffered for it. And did it again...and again.

Oh, and re: the drippy, leaky aspect of neti potting, I was taught to do a whole bunch strong nasal exhalations (read snorts ;)) to blow all the potential drips out. It works pretty well.


You were pretty feisty to tackle the Himalayas when you weren't particularly healthy.

These exhalations ... different from blowing your nose? Better?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
These exhalations ... different from blowing your nose? Better?

Like blowing nose but no "hanky." Well, I hold one a couple of inches away but not against the nose. And repeated, fierce, short blows. I could describe it in yoga breathing terms if you know them--bhastrika. (means bellows, I think) Snort! Snort!



Senior Member
NorthEastern USA
I love the way I feel after irrigating with my neti pot.

My everyday dishes are all white, when I purchase accessories, I buy all white. (When I am in the store --- a seldom experience --- I admire all the different patterns and colors of the odd shaped dishes, bowls, pitchers, but I purchase only white for my kitchen. I like the way the all white looks when I set the table -- a seldom experience---- and it is a no brainer..... I do have different colored....no ironing needed...... table cloths).

Some of my cabinets have glass doors...... and 99% of the "pottery" in the cabinet are the white bowls, pitchers, etc and .... yep .... the neti pot.

I was concerned one day when a guest, helping me in the kitchen, started to reach for the neti pot to put a small amount of sauce in. Now I am sure if she had gotten the pot down from the shelf she wouldl have questioned me........ right??????? :ashamed:

But alas, out of fear, I have moved it to the adjacent bathroom.....

I also have had the gushing at a later time, but not so much now.



Senior Member

Your stuff sounds very pretty. Nice eye candy. Love eye candy, very soothing to the soul.

I don't think my turkey baster would have the same esthetic appeal in my kitchen cupboard.:rolleyes:


Senior Member
Like blowing nose but no "hanky." Well, I hold one a couple of inches away but not against the nose. And repeated, fierce, short blows. I could describe it in yoga breathing terms if you know them--bhastrika. (means bellows, I think) Snort! Snort!


Oh nose-blowing like a hockey player.:Retro tongue: Gotcha.

I'm not familar with the yoga breathing terms but you described it succinctly enough that I can REALLY picture it.:D