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Mushrooms decrease by 80% EBV in oral swabs versus 6% placebo


Senior Member
Decreased expression of EBV in gingival mucosa after a treatment of two months with Ganoderma lucidum, Coriolus versicolor and Lentinus edodes (2015)


A randomised single-blind study was performed to investigate the efficacy of Ganoderma lucidum+Coriolus versicolor+Lentinus edodes (GCL; 61 patients), given two months, versus placebo i.e. Laetiporus sulfureus associated with eight essential oils (LS+HE; only 1/8 drop per day; 32 patients) against the oral reactivation of EBV with detectable DNA-EBV in oral swabs. GCL decreased by 80.3% le presence of DNA-EBV in oral swabs versus 6.3% for LS+HE (p<0.001). GCL is a harmless and promising association of mycelia which could prevent EBV induced-diseases. This preliminary study should be completed in order to increase the number of inclusions and confirm this finding. Additional queries may be tackled: should prevention require prolonged therapy with reduced dosage or may GCL participate to the eradication of other viruses such as papillomavirus, HSV1, HSV2 or cytomegalovirus?

Author : Dr. Bruno Donatini; gastroenterologist, hepatologist and oncologist
Material : 200mg morning and evening intake of Ganodema lucidum (reishi), Coriolus versicolor (yun zhi) , Lentinus edodes (shiitake) from Mycelia company (Gent, Belgium)

Has anyone with EBV had success with mushroom?
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iherb code TAK122
Would that be 200mg combined or of each do you think?
might be on your list to try. Can you be our trial volunteer?


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@maryb. Why you volunteering me? Lol I took something with mushroom and had a bad reaction from it.

AHCC is made from mushrooms so it doesn't surprise me that Someone else says it helps. I think @heapsreal did a trial of AHCC and got no benefit.


Senior Member
I went through a bottle called mushroom 5 complex a couple years ago - don't know if it made any longterm difference.


Senior Member
So you have tried it for 1 month or 2? Are you EBV positive only?
Dr Lerner diagnosed me with persistent HHV6 about a year and a half later and started me on valcyte. Apparently I've never had EBV, i'm always sero negative.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Tried ahcc for several months with no difference . I have used another product which was a high dose combo of astragalus, shiitake and olive leaf extract with no improvement in cfs stuff but may have helped with colds etc


Senior Member
I am not sure if we can get much from a study like this. Can anybody access a non-paid version because the abstract doesn't give out the information it should.

How does this suggest prevention -- it suggests that taking it decreases the amount in the oral mucosa -- how do you get from that, to prevention? What exactly do they mean by prevention? Prevention of re-activation?

How did they get from their preliminary study to even discussing eradication of other viruses? This is not a good study at all judging by the poor abstract, poor study design. They really should have included a control group.

Also not disclosed on the abstract -- Dr. Bruno Donatini is the co-founder of the Mycoceutics company developing natural products from the forest. It's no wonder they are lookng at prolonged therapy.

That is a huge Conflict of Interest.

So what is the evidence for reishi -- there has been quite a bit of research:

anti-allergic/anti-inflammatory activity
-- anti-convulsive effects
-- improved immune function
-- possible hypoglemic effects
-- might positively enhance gut flora
-- and a few other things.

Some do seem to get positive effects from it -- how? I wonder if it's the anti-inflammatory activity or the improved immune function or both.


Senior Member
You are right @Kina, there is a conflict of interest that I didn't see but I think if he cofound a company specialized in mushrooms, I guess it means he believed in this therapy.

I ordered 5 types of mushrooms (Reishi, Shiitake, Yun Zhi, Maitake and Chaga) from a german company, if I won't improve, at least it's good for overall health.

I'll report here if I see any advancement.
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