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new article "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Adrenal Fatigue: Double Whammy?"


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australia (brisbane)
interesting concept. Its quite reasonable to think the adrenal glands could be worn out from constant stress of cfs. I have improved quite abit on antivirals but need to improve another 10%, a recent blood test showed my dhea levels were quite low, i believe this can be a sign of adrenal fatigue/insufficiency. Supplements of dhea have been helping, will give it abit longer and then may add adaptogens as well, although i never got alot out of them before, maybe i was too ill for them to help, now that i have overcome alot of this cfs, the last things to improve now are adrenals and sleep, which i believe can be related also.


Senior Member
interesting concept. Its quite reasonable to think the adrenal glands could be worn out from constant stress of cfs. I have improved quite abit on antivirals but need to improve another 10%, a recent blood test showed my dhea levels were quite low, i believe this can be a sign of adrenal fatigue/insufficiency. Supplements of dhea have been helping, will give it abit longer and then may add adaptogens as well, although i never got alot out of them before, maybe i was too ill for them to help, now that i have overcome alot of this cfs, the last things to improve now are adrenals and sleep, which i believe can be related also.


It's also possible that the adaptogens you've tried so far are not the best ones for you. Trial and error may be the only way to work that out.

My husband has FM and has suffered from exhaustion for a few years. He responds well to Siberian Ginseng. Siberian Ginseng just makes me wired and shaky.

There are quite a few adaptogens to choose from and each is a bit different from the others.


Senior Member
In my experience if you have very weak adrenals, you have to get adrenals built up with the right nutrients before using adaptogens in order not to get a 'surge and then crash' effect. Pantothenic acid(B5)500mg time release and 2grms of Vitamin C per day, are the 'gas' that feeds the adrenals and help me the most.

This is the best site I have found on adrenal exhaustion.



Senior Member

What you say sounds about right to me. Times when I tried ashwaghanda for instance as an adaptogen and got wired to the point that I think it helped create a crash that lasted some months.

But when I was in a better state of health, I tried it again and no bad effects.

I am going to try going from one every 2 - 3 days to one a day. Oooooh!!!:eek:

Wish me luck.:D


Senior Member

What you say sounds about right to me. Times when I tried ashwaghanda for instance as an adaptogen and got wired to the point that I think it helped create a crash that lasted some months.

But when I was in a better state of health, I tried it again and no bad effects.

I am going to try going from one every 2 - 3 days to one a day. Oooooh!!!:eek:

Wish me luck.:D


Why not try 1/2 of a normal dose every day first to see how it goes and you can always increase to the normal dose if all goes well.:worried:


Senior Member

I'm taking capsules so as far as I know I can't really do that.

I am kindof staggering the increased dosage though. Instead of every 2 or 3 days, I'll take it every 1 or 2 days ... so it's a bit of an increase but a small one, and still not every day.

I've been doing this for a few days now, and so far so good. At the first hint of new vibrations :eek: I am prepared to just back right off.

But it seems like I am able to handle this stuff now.

Thanks for your concern.:Retro smile: